
Chapter 11: The Expedition Team

Chapter 11

The Expedition Team

[Third Person POV]

It's been three weeks since the Vanguards decided to create an expedition team to enter one of most dangerous places in Livettia: The Zeus Dungeon that is located in the mangroves of Piston Forest where the Thunder God Dragon, one of the four true dragon, Zeus, lives. And the main reason, was to insure the death of the owner of the alias of "The Goddess of Time and Massacre" Lady Chronas, the main threats and enemy of the Vanguards: and this said expedition was being lead by no other than the Vice-Head Warlord himself. Vaxzu.

"Vice-Head Warlord, this is all the talented warriors in Livettia. You can choose who you want to join the expedition team," Cazo, one of the promising generals of the Vanguard said as he gathered all promising warriors just like he is that can partake in the said expedition in the office of the Vice-Head Warlord the day after that said plan began.

The warriors that are in the front of the Vice-Head Warlord all come from the separated races: there are elves, dwarfs, beast man, fairies, giants (in their human form) and of course humans. It is assorted and they were all from the faction of other Vanguards that has been brought here in accordance with their duties to serve the Vanguards at all cost.

They were all also in the Dark and Light white stage already, so to be given, they are all strong and can destroy a nation if they were given an order to: but the bad thing is... they loathe each other to the bone. It is already said and can be felt by just looking at their eyes that go around to check other Generals to check them.

And the Vice-Head Warlord is not senseless to not also feel the killing intent of these Generals in his front, because they are also imitating their aura's that is silently clashing in the room. And to be practical, if there is no rule created by the Vanguards, their Lords, that they can't fight any disciples of the other Vanguards, maybe the Vice-Head Warlord office became the battle ground for this beings that can be compared to as a walking nuclear weapons that can't take to be together with other who also at the same level as them, because they all thinking to themselves that they are more stronger than any other.

The Vice-Head Warlord Vaxzu takes out a loud and heaved sigh to take the authority in the room and also, to gather the attention of those promising beings in his front that are ready to take each other's head for a while now.

"All of you, stop imitating your aura now. Or else, I will considered this as you all do not follow the non treaty agreement we Vanguards made and punish you all according to the law created on that part," Vice-Head Warlord cold voice together the release of his overwhelming aura make the beings in his front like a scalded cat that earlier looks like hyenas.

"Tss, so boring," One of the promising warriors said to the Vice-Head Warlord. 

Though, the Vice-Head Warlord heard what she said and looked at her with a fake-smile.

"Yes, Meka? One of the generals of Vanguard Luci? You're saying something?" Vice-Head Warlord asked darkly as he pointed directly his aura to the woman who has grayish colored hair and the height is almost at 4 '11 only.

"N-No...! N-No! Vice-Head! I didn't say anything, you're just hallucinating, h-hehe! Stop pointing me your aura p-please... it is hard to breathe..." The little woman pleased as she can't withstand for too long the aura of the Vice-Head Warlord.

The Vice-Head Warlord just moved his head in disappointment and just shrugged the attitude of General Meka as he already knew that the woman is born like that: stubborn and prideful. Very different to the Vanguard she serves. Vanguard Luci, who just wants to sleep and leave every administration task to his followers.

"Anyway, as all of you may not know," The Vice-Head Warlord try to go back to the main topic and look seriously to to the said Generals in front of him, "The Vanguards decided to create an exploration team to ascended to the Zeus Dungeon to confirm the Lady Chronas death. So I need to choose those of you that will be part of this said exploration, that's why you are being summoned here in my office."

After that said. The whole office of the Vice-head Warlord grows in silence as Vaxzu spills the mission agenda. No Generals reacted to it. Especially Cazo who has already lowered his head to hide his bitter reaction because she is one of the fellows that really admires the leadership and virtue of the Lady Chronas.

"When will the exploration begin?" One of the Generals who is human breaks the defining silence in the room as she asks that simple question to the Vice-Head Warlord.

"Tomorrow, Xena. And... I also chose you to be one of the Generals here to be my companion on this journey," the Vice-Head Warlord replies and heads up to the woman who has a very pale skin and white-silky long hair.

The woman bowed her head to show respect to the Vice-Head Warlord decision, "As you wish my Lord." she replied neatly.

When the Vice-Head Warlord already announced the first person he will take to be part of the exploration team. Meka, the gilly General, makes a death glare to Lady Xena which doesn't give a care at all to her before she directs her attention to the Vice-Head Warlord.

"H-How about me, Vice-Heady? Are you not taking me? I'm good at combat!" Meka endorsed herself to the Vice-Head Warlord while using her trump card: cute girl tone.

Hence fort, before the Vice-Head Warlord can reply to her. Someone in the General faction replied already.

A beast man who has silver hair and a silver tail clicks his tongue before putting his both arms at the back of his head before making a side eye to Meka, "Ha... you are good at fighting you say? Don't make us laugh, you are only good at destroying things," He said casually before yawning.

And of course, knowing that Meka has some... anger issue on her. She already had all the rationality on herself as her ears catch those remarks coming from a fellow General, that added to be the General she hates the most.

