
Chapter 21: The Truth (1)

Chapter 21

The Truth (1)

"Who are you?"

As I ask that question, I remembered that since Chronas and I met in the 99th floor. I never once given a chance to know her. Because even though I start making conversation about her personal life, she have her own ways to divert the topic and give me just a few information about her. Making me dumb and confuse about who she really is until now.

And I think, since we come in this way. I think this is the perfect time for me to pop the bubbles floating in my head about who she really is to kill this anxiety of mine.

I still didn't face Chronas and just stared at the clear white skies of her consciousness. I give her all the time in the world to answer my simple question. And when we are about to get eaten by a defining silence…

"Chronas Mildova, that's my name. Daughter of the Mandala's chieftain. One of the indigenous tribes that once lived in the Piston Forest. And the only survivor of that tribe when Thunder God Dragon 'Zeus' descended to this world and destroyed our small country." When Chronas spoke about her past trauma, I keep my head straight to the skies and not look at her as I am scared that when she sees in my eyes the sympathy and pity I'm feeling as I hear that story again, she might not continue to open up to me.

"I became a slave too by humans. When I got caught by the slave trader when I was still a young and innocent child. They sold me to a noble household for gold. But thanks to my power, I inherited it from my father, the chief. That can stop time. My life did not become a hell-fire unlike other slave faiths. I became that noble household daughter because of my power. They adopt me, dress me, teach me the basic knowledge of this world, and make me a real noble. In exchange, I will make our household the house of powerful Generals in the kingdom."

"And I didn't disappoint them though, hence, I even surpassed their expectations of me. Because when I graduate to an elite magic academy. The King, Reynold Zoanne. Offer me the position of being his Vanguard. The most high position in the army-"

"W-Wait Chronas, when you say you became the Vanguard of that said King. You mean to say that you became included to that Vanguard faction you are telling me before??" I butt in as my curiosity overpower me again.

"Yes," She instantly replied without any hesitation. "I became the first being in Zoanne Kingdom to be the King's Vanguard. And unlike before, Vanguards is still not known like today in the knowledge of normal civilians. We are keep being hidden and trained secretly until our purpose come."

"Why you are being hidden? And what is really the purpose of being a Vanguard?" I ask again. And Chronas, didn't hesitate to pop the bubble of question I threw.

"The sole purpose of being the Vanguard of the King is to protect him, his family, and most especially the throne if war breaks out. And that is also the reason why we are being kept secret, because Vanguards are more likely the last trump card of the Kingdom. Once our personal information and abilities got leaked out and received by the people who have an ill intention to the Kingdom and to the King. It become more easy for them to make war at us because they know already our powers and they can make an effective strategy to fight against us."

"That's why for many years, I became the swords of the King in his desires in secret. I am the one who eliminates his enemy using my sword in the dark and also the butcher for those people who don't submit to the Kingdom. I became the most powerful and unbreakable sword of the King. And before I realized it, I became the puppet of King Reynold Zoanne. I just kill other beings and destroy small nations without asking the reason why because I am blinded by the sense of duty and responsibility."

"And when all the leaders of the continent desire to make the Vanguard faction to promote and regulate peace and equality to Levittia. I am being promoted to be the Head-Warlord of that faction, leading the other appointed Vanguards of other Kingdoms in my command. And as I rose up to the top, the only goal I had at that time was to fulfill my duty and make Livettia habitable to all of the beings without hate and discrimination. But that goal is impossible to accomplish alone. Because other Vanguards dislike the idea of equality because they themselves think that they are more higher individual than the other Vanguards."

"That's why I focus first to unify the Vanguards so we can accomplish the goal and the reason why our faction is created. And since they only follow by differences in strength. I prove to them my strength and beat them all and make myself superior to others. And as I do that, they start to follow my orders and we start to create Livettia a more living and habitable place for others. And as I see the people smile and live in harmony with other races. I got more fired up to continue my sole purpose. And I Thought that time, that everything will go according to plan."

"But little thing I don't know off, when I received the direct blessing of a Goddess, Goddess Chrovia, "The Goddess Of Time And Massacre" and became her Apostle. And I tell to the factions about it. They grow jealousy and envy in me. They also became weary of my potential and started to work on one mission which is to dispose of me and ex-communicated me in my position as the Head-Warlord of the Vanguard Faction. They also pull other strings and even ask for the Kings of other Kingdom to approve it. And as I helplessly outnumbered. I lost my position, and the preparator to all of the schemes to evict me, Quirra Claysmann rose to my position and became the new Head-Warlord."

"And since he rose to my position, everything that I work off has become waste as he disregards the prosperity of equality in Livettia. And create a new mission, which is to create a difference to others in terms of strength. And create more gaps for everyone. He made the Vanguard faction a new system in Livettia. That those who ever disobey or question our ruleship will come to a bad end."

"B-But how about you, did you not do anything about it?"

I sensed Chronas' smile faintly, "Of course, I did all in my power to oppose his dictatorship. But as no one supports me, what else can I do? Even the Kings of other Kingdoms and even my own King support the agenda of Quirra to make the Livettia a place where those weakest will govern by the Strongest. Including… my best friend, Vaxzu Froy, The Vice-Head Warlord, that I thought I had my back.That's why in my dismay to the people who rule, I left Vanguard and disregarded my position as the Zoanne Kingdom Vanguard. But as Quirra sees me as a walking-threat that can destroy the Vanguard and the new system rules he built anytime. He ordered to assassinate me, and that's where you find me Raylight." As she says my name, I automatically face her. And in my shock, I saw again for the second time Chronas cry while smiling just like her reaction before she died in my hand.

"C-Chronas…" I mouthed her name. And I didn't even stop myself from letting my tears fall down as I heard the story of Chronas that before she didn't want me to know.

"In my lowest and on the brink of my death-" She touched my face using her gentle and soft hand. I close my eyes as I feel her in my skin, "-You are the only person who helps me. And as we became friends and bonded for months in this dungeon, you are the only person who makes me believe that this world has still hope for a change. That… there is still a chance for this world to be the place for everyone despite differences."

"That's why, I am always thankful for your existence Raylight. Thank you. Thank you for coming into this world. Thank you for ascending and making me believe again that my dream for this world is still achievable. Thank you, Ash Eastwood."

To Be Continued...

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