
The Novels Fate

“In this world morals is just a belief we all immerse ourselves in as those who ignore such emotions follow a predetermined path to victory” ———————————————————— I was a typical novel enthusiast living a everyday normal life until a car hit me during police chase Oh well didn’t really have much to live for “This.. can’t be right?” Well yes it can be It’s what I like to say ‘fate being a bitch’ I was transmigrated into the world where fate truly takes control It’s also the very same novel I wrote a low star review about how it was wasted potential The whole plot was about how the protagonist and his party suffer the ‘inevitable’ end as fate intervenes and they all die at the end due to ‘plot’ The novel was filled with war, magic, conflict, basically a jumble of uncoordinated genres I was transmigrated into the body of the side villain used as a stepping stone for the protagonist and his party. Jade Lockeheart the disowned member of the prestigious Lockeheart family. “Fuckkk, if this novel is really all about fate I am not going to survive as my fate is to die by the hands of the protagonist!” Jade Lockeheart was a despicable human being who mostly everybody resented and would be after “Well, I never liked fate anyways. I’ll change my fate and change the fate of this whole world” ==================== (Disclaimer: Caution while reading is greatly suggested. Get comfortable and immerse yourself into this novel filled with twist and turns that may have you falling of your seat) I do not own the image that i have used ———————————————————- Note: The Mc is not a villain or a Justice minded individual, so don’t expect an edgy or heroic mc

SilentDeath · Fantasi
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One of the main key features of the novel [Inevitable fate] was the world building

The novel relied on its plot of and world building to carry on and illustrate the story in an efficient manner

yet it still was filled with huge plot holes

The novels genre follows a modern fantasy/magic and slightly sci-fi setting where earth and its inhabitants 'humans' evolved to take their place to survive

It all started due to the cliché plot of invasion of the Earth. Rifts started appearing breaking through space and time in numerous places throughout the whole globe in the year 2027.

The rifts stayed there for a numerous amount of years as humanity was wary on what this unknown power appearing on the world would eventually cause

In the year 2028 in late afternoon Humanoid beings with pale greyish purple or red skin started exiting from the rifts. These beings were known as demons. The main aspect of what these demons had was the horns on their head. The larger and more horns a demon had the more higher ranking it was

The hostile humanoid race known as Demons wanted earth for itself for unknown reasons but humanity being humanity, we fought back which was the beginning where it all started. A full blown war

Humanities population has decreased by 30% in the first few years of the war.

humanity did fight back, unlike in other novels, modern day technology worked very well in the war. nuclear weapons wrecked havoc throughout the war while the demons used some sort of similar technology back.

Demons used a variety of different toxins and gases to fight while humanity used manpower and explosives which created an extremely chaotic battlefield.

This caused destruction to numerous countries and even wiping them entirely out from the face of the earth. Humanity needed to combine in strength and work together

Demons had superior technology but yet humanity still was holding up. Demons had better physical features making them more intellectually smarter and stronger than humans.

The war was slightly leaning towards a stalemate as both sides both dealt significant damage to one another

This was humanities era as their determination and hope skyrocketed as the feeling of coming out victorious was within their grasp

Unfortunately a series of events took place that will soon cause humanities downfall

A gargantuan rift appeared on earth as a massive battle ship exited it. On the ship was multiple High ranking demon generals and the ruler of them all, The Demon King

The Demon King came back with knowledge of power which changed course of the whole war. They found out how to use this unknown power called 'mana'

Mana was this spiritual energy that resonated throughout basically everywhere in the whole universe but where it was most concentrated was Earth.

Earth has a vast amount of concentrated mana in the atmosphere or even in the earth itself. It was a goldmine for the Demons who now solely relied on mana in the war

The Demon king slowly started teaching its race how to use mana

Mana is used to create magical spells that if strong enough, could rival the power of nuclear warheads, currently humanities strongest weapon.

Mana is used to produce fire, water, electricity, control gravity, move at the speed of light. Literally just name anything and you can basically do it using mana.

Demons using mana caused humanity to have a massive disadvantage as their supplies were diminishing but demons has endless amount of mana in the atmosphere to use against the humans

Basically in simple words, Humanity was fucked.

The population decreased up to 75% of its previous population. Their fighting power was rapidly decreasing

As the demons were now celebrating their near victory

Another series of events happened that was very very fortunate for humanity

A series of rifts breaking open time and space started appearing throughout the whole world once again. But this time it came with more friendly visitors and not from just one race

The races revealed themselves as Elves, Dragonairs and Dwarves

Elves were basically similar to humans but had way more beautiful features to them while also being very versatile using mana. They had larger mana capacity than the rest while they used an old fashioned bow to use in the battlefield. Old as it may be, it was effective.

Dwarves were slightly smaller than the average human but with their small size came monstrous strength and many ways of creating and using weapons. While they had no idea how to use mana to create spells or attacks themselves they do however know how to imbue mana into weapons making them a formidable force

Dragonairs were the more aggressive but very prideful race which looked down upon the other races. They had humanoid body with scales covering most of it. What gave them a massive upper hand was their wings that they could use to maneuver through the battlefield. They also had a very chaotic way of using mana which usually resulted in heavy destruction in the battlefield

The races have came to Earth to take refuge as their home planets were destroyed by the Demon kings army.

Humanity having no other options gladly accepted their allegiance to push back the demon army

With the power of the dwarves mana imbued weapons and Elves teaching mana to humans. Humanity now had a fighting chance in the war which greatly helped them in the long run. This wasn't even taking account of the Dragonairs destructive force wiping out multiple army bases of the demon army.

The war lasted another few decades until the outcome of the war was finally near. The demon army was finally losing and humanity slowly pushed them back to their posts.

The demon king finally admitted defeat as it was basically a 4v1 as 4 different races who were against him were coming out victorious. The demon army decided it was best to retreat for now and went back to the rifts

They left a few parting words of "just you inferior races wait" which sent a chill down the other races spines as another war was not something they were looking forward to but in the end the war was now finally over and peace regained its place in the world.

Well for now at least

The different races took their places on earth as dwarves took claim of the underground, elves took claim of the forests and nature of the world and Dragonairs took claim to the high mountains creating a civilization up there.

Overall this whole fiasco lasted 400 years until everybody was now comfortable in their own territories. Humans started rebuilding their economy with the help of this new found power called mana, this greatly enhanced their technology by miles.

This was all set in stone 2000 years before the main timeline of the novel. In the current modern day every race was now united with extremely enhanced technology ranging between self thinking robots and teleportation devices, etc.

however all this hard earned peace was now yet to be destroyed once again..