
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasi
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143 Chs

The Number Five volume twenty Nine

His voice was shattered whenever he speaks about Marcus. I just ate my lunch in private, another plate placed beside it. The person who placed themselves beside Steve was Anna. I gave Anna a confused look, she took a glance at my expression. Then she said," Steve is my Boyfriend". My expression changed after this information was leaked. The interaction between Steve and Anna made no sense, on why Steve was abusing her. I left the table without saying anything to Anna or Steve. While walking away from them I started to wonder what Steve meant by more distant. "How come you've known him for a whole year living with him!?," Tapping of his feet stopped after the question left my lips. " I don't need to know more about him after what he has done to me."He got up from the table out of frustration. While leaving the table Anna followed as if she was a lost puppy. While standing in the middle of the cafeteria, my reactions towards Steve. Was not because of his lack of attention,but because of my lack of focus on Five. I made my way to the exit dumping my leftover food which was nothing but crumbs I couldn't get with my utensils. I quickly left the school. I had no reason to stay there after class, at the entrance of the school was Anna. I approached Anna. My mind was still on Steve on how his acting was much different than what he was being accused of. I was still uncertain of Marcus,before I could think of anything else. Anna pulled my arm tugging me with her, her touch did not match with the rest of her body. While tagging along with Anna walking down the street, store's appeared from each corner of my eyes.She let go of me and she stepped In Front of the door of this giant store. Her arms shake out of excitement.pointing her arms " this is where smiles and laughter are made until we come to the realization of our world". Anna sprinted inside giggling all the way inside, the doors closed before me. I was stunned as to what to do about the situation, I faced the other way.Just admiring the atmosphere of this new area.While taking my time thinking of what to do, this new feeling was a horrific feeling. Before I could see where Anna went, these two people came from where Anna wandered off too. It was a little girl clinging onto the guy that was holding her up. The way both of them were smiling seemed to me that this place was made for enjoyment. A glance at the faces of the couple showed me the person I've been looking for. For the past four months, once I saw the red and clear eyes I knew that it was Five. His face did not resemble his original self, I hid behind the corner thinking of a way to show myself to him. As I waited for Five, I knew that I had to come off as non hostile towards him. The shadows started to form as they came closer to my direction. I decided to wait until they passed me to make myself known. As they passed by me there was only one way to make sure that I was right about him. " Long time no see,Five!"He stopped in tracks , hands trembling after my response. The girl that was clinging onto him entered a sacred conversation. " Do you know this person Marcus?"I was at a loss of words on this new persona that Five developed. We just stood there in complete silence. The little girl broke the silence," well since you know Marcus,and you don't seem like a total bitch. Would you like to have dinner with us?". I was stunned not at the question but the way the little girl talked towards me. It was as she was defending five, I started directly into Five chest where I knew the brand was placed. " I would love it too", Five's face was plastered to the street to say that he was disgusted by my appearance. The girl pulled Five forward at a brisk pace. While following them I saw a black car in the parking lot, we continued down the sidewalk. Four months ago these too random men in black suits came to the orphanage. The kids were eating, and one of the sisters gave the men a tour of the house. While giving a tour of the house, I overheard them talking about a certain child they were looking for. While they were talking to the Adults, I caught a glimpse of a handgun on the side of their hip. They made their way in our direction pulling out a piece of paper with a no colored photo. I read the paper " age 15, height 6'0, weight 90 pounds. Name: Five". After I read the name I knew that I had to keep quiet about my knowledge of him. I shook my head giving them an answer like I didn't know him. About an hour after they left Anna pulled me over to the front of the house. " Let's head to the mall and window shop", I gave her a hasty reply." Yeah", while walking to the mall the images of Five laying on the being in danger again. While heading towards the mall. I knew that I had to find a sense of income that could provide me with my search for Five. The mall was a huge square building, once we entered the place. Stores were on each side of the building. We walked around the mall looking through the glass. The first place we looked at had a weird statue with clothing on it. The statue was wearing skinny black jeans, with a blue collared shirt and a white scarf around its neck. Anna admired the clothing on the statue. I was looking at Anna from afar wondering what's the fun of doing that. Curiosity took the best of me so I made my way to her. I tapped her on the shoulder and she looked at me then back at the statue. " Clothes are a beautiful shield from the harsh reality,same goes for makeup. Makeup can cover up the sad truth". It took me a moment to realize what she was talking about. Then I looked at where she comes from when you wear nice clothing it can shield the situations that you are dealing with. Makeup can cover up the ones that show up on the surface, she got up from the ground. As if what she said was nothing to bat an eye at continuing down the mall. we stopped at this one store where Anna was the most excited for. She dashed inside the store I nervously followed her in, which appeared in front of me. Clothing hanging on racks Anna was folding through. She grabbed a dark red coat with fur inside and " put it on" . I went with the flow even though it was out of my comfort zone. I had to get those men out of my mind somehow, while trying on the coat. A horrific scream came across the store,followed by a voice that was offended. " You're some god damn freak", after that a strange individual came from the room. I tracked the individual out of the store with my eyes. Waiting outside were two females, the smallest one was comforting the stranger. I just brushed it off as if nothing was happening, I turned back to where the coats were located. While we were browsing through we heard wheels on the concrete floor. a weakened voice behind alerted attention " hello young ladies, do you need any help?". As I looked to see who spoke to us I met with a woman who matched the same clothing as the doc. I was confused as to what I was looking at, her hand slowly raised up to start to point downwards. Following the hand down leading to an older woman In a wheelchair. I measured him up and down to try and guess what was wrong with her. On her left titty was her name and it read " billing berg".