
Penetrating Sword vs Thrusting Spear

The Celestial Divine Immortal Heaven World was the peak realm of its reality. Because all peak realms by definition had to be epic, the Celestial Divine Immortal Heaven World was insanely big. Small mountains the size of Earth and large mountains the size of Jupiter. Lakes which could fit Earth's solar system and oceans the size of the Milky Way galaxy.

The beasts of the world were likewise titanic. Plankton the size of whales and whales the size of… really big things that ate the whale sized plankton. There were also dinosaurs which could trample modern cities with one step. These reptilian beasts would make Godzilla their play things. Even the really big Godzilla from the 2017 and 2018 anime, let alone the Godzilla from that 1998 film.

Truly biologists and physicists from Earth would cry at the science-defying creatures that roamed this science-defying world. How did such creatures not get crushed under the weight of their own bodies especially considering the gravity present on such a stupidly big planet? How did they intake enough oxygen and food to power their cellular respiration and what happened to all their poop? Thankfully, this was an alternate dimension, so this author doesn't have to explain how all this evolved.

The only beings on this world which were of a normal size, were the humans. Of course, due to how dangerous the Celestial Divine Immortal Heaven World was, even the weakest of these humans was godlike in their constitution. In fact, even the lowest beggar had reached the Immortal Realms of Cultivation. That's right, even the most useless human in the Celestial Divine Immortal Heaven World would be a peak expert in other worlds.

This universe's cultivation levels were split into Mortal Realms and Immortal Realms. The Mortal Realms were; Pre-Cultivation, Core, Aura, Nascent Soul and Domain. While the Immortal Realms will be listed out at a later chapter when this author decides on what they should be called.

In order to make things even more complicated and bolster the main character's sense of achievement, each Realm was divided into six stages; Initiating, Condensing, Establishing, Stabilising, Purifying and Peaking.

Needless to say, it was common knowledge that those of a higher Stage would tend to dominate those of a lower Stage. While those of a higher Realm would almost surely annihilate those of a lower Realm. Only true geniuses could hope to defeat a serious opponent of a higher Realm. As for a Mortal Realm cultivator beating an Immortal Realm cultivator, the thought was simply laughable. In fact, this author had to take a half an hour break from writing in order to laugh at the suggestion.

The difference between the Immortal Realm and the Mortal Realm was like the difference between Heaven and Earth. Or the difference between the super-heated plasma of a star and the warm gas of a fart. Even a really warm and slightly wet fart, that one might get after a night of eating spicy food and drinking cheap wine, was still merely a warm gassy discharge and could not compare to the all devouring heat of a star.

In one of the valleys within the Celestial Divine Immortal Heaven World, stood a tall, heroic looking man with fierce brows the color of snow. This man was none other than General With Fierce Brows The Color Of Snow. One of his kingdoms top three martial arts master.

Facing off against him was a similarly tall and heroic looking man. A famed warrior from a rival kingdom. This enemy was known as Villain Who Lusted After Other Men's Women. He was famous for being a villain who lusted after other men's women. Usually he got away with it. But this time, he had targeted the wrong woman. The true love of General With Fierce Brows The Color Of Snow.


The killing intent from the two combatants was so intense that this author had to write the onomatopoeia of two clashing metal weapons in order to convey its intensity.













Their killing intent clashed another dozen times. Then the two combatants got serious. Each immediately opening with a killer move.

General With Fierce Brows The Color Of Snow brought out his massively thick ding. Using hand signs that would make a double-jointed Naruto fan drool with envy, the General groaned as a massive river of ice and flame ejaculated forth from his ding. This was his ultimate long ranged attack known as The Yin and Yang River of Grand Alchemy Ice and Fire.

Not to be outdone, Villain Who Lusted After Other Men's Women, also took out his ding. Which while not as big as the General's ding, was still intimidating with numerous coppery veins along its entire form. He too used hand signs that would bring a Naruto fan to orgasm. His impressive ding spurted out nine globs of liquid as his signature ranged attack; Binding The Nine Heavens With Sorrow, came into play.


