
Chapter 19: The Falldown Of The Thunder God Dragon

Chapter 19

The Falldown Of The Thunder God Dragon

As I watch my unique skill [Overkill], the all-violet naked buddha woman slowly embraces the Thunder God Dragon with her body full of thorns and chains. I grow in awe in my distance as I can't imagine that there is a skill like this.

It is more likely, I've summoned a God to the Livettia crust to finish my enemy—now I know why it can't be casted without an opponent nor why it takes all of my magic power when using this skill. It's like a finishing trump card to end my enemy's life.

It's so beautiful and at the same time, terrifying to watch because it looks like it's the messenger from the underworld that is courting you all the way to that place...

"This is unrealistic, Caterpillar!" Zeus, who is resisting to escape from the chains of the violet spirit woman grows in rage once again. He sharply looked at my place and killed me with his golden-predatorial eyes, "How can you summon the spirit of the Goddess Of Time and Massacre in this realm?! Just who are you?!" He growled. That makes me stunt and eyes wide open.

'Goddess of Time and Massacre...?' That word lingered in my head as I tried to look at the spirit violet-woman who has no emotion in her pale and beautiful face. It is all blank and gives you a face of the dead vibe when looking at it.

"T-That is the spirit of a Goddess?!' My imagination and realistic ego crush one another as I can't imagine Zeus, The Thunder God Dragon, is saying just now. Like... before he accused me of being an apostle of some people in the Castellan thing group and said weird things about me. And now... he is saying that I have the ability in my sleeves to summon a REAL goddess and use it as my advantage?! 

"I-I don't know... I... don't know what you're saying," that's just what I replied to the Thunder God Dragon whose face is still dark and dangerous.

Because I don't really know what he is talking about?! Am I?! I don't even know half of this world's general knowledge and forbidden secrets. So how could I possibly know the damn thing this dragon is talking about?

And... j-just... how could it be so possible?! All this thing—what happened to me in the past few years… is so unrealistic and immeasurable. From my sudden growth, from my skills, and all! I don't know how I have this overpowered skills and power though—

I suddenly stop myself from killing my own head for dumping questions when I realize something. No. Cut that phrase. Because the correct phrase is, I stop myself from thinking when I remember one person who I think is the reason for all of this unexpected event that has been happening to me since before and now.

Yeah. That's right. That's her. She is the reason and the only answer for this one.

"Chronas," I verbalize the name of my first friend out of nowhere in the midst of all happenings right now in this forsaken place where I and Thunder God Dragon 'Zeus' are in chaos.

Because as I try to connect all the dots from here and then. This is all possible and my sudden turn of events because of Chronas since I met her.

She became the reason for my sudden growth thanks to her secret-technique and training. She is also the reason why I have a name now and became more powerful. And lastly. She is also the reason why I have this unique skill that nearly devours the Thunder God Dragon in my front. The [Overkill] skill and other overpowered stuff.

So overall... It is all her doing. She is the reason and the true owner of this strength I possess right now. So... to be precise... is Chronas also a Goddess herself?

On to my last question in my head. All the things in my head stop in a second. Because of so much confusion and revelation right now thanks to this goddamn Dragon who always questions my skills that are also beyond my explanation.

'Fuck... my head hurt so much from just thinking and finding the answer all by in my head.' 

Though, I stop my talking-to-self seminar when my enemy, Zeus, laughs louder, despite his circumstances right now.

"HAHAHA! What a pity, I misjudged you. It looks like you don't know who you really are and what hellish life you will live in the future. Sorry for that, my sympathy in your life," Zeus mockering doesn't even help me from answering the hundred dump questions in my head.

I curse again in my mind, "How about you tell me who you really are before you die, because it looks like you know a thing or two. How about that?" I propose. But...

The Thunder God Dragon replied to me with his mad laughter. Before finally answering me.

"I can do that, I can end your identity crisis now and fill your curiousity up to its fullest. And cure your anxiety within you. But—if only if you will uncast this skill," He tempts me. Though, sorry for him because-

I gaze up at him sharply, "-I'm not that stupid to uncast it, Zeus. So just die already if you will not say a thing about it," I made a remark that made him laugh again that made me pissed and frustrated on the other hand.

'Fuck this Goddess spirit buddha woman! Why is she still not embracing to death this Dragon?! Is she doing it on purpose so my identity crisis and confusion of who I am gets worse?! Kill him already!'

Though after the latter made my patience crush to its sailing, he said something like a reminder that stock in my ears for a moment.

"I will not tell you even a bit because the fun will be spoiled. I will watch you in the underworld and enjoy your misery on how you ask yourself from your own existence. HAHAHA! It will really good to watch, don't you think-"

"Fuck off and just die, Zeus. I don't have any more energy to listen to your nonsense talking," I rebutt using my serious and deadly tone. Because as I keep hearing him, the ball of question in my head keeps spinning. And the feeling of I don't know my true self and existence is true is—fucking depressing. And I don't want it. But I can't also remove it in my system as I need an answer of who I really am now. What's my purpose? Who am I? And what will be my contribution to this world?

