
The New Crewmate - A One Piece Fanfic

Follow the story of orphan Asura.D.Leon a young man from Goat island as he travels the world of one piece.

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3 Chs

Chapter 2- As time goes & Leaving

It has been about six months since Coby went missing while fishing, I asked the mayor if he has any news but he said that some people either leave the village for a better town like Loguetown or a kingdom so they will be safer. I try to tell him that Coby is not the most confident kid and he would not leave without saying goodbye but the mayor was adament that Coby went to another village and he is fine. The only good thing is that this has sparked my drive to get stronger and master a weapon and then go to sea and find my friend. I am good with my fists and legs and I am very fast when I want to be but I really want to specialist in some sort of weapon. After some thinking I decided to go with a staff because it was the only thing you could really get on goat island because they do not really have weapons and the alvida pirates will kill anyone who has weapons when the show up each year. I have a white staff with circle ⭕ on each end, more like a rod with circle on the end. I am pretty good with it but training by yourself can only do so much.

Bridget the goat is just a terror as always but she also seems to miss Coby. The people of this village do not really care that Coby is missing because the mostly think he has either gotten the Courage to go join the marines or he is dead. That kind of thinking is very cold hearted but the village has to look out for itself so it does not care what happens after someone leaves the village.

I have decided to head out to sea in six months and have already started trying to build my own little boat. it is pretty awful but some of the old builder said it will be able to get to the next island to start my quest in finding Coby. as long as I know he is alright then my guilty conscience for not being there when he disappeared will finally lift.

I started learning all I could about the outside world. the only good thing about goat village is the always keep bounties and the newspaper from new to old. So I learnt of some of the pirates and marines who I have to watch out for. The most interesting thing I have learnt about is devil fruits. they are these fruit that give you amazing power but curse you so you cannot swim. There is not much information on devil fruits but from what I read buggy the clown pirate should have eaten a devil fruit because of his so called immortality. I am not against eating a devil fruit but you would just hope it is not an awful ability like a shit shit fruit or something stupid like that.

I am sitting on a hill patting Bridget when I finally found her she was trying to rally the sheep who live up here to steal the food from the villager.... I think..... She was being suspicious watching them I am not crazy.

"only six months Bridget untill I never see you again and go on the best adventure ever" I say with a wide smile and Bridget react to headbutting me and sending me flying down the hill and starts running away.

The next day I head to one of the fishing boats (the fishermen let you hire out the boat for half of your catch. it is bad but what can you do) I am walking up the boat when I hear two people talking "I know I cannot believe Coby got on a pirate boat instead of the the fishing boat, I hope the boy is okay". "Remember the mayor said we cannot tell Leon because he is afraid that Leon will search for the Alvida pirates and get himself killed". I sigh when I overheard them because now I know who has Coby or at least seen him. it seems I will be going earlier then I assumed. After the day fishing and catching six fish. (having to give three up the bastarddds.) I go into the Forest and pick some fruits(alot of fruits his a D) and start cooking my fish.

After cooking and eating my food I head back to my cabin. it is just a basic cabin with a hammock inside and some blankets all in it. I grab a backpack and start packing some fishing supplies clothes, food and some Beli into my bag. I have above 6000 Beli saved up from my life so far. I make sure I have my staff which is just sitting leaned up next to the wall. after everything is sorted out I lay in my hammock thinking about Coby and next adventure.

As the sun shines into the cabin I am already getting ready to leave I have my backpack over one arm and my staff across another. Walking to the boat I built I hopped in and put my backpack in the corner and took one last look out at goat island. I did not bother saying bye to the mayor because I am still annoyed at him for keeping alvida pirates a secret even though I know why he did it. While looking at goat island I see Bridget staring down at me with a devious smile which makes me get out quicker to sea. it is fitting her smile is the last thing I remember out the island I grow up.

The information I have been learning is enough for me to get to one place to another. the first I am going is the marine base in Shells Town is the only one recorded in goat island. I need information about where the alvida pirates move about if I am going to find Coby and save him from being a slave...if he is even alive.

As goat island gets Futher and Futher away from my sight. I finally understand that this is the start of my first adventure.