
Chapter 12: Life Sword Zeam

Chapter 12: Life Sword Zeam

~Mash B. POV~

Everything is now in order. Roswaal gave me the go-ahead when I got my new weapon and I already contacted Beatrice I would be gone for a bit as I needed to get my new sword.

When I had the chance, I checked my stats. I tried to get in some training since I'm doing this for the grind.



Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Spirit User

Level: 1 Exp: 8/10%

HP: 175/175

MP: 155/155

STR: 10

AGI: 10

VIT: 10

INT: 12

SEN: 10



Stat Points: 0

Cash: 0


Accepting such a convenient boost I can feel confident against my foes. Not a strong one but a man must start from somewhere, right?

Readying myself I began to inspect my Gamer Ring readying to use the Kaleidoscope as I began to open a portal to the Capital.


Activating the Gamer Ring reality began to open as rainbow shards of the began to project showing me the same capital that I stumbled to heading forward. First step for man and second for a soul-killing sword!



Stepping forward to the outside I once again admired the beauty of being in another world. I must admit this is a nice change of pace.

But before I could value the beauty steps were being made. My ears perked listening to someone rapidly approaching me.

I became cautious but then relaxed revealing to be someone I know sighing a breath of relief.


The man in question happened to appear as the portal closed looking surprised as he muttered analyzing the event happening, "Oh? Is that you Sir Bastion? Was that you that caused the Mana disturbance in the area?"

What the hell…?!

Reinhard looking at my confused and shocked expression replied sheepishly with a simple response, "Easy it's because of my many [Divine Protection]. Usually, I have one for such situations. I take it you are here for your reward for assisting me."

I scratch the back of my head exclaiming in a defeated tone, "Yeah… I got here as fast as I could when I heard the news. I hope I didn't cause a ruckus with my actions…?"

He laughed understanding my predicament or at least what he thought as he shook his head getting my attention to another thing I came here for, "I would imagine. But still, thanks to you Sir Bastion I managed to identify Felt as a potential candidate for the throne. This Kingdom owes a lot for you finding her."

I shook my head as Reinhard got straight to the point gesturing for me to follow him in an optimistic tone, "I guess you came as soon as you could once my message to the Imperial Wizard told you of Count Reedback accepting the offer? In that case, please follow me I'll lead you to him."

Like that Reinhard took us around to the noble district area. Some people gave us the stink eye but some of the smart ones simply raised an eyebrow gazing at me.

Oh boy. I can feel their hate boners.

Ignoring the stares though it took us a while till Reinhard brought us to the Count Reedback home. Just what I imagined a noble having a nicer home than those in the slums as the redhead knocked on the door.


Knocking on the door Count Reedback appeared opening the door and asked in a curious friendly tone, "Huh? Who goes to knock on my – oh… it's the Sword Saint. To what do I owe the pleasure of you coming here?"

Reinhard replied to the Count in a friendly tone gesturing toward us recalling my favor, "I brought the man that's interested in obtaining an item from you."

At this Count Reedback grinned happily allowing the both of us to enter to collect the item in question from him in a gleeful tone, "Why didn't you say so! Young man pick any antic or artifact you wish! Reinhard says he'll pay for which one you choose!"

I looked towards the Sword Saint in surprise as he laughed off my stare directed at him, "You have no worries, Sir Bastion. You helped the Kingdom helping you proclaim an item is the least I could do."

I only nodded thanking Reinhard for his generosity I both looked around at the artifacts that the Count had on hand.

Using my [Observe] skills some of them are good. While others do not do much.

However, my attention holds up a magically powered sword smirking as I hold one of the Ten Enchanted Swords. The supposed most powerful weapons in the Re: Zero world stated by the author himself.

Yup. I finally managed to obtain the one sword I wanted from this world. One that can kill a soul when fueled with Mana. The Life Sword Zeam is one of the strongest swords this world has to offer and is available.

The Life Sword Zeam is a part of The Ten Enchanted Swords. Those ten swords exist in the world that the author has stated to be ridiculously powerful. They are stated to be sharper and more beautiful than normal swords and have magical properties.

And Zeam here has the power to end/slash souls. One that could prove useful against ghosts, spirits, or soul beings. [Observe].


Item: Life Sword Zeam

Rarity Item: SS

Type: One of the Ten Enchanted Swords.

