

"FOR the past three months, we had all been working hard for this movie.  Many of you might have been stressed out.  Probably mostly because of me.  I know how infuriating I could be during filming," Director Trevane said with a joking tone.  Everyone around responded with a laugh.  "But you all pulled through and did your best to make this movie the best that it could be.  So, for everyone in the cast and crew, as well as every staff who we'd worked with, this toast is for you!"

The director raised the goblet of wine he was holding and then drank it.  The cast and crew also raised their goblets and rank whatever alcohol was in there. 

"So, for tonight, let's all drink and eat to our heart's content!" Director Trevane once again raised the glass of wine and drank it.

The crowd then applauded.

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