
The Mutant Siren

Humans seem simple. Mutants seem complicated. To humans, mutants are like gods. To mutants, humans don't understand the responsibility of power. In a world where half of the global population is made up of mutants, a myth becomes reality. One that has been passed down through the generations of mankind, human and mutant alike. It's always the most simple things that are complicated. (Revised Edition) (The universe in this book will be the basis of stories to come. There are sectors of mutants within themselves, like vampires, elementals and such. However, I don't wish to cram it all into one book. Hence this book hopes to explore mutants as a whole, and in particular, this myth that has become reality.)

LaraRed · Lainnya
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35 Chs

Final Stand

There was nothing.

No ground. No lamppost. Just the cold air.

Then that cold air solidified. It formed a frost that was so gentle, it was too good to be natural.

Boots made a soft landing on the newly formed frost. A pair of sharp white eyes looked up to the ledge, then disappeared into the night.

There was a legend among mutants. The Stare of Ice. Human or mutant, you'll freeze either way. From the inside out.

Angelina was thus powerless against this ice that was forming around her. She tried to manipulate the air around it, to no avail. Seemed like she really had been treading on thin ice for too long.

An SUV pulled up not far away from the building. The window rolled down to reveal a Latino lady with dark blue hair.

"Hey chico. Get in."

Tom paused for a second and looked in the window.

"Who the hell are you? How'd you find this place?"


"If you want to stay and get blown up like a piñata, then you're more than welcome to. You might just piece yourself back together. But I prefer rather you alive."

However this voice was coming from behind Tom. He cautiously turned around to look at his 'captor', only to see the exact same woman outside of the car holding a gun to his head. The two women nodded in agreement and the car door opened. Tom got in and the trio took off like a prize race horse.

Behind them, a timer reached its final countdown.

A deafening blast filled the night sky as the facility was blown to smithereens. No trace of the foul experiments or the botched serum that Gold Labs had made.

The only sight that filled the night was the blazing inferno that was once Gold Labs.

So what happened at the party? Surely someone has spread the word by now

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