The sound created as the two attacks collided, was so powerful and indescribable, that this author had no idea which onomatopoeia to use. Instead using the all powerful # symbol in lieu of a better sound effect.

The General's Yin and Yang River of Grand Alchemy Ice and Fire froze and burned the globs of liquid. While at the same time, the Villain's Binding The Nine Heavens With Sorrow, tried to contain the energies of the twin souled river.

In the end the ice and flame river broke through the other man's resistance.

"Aah!" squealed Villain Who Lusted After Other Men's Women, as his body was violated by the other man's assault.

He spat out some life blood, using his internal vitality to strengthen his escape techniques. Although successful in disentangling himself from the General's attack, the Villain had clearly lost on the first exchange.

However, he had his honour to uphold and so did not retreat. Instead reaching down to unsheathe his sword and slash forward with his ultimate melee attack; Slashing The Nine Heavens With Sorrow.

General With Fierce Brows The Color Of Snow was ready for the move. Grasping his thick spear in both hands, he unleashed his own ultimate melee attack; The Yin and Yang Conversion Strike.


A second powerful and indescribable clash rang out. So powerful was the impact that both men had their high quality, protective armor ripped off their bodies. Exposing perfectly toned naked bodies.

Grrr! Grrr!

The two heroic men pushed against each other's rigid weapons with all their might. Neither was willing to concede.

The two men disengaged and launched attack after attack against each other. Their naked skin glistened with sweet, that also lubricated their firm, bulging muscles.

A thousand kilometres away, Green Peach Maiden watched the two men battle. Inspired to record their movements in a passionate story. In order to hide their true identities, she entitled the story; Penetrating Sword vs Thrusting Spear.

In the end, the conflict was won by General With Fierce Brows The Color Of Snow. Who managed to use his Yin and Yang Conversion Strike to give Villain Who Lusted After Other Men's Women a sex-change operation. Freed from his/her masculine libido, Villain Who Lusted After Other Men's Women changed his/her name to Hero Who Protected Her Fellow Women. His/her stories would eventually become fabled tales which showed that even a villain could reform.

After winning the contest of naked power, General With Fierce Brows The Color Of Snow leaped towards his one true love; Princess With Skin Like Jade Number 532C. That's right, Green Peach Maiden wasn't his true love. Merely one serving girl whom the General frolicked with.

Of course, none of this was known to the main character.

Instead, the now small embryo which was Robert, was diligently cultivating. He had previously reached Pre-Cultivation Peaking and was a mere quarter step from the Core Realm. That's right, quarter step, which was even closer than half-step.

Regrettably, he had been stuck at a bottleneck. Fortunately, the battle between the two experts had unleashed wild energies into the surrounding. Embryonic Robert drew this qi into himself. Allowing him to breakthrough into the Core Realm. Then rapidly ascend through that Realm's stages.

- Pre-Cultivation Peaking to Core Initiating.

Multi-coloured gas clouds began to gather at Robert's diantian.

- Core Initiating to Core Condensing

The gas clouds took the form of a gassy ball.

- Core Condensing to Core Establishing.

The gassy ball solidified into a liquid ball.

- Core Establishing to Core Stabilising.

The liquid ball solidified into a solid ball.

- Core Stabilising to Core Purifying.

The multicoloured ball gradually leaked the other colours, eventually becoming a smaller, pure gold ball.

- Core Purifying to Core Peaking.

Robert reached the peak of power of the Core Realm. His body had become physically perfect.

Unfortunately, this was the limit provided by energies he'd absorbed. However, Robert still achieved much. Although only at the Core Realm, embryonic Robert was already ahead of other Celestial Divine Immortal Heaven World embryos. Most of whom didn't start cultivating until the third trimester. When their mothers would start ingesting alchemy herbs like million year old ginseng, to bring their future babies' cultivation level to the Immortal Realm.

Even as an embryo, Robert was showing signs of being a genius cultivator.

1) A ding is a Chinese cauldron for those readers who might have a dirty mind and accidentally misinterpret this author's words as anything but innocent.

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