
The Mystical Legend

Two girls find a mysterious storybook and investigate about it. On their way they find many supernatural things and even find out that they are somehow related to the story in the book.

HimeHaru · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The Dream

Lea's pov,

Kiri and I researched for weeks for the author's name but had no luck. We finally thought of giving up. As we were on our way to the office a voice called us.

"Would you like to know your fortune?"

The voice came from a small tent at the side of the road, a lady, with a purple veil covering her eyes and nose leaving her mouth visible, and a crystal ball placed on the table in front of her. I and Kiri looked at each other.

"Were you the one who called us?" Kiri asked.

"Yes." the lady replied.

"Are you a fortune teller?" Kiri walked close to her.

"A good one too." the lady answered.

"Lea, come on let's give it a try." Kiri grabbed my sleeves and pulled me forward.

"Ah. Sure. We don't have anything to do either." I sighed.

"Can I know your birth dates?" the lady asked.

" Sure, xx/xx/xxx at 8:00 AM. Lea's xx/xx/xxx at 10:00 PM."

Judging from her voice this fortune teller looked young to me. She took out a book and turned the pages. She stopped at a particular page and smiled. Kiri and I looked at each other confused.

"You two are born under very rare signs." She continued. "You both are looking into some legend, aren't you? The book in your bag…"

Kiri opened her bag and took out the storybook, "How did you know about this book?

The lady just smiled and continued.

"It's not an ordinary book that's for sure." The lady took the book from Kiri's hand.

"What do you mean? It's just a fairy tale." I replied.

"You think so?" She smiled. "A fairy tale with no author…no title. Okay, forget about the author and title did you two get any information on this book?"

"No…" Kiri replied. "Should we just stop investigating this book… it's kind of scaring me now…" She whispered to me.

"What makes you say that?" I asked the lady.

"I can feel it. There's some mysterious aura coming from this book." The lady looked at the book.


"Is this book dangerous?" Kiri asked.

"Maybe or maybe not. It's up to you girls to decide once you solve its mystery."

"I think we should leave…" Kiri whispered in my ears.

"Yeah. Can I know what the fee is?"

"That's not needed. You both can leave." The lady added.


We left the tent and walked back to the company. My working hours ended and I went back home. I laid back on my bed and sighed. I stared at the ceiling and thought about what the lady said. That book is still with Kiri. I dozed off thinking about the book.

In Lea's dreams.

"Princess! Please escape from here!" A woman cried.

"No. I can't leave you guys like this!" said the princess. She had long wavy hair. Her long 'princess-gown' sparkled…the jewels twinkled under the moonlight.

"Please your highness, if you are alive then the kingdom can be rebuilt but if something happens to you…" the women cried.

"That's true. But how can I rebuild without you all I cannot leave you all in this situation…there's a secret passageway the guards will guide you to get out from this place as soon as possible." the princess pointed the way and walked to where her enemies were.

"Lea…Lea…wake up! Have your dinner."

"Mom…" I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my mom.

"Dear, you can sleep after you have your dinner." my mom sat on my bed and gently patted my head.

"Did I fall asleep?" I got up and hugged my mother.

"What's wrong?" she hugged me back.

"Nothing mom…"

"Look how tired you are. Come on I made your favourite foods today." She kissed me on my forehead and went down to the kitchen.

I took a shower and stood in front of my mirror and dried my hair with a blow dryer. The dream which I had now was very weird. I have been dreaming the same for some time now…the same princess whose face I can't remember and the palace…but the scenes In my dreams are different every time, except for the characters. Have I been watching a lot of anime nowadays? I don't know. But this dream is not a coincidence. I went to the dining table and sat down. My mom bought me all the food and served it. I finished eating and went back to my room. I opened my laptop and searched for the book's info. Kiri did it before but no use. I just gave it a try once just in case I find anything. After scrolling for a few minutes my eyelids began to shut before I knew I was already asleep on my desk. The next morning I went to the company. Kiri and I decided to stop getting involved with this book. After work, I reached home. I took the book out of my bag and placed it in the storeroom where I first found it. I went back to my room got freshened up, had dinner and worked on my novels, and went back to sleep. After some hours, at midnight, I got up as I was thirsty. I drank a glass of water and went back to my bed. That's when I heard some strange noise. I went down to see the noise coming from the storeroom. I slowly opened the door and was shocked to see the book was sparkling. I walked slowly and took the book in my hand. As soon as I took the book scenes flashed across my head. It was weird, the scenes were similar to my dreams.

I immediately threw the book, ran back to my room, and called Kiri. Kiri answered the call, "Whaaf izz is….."

"What language are you speaking?"

"Huh….I dwnt…know…" She was sleepy.

"Huh? WAIT! Kiri! The book-"



"AH…sorry you were saying?"

"The book!" I exclaimed.

"Book…BOOK!? What happened to the book?"

I explained everything I saw and Kiri went speechless after listening. We didn't know what to do. Kiri asked me to get the book tomorrow and meet her at her house. The next I got up early and ran to Kiri's house along with the book. Kiri's parents had business overseas so they shifted there 4 years ago. Kiri hated to leave this place and decided to rent a condo and stay here. She often visited her parents overseas whenever she was free. I reached Kiri's condo and knocked on the door. Kiri opened the door and let me in. We sat down and I placed the book between us.

"So, this book is supernatural, just like that lady said," Kiri said looking at the book.

"Isn't it weird? This book has been among people for ages and now…"

"That's right. As no one realized that this book is supernatural?" She replied. "Lea, should we…go and ask the fortune teller again? Maybe we can get more information on it."

"That's a good idea. Let's leave now."

We picked up the book and went to the place where we saw the tent.


The tent was gone so was the fortune teller. We inquired the people around the area but no one had seen it. This was getting weirder and weirder. We went to a nearby café.

"Okay! What the heck is happening with us!? How come no one has seen that lady!? I mean she was just there yesterday!!" Kiri was frustrated. "Was she…"

I waited for her to complete her sentence.

"A GHOSSSTTT!" she screamed. The people at the café stared at us.

"You are loud…"

"Sorry. Hahahaha. But she can be one, right?" she looked at me.

At this point, I didn't know what to answer. I remembered the scenes that flashed in my head yesterday after picking up the book. I explained to Kiri about my dreams and the weird feeling I got when I touched the book. She was shocked.

"Is that book somehow linked to your dreams, Lea?"

What she said did have a point. I never thought of it. Now I was more curious about the book.