
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

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62 Chs

Special Class (1)

After I was done giving the telekinesis book to Monica, I decided to give Ray a visit.

We went through the usual process of me finding him and going up to his office.

As always Ray was grumpy at the fact that I revealed his disguise so easily but after witnessing me finding 500 contractors, I don't think he cares anymore.

"So what do you want?", He asked.

"Hmm, I wonder"

"Just say it, kid"

"Hehe, I want 5 grimoires for each main talent of swordsman, spearman, archer, gunner, and magician"



"Are you crazy?!"

"It should cost you around 25 billion in the black market, shouldn't it?"

"...I mean yeah but do you know how much work I need to put in just to get those?"

"Not much"

Ray then let out a sigh and started to rub his eyebrows, but he soon reacted after I threw something at his face.

"An orb?", He asked in a confused tone.

"Increases the growth of plants, should get you around 100 billion if you trade with the elves"

After hearing my words, Ray's jaw dropped and he started to look at the orb as if it was some sort of holy grail.

But I wanted to break his awe and moments of joy by telling him that I needed a teleportation skill.

Ray once again became tired but accepted my request.

And now, most preparations for the creation of heroes were made.

Previously, I had already gotten the gloves once again and also went to the bookstore and stole the 2 martial arts found inside.

I also went to the dungeon me and Alicia went to previously and got the book of accuracy and the spear, while also allowing Baggy to get another undead lord.

I also got the grimoire for better vision, [The Hawk], in the library and the knives of shi from the blacksmith.

In the end, I also got the elixir of growth, as I thought that maybe some magician would need it in the near future.

Using shadow I returned to the academy undisturbed and sneaked inside the special classroom to see what was going on.

From what I could see, I noticed that most of the others apart from the 3 main characters currently in the room, seemed unsure and unconfident with themselves being in this class.

Monica was also introducing herself and explaining the future curriculum for the class, also informing them about the mandatory training in the mornings.

She also took out the grimoire I had previously given her and started to explain that it would give the talent of telekinesis to whoever got it.

All students seemed interested apart from Noel and Arthur, as they were already practicing the sword making the telekinesis talent kind of useless for them.

But I could see that Ciel was paying great attention to Monica, as she was known to be a magic addict.

Monica explained, that the way to get the grimoire was only available to those that didn't have a talent, which made Ciel quite sad.

She also explained that the one that would be getting the talent was the student with the highest magic stat in the class.

"Unfortunately, we only have this book to give out, courtesy from the headmaster"

But before she could say anything else, I revealed myself and appeared right to the left of Monica.

Although she was startled at first, she had already gotten used to me appearing out of nowhere so she calmed down pretty fast.

"Is there anything you need, headmaster?"

"Nothing really important, I just wanted to tell the others that there was no need to worry about not getting the telekinesis talent as other grimoires will be delivered to the academy soon enough"

In my words, every student in the class was quite surprised, of course, except for Noel and Arthur.

Ciel who seemed to be the most excited soon raised her hand.

"Yes, Ciel"

"I wanted to ask if there will be any other telekinesis grimoires being delivered"

"Hmm, Unfortunately, that will not be the case, as the telekinesis talent is extremely rare, and finding another grimoire wouldn't be easy"

"I see...", She said in a saddened tone.

"But if you wish for it, I can probably try and look one for one, just for you"


"Yes, of course, any student from the special class, can ask for anything from me and I will always try to get such items for you"

It was then that Angelica shily raised her hand.


"I wanted to ask if we could ask for money?", She said while staring at her desk in embarrassment.

From my previous life, I remembered that Angelica's living conditions weren't the best and that some of her family members were ill.

"Of course", I responded with a smile.


"Yes, but there is another thing that will come from each request that you guys will make, and that is extra training and classes"


"I'm not joking, as long as you complete extra training to become stronger you will be rewarded"

The students both seemed suspicious and excited at the thought of getting anything just from extra training, but it wouldn't be that easy, as it would be training with Monica.

And just from my past life, I could already remember the days in which I would get thrown at the walls of the training ground repeatedly every single day.

"Ah, and another message, I currently had hands-on 2 martial art skills, one for assassination and one for hand to hand combat, that will be as effective as a talent but have a more rapid growth"

"What?!", Many students exclaimed at my words, but giving them no time to rest, I began to explain more things that left them all in shock.

"I also hold 2 grimoires, with skills that increase vision and accuracy, another set of knives which I use that are graded (S) to give out to the telekinesis user, a hat similar to the one I'm wearing that will help your brain process anything graded (SS-), a pair of gloves that are an evolution artifact that increases mana control the more monsters you kill graded (S-), an elixir that will increase all potential talents to (C), and a spear that increases damage against demons graded (A+) for anyone who wishes to become a spearman"

Everyone was in shock but I soon realized a mistake that I had made.

'Why did I mention their grades, I forgot this world could only appraise till (A+).'

"Did you mention (S-) and up, graded artifacts?"

'I have to think of an excuse.'


"Yes, they were made by dwarves from what I heard, and they had given these items these gradings but I'm not sure if they are exactly accurate", I said with great composure.

I could see that most of the students understood and accepted the fact but Ciel who still seemed to have suspicions of something questioned me if that was indeed the truth.

"Well, you can see that I have two sets of each item", I said while taking out two boxes of knives, another beret hat, and some gloves while showing the ones I had on.

"Ah, I see", Ciel said, after accepting that they were indeed crafted.

From my memories of the novel, I remembered that Ciel was always a questioning character that would do anything to satisfy her doubts at any moment.

"Oh, and something important, please think about what talent you wish to obtain as, you will only be offered one talent per student"

Since I didn't have anything else to say, I decided to return to the shadows after saying goodbye to the students.

[Making the same mistakes?]

'Quiet down, will you? I can at least defend myself against anyone if they wish to approach.'

[I guess]

'It's going to be quite tiring, getting resources for all of these students.'

[You act as if you don't ask Ray to get you everything you need]

'So? I still do work.'


After hiding in the shadows, I decided to put all my artifacts away and use my skill, [Two Faced], to change back to my normal appearance.

And not long after that, I went to visit mom and Emma and decided to stay with them for the next 3 days.

I did leave a note that said, I had to go away as something urgent came up, but I was still spammed with messages from the teachers.

Ignoring all of them, I went to the bookstore and was greeted by Emma, who was happily running around the house.

Mom also came to greet me and I played around with Emma, as she prepared breakfast for all of us.

"Kei, how long will you be staying?", Mom asked.

"Um, for about 3 to 4 days"

"That's great"

Although I did enjoy abusing my powers and looking at everyone's surprised faces when they found out about what I possessed, my family was still the best thing to have in this new life.