
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasi
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143 Chs

the Number Five volume twenty Six

Also black leather paints, I gave her a confusing look. Her reply with my look was as expected from her '' it's all I have left", after her sentence left that when it hit me that me and her can relate to each other because right now she is all I have in this world. Dashing to the door Jenifer quickly opened the door leading the hallway. The halls were very bland, just white walls around each corner, all of sudden walls changed before my eyes. We made it in a room where there was a very large table sitting in the Middle. That little girl was bouncing up and down on the bench that they used for chairs. Both of them brought out a giant pot, steam was pouring out of it. The warm water they promised was placed in the middle of the table, and the other woman brought out another large pot filled with rice. The plates were placed in the faces of the kids and me. The plates were very flimsy; they would fold if too much pressure was placed on top of it. Both women started placing the water inside of the cups on the right side of the plates. As one of the women poured the water she promised,the water being poured out was still boiling. Once the last plate was filled,kids started chowing down on the food. I began doing the same action as the children were doing, I noticed that in this place the kids were dirty. Also unkempt their faces didn't show that side of their life it showed enjoyment. In that moment my face down an expression I haven't done since my first time meeting Five. After I was taken into the place where I experienced true agony, two Auos took me to a wide arena. Where a child no older than the age of 9 was there, both bones in his arms were poking through his skin. Blood dripped down onto the floor, his stench was foul making me gag. The child was smiling while enduring the pain, after I entered the room and was placed in a group of adults. Two of the Auos grab the kid and throw him onto the ground, stripping him of his clothes. While being flung across the room the adults cheered and clasped and this child was being used as an old rag. I looked behind me to look away from the horrible use of a child.I noticed that there was a wine bottle on ice with glasses filled with wine. A lot of screamers were coming in the direction of where the kid was, while his screams filled the room.It was quickly concealed by the laughter and cheers by the adults that have been celebrating that abuse of the kid. I asked the adults " why abuse one child?He has nothing to do with our drop in population?". Grabbing the arm of the closet adult hoping that me doing so would stop the freak show. The adult arm that I was holding onto began to tense up, the adult dropped his knees to speak to me on my level. " Listen little girl!Remember that warrior Adamsin. When he lost control, I leashed his wrath upon the eight countries. Well that boy has the same ability that Adamsin had and we want to.A. stop that from happening ever again,B. Break this boy's spirit so he can never raise a finger against us because of the fear that we implied onto him". The look in the man's eyes meant that what they were saying was true, I heard stories of the man they called Adamsin. Apparently he stood toe to toe against any military and or God, goddess. The odds were always in his favor but after ten long years of reign he was finally Perished. After the death of Adamsin, countries all over the world celebrated the death of him, besides the land of Daragain. The birth of the hometown of Adamsin, I was told stories of him thinking that his power was just a myth,or a giant hoax. Apparently the power of Adamsin was inside of the poor child's body. They went trying to use it as a weapon which to me made perfect sense, they wanted to break the will of the child so that he would never. Be in touch with that part of him, make him be in constant fear of the people around him, making him think to himself that he is useless. I thought that what they were doing was an outlandish idea, so I started to wrap my head around the idea. But a hand of a man explaining it hits across my face leaving a red mark on it. As I'm standing there dumb founded as to what just happened, the grin of the child being abused matched the situation at hand. Certain moments you have in life when you realize that somebody deserves, to go through torture I hope that this kids burns for giving me a smirk. I grabbed a bottle from the ice bucket,rushing over the child whose spine was compressed. His head was hanging down looking at the floor, I put the bottle of wine onto his forehead lifting it up. The man who was torturing this kid put his hand on my whispering into my ear. " Hello, 35. You remember your Mother,Father and little brother. You remember the man who whipped out three fourths of your country. Will that man's ability have been passed down to this child? What we are doing is forcing us to come out." Past memories of my family's body parts laid across the land, the kids' voice was beginning to give out. " Just do as they tell you, I know you see me as a kid but in this situation for you to survive see me as they do. So!, Fucking hit me. Make me bleed for their enjoyment!. My hands were shaking due to the situation I was faced with knowing that this kid knows what needs to be done for him to survive. I reared back smashing the bottle breaking it on impact. Pieces of glass were logged into his eyes and forehead. With that final action against him he collapsed, the others came and stood with me. The abuserses stood behind the kids body, both of his hands pointing at his lifeless body, " people of this room, this child's name while forever be Five". The nearest adult spoke out to kill the silence ' why that name, how about mark?, Or something that resembles a human being". " The abuser started laughing, placing his shoe onto the throat of Five.