
The One Promise

The story follows a man who reunites with one of his old high school friends that he hasn't seen since they graduated from high school. He supposed made a promise to her that she's never forgotten, but he ended up forgetting it. A tragic death of his friend takes place because of the promise he ends up forgetting. After the death of the person he loves, he wishes he could go back in time and change events so he could keep the one promise he made her, the promise that could change her life. "I made a promise to her...an important promise and I couldn't even keep it because I forgot it. I'm so stupid! Why..? Why did I have to forget. I have to fix this, no matter what."

UltimateWriter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Ground Zero

I got dressed and put on my favorite jacket then looked at myself in the mirror. I smirked at myself in the mirror and put on my jewelry then grabbed my phone. I noticed it was updating and sighed.

"I hate these damn automatic updates.." I said then noticed the update was finished in a matter of seconds.

[Update Complete! Hello, Hayden.]

I looked at my phone rose an eyebrow then heard my mom calling me. I put my phone in my pocket then grabbed my bag and rushed out of my room then slid down the rail of the stairs and landed on my feet.

"God, you took so long getting ready just to be wearing a black shirt, white pants and shoes with that white NOVA jacket. You seem excited to go to school so at least." My mom said and shrugged then grabbed her keys.

"You really need to get me my own car, Mom. That way you won't have to wait for me." I said then stretched.

"I'll think about it." Mom said then walked to the garage door.

I followed her and we went into the garage. We got in the car and she backed out of the garage and drove off. I took my phone out of my pocket and I didn't notice the system like message on my phone. I placed my phone back in my pocket then looked out the window. Within five minutes, we made it to my high school.

"Alright, let's try not to get into any fights this year alright?" My mom said then pinched my cheek.

"Yeah alright mom." I blushed slightly and pushed her hand away.

"I love you." She smiled.

I closed my eyes and rubbed the back of my head. "I love you too..."

She smiled and watched me get out of the car. I closed the door and looked at my high school. I held my bookbag around my shoulder then walked to the school. I had one airpod in my ear and listened to a bit of Playboy Carti.

"Yo Hayden!" A male called out to me.

I looked over and noticed a male with light brown hair, brown eyes, and trimmed facial hair. He had tattoos on his arms and a visible tattoo on a part of his neck. He wore a black hoodie, blue jeans, and brown timberland boots on his feet.

"Well, if it isn't Aden Houston." I said.

Aden smirked at me and ruffled my hair. "How was your summer lil bro? I bet you was giving your mother heart attacks left and right knowing your streak of popularity with the crowds and getting in trouble."

"Yeah like you weren't doing the same." I chuckled.

"It ain't a true reunion without me here." Another male walked up.

"Well well, if it ain't the vampire." Aden chuckled.

"Damn, Dracula. I didn't think you would make it your first day." I laughed.

"Yeah well fuck you both." Our friend chuckled.

Our friend was named Leonidas Alston. He had pale skin, dyed silver hair, icy blue eyes, and had multiple stud earrings on both his ears as well as lip piercings. He wore a black choker around his neck, rings on each of his fingers, and two black necklaces around his neck. He didn't wear a shirt underneath his black jacket, he wore black pants, and boots. He's 100% known as one of the hottest guys in school based on the girls who held that type of stuff, but because of his appearance he's also known as one of the scariest guys in school.

We all headed into the building and headed straight to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was full of new and familiar faces. It even had that familiar aroma of cleaning supplies and the sound of chatter filled the area. The three of us sat at our usual spot and I looked at my phone.

[How long are you going to ignore me?]

I looked at my phone and thought I was losing my mind. I used the keyboard to type back to the AI that was speaking to me directly.

Me: What is going on?

[I am you Personal System, Artificial Intelligence, whatever you wish to call me. What you are experiencing is a Time Phenomenon that not many get to experience, but you are the lucky few who gets to experience actual Time Travel.]

'Time Travel..?' I asked in my head.

Me: Time Travel? What the hell is going on?

[The way Courtney died was absolutely unacceptable. You deserve to die old with her, I mean you two obviously love each other to death. I am here to help you. I will be your tool in saving Courtney. If anything goes wrong, I'll just send you back to the last checkpoint I create.]

Me: This isn't a game!

[You are absolutely correct, this isn't a game. This shouldn't be treated as such. Things can go wrong and there is a certain limit. Such as I can only use my abilities for you and Courtney. Whatever happens to others doesn't matter. You want to save her and be with her, running off correct?]

Me: I mean...yeah. I promised her that I would save her. I don't plan on forgetting this time.