"What did you say, Crado? Can you please repeat that so I can kill you right now and right here," Meka declared as she summoned a blue-flame fireball in her left hand. Ready to burn to crisp the beast man who didn't even bulge to the provocation of the little general.

"Tsk, short tempered and gullible as always. No wonder you can't move to the pure-white stage even though you are considered as one of the oldest generals of the Vanguards," Crado adds another wood to the fire, making Meka lose it already.

Meka bowed her head and smirked, "Ha... you really have a death wish aren't you?" She increase the volume of her magic to make her blue-fireball bigger before looking back to Crano, "Ok... let's see why you are being appointed as one of the young General in your faction then, even though you are emitting a weak aura like this that even a goblin doesn't even care," She backfire that she know that Crano can't even dare to ignore.

"What the fuck did you say you old rug?" Crano lost it too as Meka heated her soft spot.

The 4 '11 general made a victorious and teasing smirk. "I said you are so weak that not even a goblin can be scared. Is there any problem with that... young asshole?"

Crano nods and makes a smirk too, "Ok then, I guess you already decided that this is already your final grave," Crano stretches his muscle and ready his knuckles for a fight.

"Ha! Maybe you, weakling!"

"You old bitch!" 

"Come at me so I can burn you to a crisp, dog brat!" When Meka said that. Crano and her are already prepared to kill each other not minding the beings who are watching them in despise and pity.

Nevertheless, before one of them can even make the first move. One of the Generals uses his magic to paralyze both disaster that want the office of the respected Vice-Head Warlord, that is having a headache right now because of them, a battlefield.

" Binding ability: Lightning chain," one of the fellow humans that initiate to stop the two casted the spell. He is also a co-general of Lady Xena in one faction.

"What? What is this! Release us Gregory! So I can kill this bitch!" Crano frustratedly growls and tries to break the binding spell with his bruth strength but to no success.

"Me too! Release me before I will burn you to crisp too!" Meka added.

The Guy who has light yellow hair and a handsome face with glasses does a heavy sigh to the two.

"The two of you, can you please try to act more mature here? Are you not being reminded we are in the presence of the Vice-Head Warlord?" The fine and composed General Gregory added. Making the two brat General sulk.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

The two said with synchronization making the composed and very refined guy like General Gregory forehead crease.

"You both un-discplined shit heads... you really want to test me, huh?" He said with full declaration and cast a powerful lightning spell in one of his hands. Ready to dig into the quarrel of the two fellow Generals.

Though, on the outside of the picture, the other Generals that are seeing the chaotic scene from the other factions just heave a sigh and move their heads to the sight of the three. While Lady Xena, on the other hand, just looking outside of the window while her presence are nowhere to be found in the office. 

And in the case of Cazo, the man just shook his head in disappointment as he made a claim already in his head that this exploration team would not work before the campaign even began.

And before anything can go wrong and before the office will be destroyed. The Vice-Head Warlord releases his aura once again to kill the uproared that takes place.

"Meka, Crano, and Gregory. Stop it already before I lose it too. And punish the three of you," The Vice-Head Warlord commanded, making the three Generals tention to each other break and die down. 

And to that, the room filled in silence again. And when that happens, the Vice-head Warlord doesn't miss that chance to finish the meeting already between him and the Generals so he can be at peace again on his office.

"So, just like what I said. Lady Xena Quinfier, the General of Head-Warlord Quirra will be the first person to accompany me on the exploration. And the next names that I will call will be the following beings who will join us-" the defining silence grows more as the Vice-Head Warlord states that.

"Cazo Vickings, my general."

"Meka Laynervo, General of Vanguard Luci-"

"Crano Braker, General of Vanguard Trenon-"

"Gregory Dougladd, General of Head-Warlord Quirra-"

"Deymond Grassland, General of Vanguard Armlet-"

"And lastly, the twin, Yanger and Yinger Fox, General of the Vanguard Minerva. Both of you will be the last people who will partake in the exploration tomorrow together with me. Cazo will give you the other information, but for now, this meeting is adjourned," Vice-Head Vaxzu said with finality.

"VICE-HEAD, are you sure the team up will be ok?" Cazo asks his Lord after the Generals leave the office.

The Vice-Head Warlord stops massaging his forehead and answers his disciple.

"I don't know Cazo, but let's just pray to the Gods that it will be. After all, you are all the strongest beings here in Levittia after us. Let's just wait once the exploration begins," He said and looked outside of the window in his office.

And as he did that, he remembered the face of his best friend: Lady Chronas, smiling at him. He smiled in the clouds too as he reminisced the beautiful face of his best friend.

'Chronas... why did you do that? Why did you choose that path alone? I'm still confused. Why did you leave without any words from me?'

The Vice-Head Warlord asked his head the question that was still hunting him from the past. And as his question died down by the silent room. 

He simply makes a weak smile to the clouds. As he thought, those questions that still hunt him, will follow him forever as the person that can answer those questions has completely left him already.

To Be Continued...

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