Description: The Life Sword Zeam is a part of The Ten Enchanted Swords. When fueled/fed with Mana it has the magical properties to kill a very person's soul. Imbued with Holy properties this weapon can cut a soul when in use.



I smirked at this. This weapon is going to be very useful. But then my eyes gaze on a certain ring.

Out of curiosity, I picked it up. The ring looked ordinary at first glance, but I can tell held a power within. [Observe].


Item: Yang Ring

Rarity Item: C

Type: Meteor Ring

Description: The White Pearl ring infused with Yang Magic grants the wearer a physical boost of +15 STR, AGI, and SEN when equipped.


Interesting. I wonder if I can get this ring as well as part of the set.

I decided to pick these two up. The ring and sword interested me the most as Reinhard managed to pay for them seeing that Count Reedback didn't mind losing it. Seems like Reinhard is the guy helping me obtain these items.

Looks like I got a stat-boosting item just in time for Arc 2 against some dogs. Oh, where has my sanity gone thinking I can take down house-size dogs?

I guess the Count didn't realize he held one of the mightiest swords his world has to offer. I just gained a very powerful sword over my course in this world.

We parted ways with Reinhard thanking him for assistance on my matter obtaining a weapon without his knowledge of the blade. With that, we set off on our away tour around the Capital a bit.

Seeing I completed my main objectives here better not waste any more time lazing around when I must grind.

While thinking this I have to wonder what Roswaal will do. With that guy, I have to be very careful about it since I don't know if it will lead me to a battle of life and death.

Welp! I have nothing better to do best to return so that Beatrice can give me a Magic Lesson around 5 p.m. to not alert Puck and the twins.




Finally arriving at Beatrice's room after my training session with myself she saw me pouting lightly as she spoke to me, "I see you are ready to begin the lesson I suppose?"


Closing the door we finally have time to ourselves seeing this precious moment I asked Beatrice to start teaching me the basics of Magic in this world to familiarize myself in an excited tone, "Seeing we have this chance Beatrice can you begin teaching me the basics of Magic for a refresher course?"

The reason I asked this request is because I'm not all too familiar with the Re: Zero Magic System here. I need all the advantage I can get and what better way is to learn from the best of the best?

It was the reason why I formed a Contract with Beatrice and to save her from her hell because no one would be there for her. I must get stronger no matter what.

Listening to my request Beatrice smiled agreeing to teach the basics of the magic of this world listening intently to her words to understand, "Very well Mash! First of all the basics… Magic is a paranormal power that alters mana passing through a being's gate into a form that affects reality in fact."

I raised my hand at that question speaking in a questioning tone, "Uh… Sorry Beatrice but I don't understand what Gate and Mana used here?"

Beatrice smiled brightly at the question as she began to give me an explanation of what exactly Mana and Gate are she explained Mana first, "Good question. To first understand Magic you need to learn Mana and Gate first. Mana is a type of colorless supernatural energy that exists in the atmosphere and can be found everywhere. When magic is being processed, a person's innate attitude will charge the mana particles to their specific "element", which briefly manifests as formless spell-form before taking the shape of the spell chosen, I supposed."

Memorizing the explanation Beatrice summoned up a water ball but then I asked the obvious question like a child wanting to learn magic in a curious tone, "So cool… Wait. What happens if they over-exhaust themselves using magic? What happens then?"

Beatrice smiled at this as she began to properly explain to me what happens of the consequences when overcasting magic in a serious tone, "The answer to that is that when a person casts magic, they will experience brief physical and mental fatigue which results in sudden weakness if they are not used to expelling magic or if they overcast beyond their capacity I suppose."

Nodding at the question satisfied by the answer she went on to explain how Mana is used Beatrice spoke happily, "That is an excellent question, but Mana is also used in martial techniques and special abilities such as beastification, making superhuman feats possible, although beastification is often used by individuals who are not very proficient in using magic directly. Mana itself originates from the Od Laguna, the world's Od in fact."

[+1 INT increasing Magical Knowledge!]

Heh. My MP bar increased simply by learning from Beatrice's knowledge making it [155/170 MP] available. I made a wise choice getting her by entering this world first increasing INT stat each step of the way.

I will be strong and knowledgeable.

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