[Good. We come to an agreement. Just to recap, your job is to just live your life and be with Courtney, but don't be like...overtly creepy or anything like that. My job is to keep track with you and Courtney. I'll warn you if something goes wrong. I will only turn back time if Courtney falls in love with someone else and it's irreversible or if she dies. The same with you, I will only turn back time if you get hurt and it's irreversible at that moment. Just do your best, oh yeah also...your job is to also eliminate her father from the equation.]

I felt Aden pat my back. I looked at him and scratched the corner of my mouth. "What's up?"

"You had tunnel vision in your phone. Everything good? Your mom's not in trouble is she?" Aden asked.

"Pssh...Why do you care about my mom?" I asked.

"Because Miss Knight is one, fine as hell, and two she's a wonderful woman." Aden said.

"Bro.." I said.

"Nah, you're foul." Leonidas said and shook his head.

Aden chuckled and I shook my head as well. "Anyway, we gotta run it up this year. I'm trying to run up every party, everything bro. We have to turn the fuck up our Senior Year."

I looked at Aden and smiled then looked at my phone. "That's the plan. Run up every party this year and shit when prom hits, we about to run that up too."

"You ain't going to homecoming?" Leonidas asked.

"I might, but I don't yet. The last two homecomings have been pretty wack not because it was boring but because the music was genuinely ass." I said.

"Word." Aden said.

I looked ahead and noticed a beautiful woman with long light brown hair that extended down to her hips, light brown eyes, and a very pretty smile. She had a very slender, and beautiful body that any guy would go crazy for. She seemed to be new here and unfamiliar with the area. She sat down alone at a table and looked around.

[That's her. Courtney-Habilee Marshall. Remember we are starting from "Ground Zero" so be sure to leave a good first impression.]

"Damn she's kinda cute." Aden said.

"Yeah but we all know she isn't your type. She isn't edgy enough." Leonidas said.

"Says the one with the literal goth girlfriend." Aden said. "What's your verdict, Hayds?"

"I'm gonna go talk to her." I said.

"Damn first day and you already trying to sweep a chick off her feet? My man, we gonna be rootin' for you." Aden said.

"You better." I smiled and stood up. I walked over to Courtney and straightened jacket then ran my hand through my hair, stroking my hair backwards. I sat beside her and she looked at me. "Hey, name's Hayden. I noticed that you seemed to be new here."

"Yeah, I am actually new here." She smiled and fiddled with her backpack zipper. "My name is Courtney. It's really nice to meet you."

I smiled at her and looked around. "Just a heads up around here, this school can get a little chaotic especially with me around here."

"Oh? You rule the school or something?" Courtney asked.

"Shit...I am one of the big dogs at the school. Highly respected." I said.

Courtney admired my arrogance and confidence within myself. "Wow, you're really full of yourself huh?"

I looked at her and smirked. "I mean...is it a bad thing to be?"

"I mean if that's your character then I don't know. Just be careful, most girls don't like men like you." Courtney said and looked at me up and down.

"Oh? You have more sass to you than I originally expected." I chuckled.

"Let's just say, I've dealt with a lot of boys like you." She said then straightened my jacket. "Boys who thinks arrogance is the key to a woman's heart..~"

I looked at her and chuckled softly. "Looks like you're more than a sweet face after all. I think we will get along just fine."

Courtney smiled and shrugged as she still fiddled with her backpack zipper.

"Yo she's kinda feeling him isn't she?" Aden asked.

"Yeah. I feel like she's really digging him." Leonidas said.

Courtney and I talked to each other for a bit longer. She wrote down her Instagram then handed it to me and I gratefully took it. I stood up after talking to her and went back to my friends. I sat with them once again with a smirk on my face. They looked at me and wondered what the results were. "Heh...Instagram secured."

"Already?! Damn you were there for like only ten minutes! How did you secure the gram that fast?" Aden asked.

"Shit, when you got charm like mine, anything is possible." I chuckled.

"My man." Leonidas said and chuckled.

The bell rang and we all got up to head to our homeroom class. We left the cafeteria and the three of us walked down the halls together. We split ways after reaching a certain wing and I walked to my classroom. I walked inside the classroom and sat at a desk then looked at my phone. A few more students began to roll in and I looked up noticing Courtney walking in the classroom. She noticed me and waved at me then walked over to sit next to me at the group of desks.

"Looks like we have the same homeroom...I guess fate does has favorites." She smiled at me.

"I guess fate does." I chuckled and looked at her.

Now that I have this chance to start new, I have a better chance at preventing her suicide. I had to make the most of this as I possibly could. I mentally prepared myself and had a good feeling about keeping this specific promise even if I knew there we can going to be challenges getting in the way.