I need an answer. But who can give it to me, if the only person I can think of has already left me forever?

My feelings become more numb as I get more eaten by my own thoughts. Though, I got back to reality when the latter said something again.

"And just a piece of advice monster, don't trust anyone. As they might steal the important thing you possessed because of their own greed. After all, all beings here in Livettia are just like that. That's why I consider them vermin."

I didn't reply. I just look up at The Thunder God Dragon who is nearly in his grave as the spirit all-violet woman is almost an inch away from embracing the large body of the Thunder God Dragon.

Though, what surprised me, is when Zeus smiled at me genuinely and asked something before his body was pierced by so many spikes from the body of the spirit all violet woman.

"And one more thing fellow, please take my daughter with you on your journey. Make her your slave or anything. I don't care. J-Just... don't leave her alone in this forsaken place."

"W-Wait, what are you talking about, what daugther-" I was about to ask her what she was trying to say but I stopped myself from asking when the all violet spirit woman crushed the Thunder God Dragon body using her own body that was made of thorns and chains.

[Alert! The Host defeated Zeus, [The Thunder God Dragon], and one of the four true dragons in this continent. Kai!]

[Alert! The host cleared the Zeus Dungeon alone. Congratulations. Kai!]

[Alert! The Host achieves other milestones that no other beings from Livettia have ever done. Title: [God Slayer] will be added to the title list of the host. All titles of the host aside from: [The Heir Of Chronas] and [The Will Of Chronas] will be consumed due to the high demand of [God Slayer] titles. Kai!]

[Alert! All the buff from the titles: [Arachne Slayer] [Red-Ogre Slayer] [Minotaur Slayer]

[Harpy Slayer] [Desert Scorpion Slayer] [Ice Trolls Slayer]

[Volcanic Hyenas Slayer]

[Tundra Wyvern Slayer]

[Demon Wolf Slayer] …+ will be gone. Kai!]

[Alert! The buff from [God Slayer] will be activated. All the stats will be tripled. Casting skill and time will level up to proficient to expert. Mana storage will evolve to highly-immeasurable to limitless. Kai!]


The system in my head did not stop to notify me of the fruit of my labor in defeating a God-like being, like Zeus. But not the other battles I face so far, where I always jump because of happiness because I'm able to see another tomorrow… I feel nothing now.

I feel empty. As I ask myself... did I really win it due to my hardwork and perseverance, or did I just win because I used the skills and abilities I stole?

And what if, if I just use my own skills, or did not meet Chronas and inherit her strength or recieve her secret training? is the result still the same? Will I win against Zeus? Or... I am the one who is sent into the underworld now?

"Fuck, I hate this feeling," I frustratedly cursed myself and lower my head. Because my anxiety and self inferiority is reigning upon me. 

Though, as I start to kill myself within in my head. My mind mandatorily goes back to reality when my unique skill: [Devour] is activated by the system to eat the large corpse of the Thunder God Dragon.

"W-What the... what's h-happening?!" I voice out because I don't know why the system suddenly took action and decided to eat Zeus without even asking for my permission.

The system didn't answer me, that's why I grew worried.

"H-Hey, system... what are you up to?! Why do you-"

[Alert! Successfully ingested the Thunder God Dragon "Zeus" corpse, one of the four true dragons. Kai!]

"H-Hey, system...! I'm asking here what's cooking up in your-" I didn't finish criticizing the system. When I suddenly feel a pang of pain in my chest and my heart beat goes wildly running. I lost my balance too.

"S-Shit?! W-What is happening to me?! Am I being poisoned?" I ask weakly as I try to fight the sudden loss of balance and nausea. Though, about a minute of fighting it. It became stronger and stronger. That's why I fell on the ground while holding my neck as I also can't breathe.

"S-System, what's happening...?" I tried my best to answer that question because I really don't know why I act like this.

'Am I dying? Fuck, after all I went through?'

[Alert! The system completely analyzes the corpse of the Thunder God Dragon. Kai!]

[Alert! The system is able to copy two unique skills of the Thunder God Dragon. The unique skills: [Ten-Thousands Lighting-strikes] and [Thunder God Roar] will be added to the unique skill of the host. Kai!]

[Alert! The system detected that the host finally analyzed the requirements and achieved a compatible body for evolution. Kai!]

'W-Wait evolution..? What- argh! Fuck I am losing my consciousness. Shit...

[Alert! Due to fulfilling the given requirement and achieving a compatible body. The host will now evolve to [Demon Caterpillar] to [Demon Fairy King]. Initiating the process of evolution. Kai!]

'S-Shit, I can't understand what the system is saying. I am losing my vision and hearing senses… and my body feel so hot…

[Alert! The host will be in deep slumber while in transition of evolving to [Demon Fairy King]. The system will build a strong and dominatable cocoon for the safety and security of the host. Kai!]

[Alert! Performing the evolution now. Kai!]

[Alert! Due to hitting the requirement. The seal of title: [The Will Of Chronas] will unlock. Kai!]

To Be Continued...

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