
The moon King's Favourite

Her name is Heaven, but she's seen nothing sort of hell. she's been hunted, haunted and daunted! She comes from a very large Pack with powerful wolves of all kinds but she's been a slave for the past 15 years and I was going to flee on my Eighteenth birthday. she was the only one born without a wolf and even a little baby wields supreme authority over me. Scratch that, She was caught on my escape journey and sold to a Blind moon Prince. Sebastian, whose beauty was an Adonis and dangerous like a naked wire, his one rule was to never get powerful. He traveled far and near to get me because he believed she was the last powerless human to exist in the wolf world after killing more than 50 women with their wolves who got married to him. She fell hard for this bizzare moon creature but the Moon goddess sat back and laughed at her Have you ever made a plan and God laughs? Well, She discovered that She was the future moon goddess and the next in line on the Moon throne.

Joy_Asuquo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

41. Nobody's toy.




I stretched my legs and craned my head to the side, yawning in process as I sat up to rub my sleepy eyes.

My bones cracked and stretched as I gave it a squeeze and tangled my fingers against each other.

The first scent that hit me was this foul stench, I couldn't apprehend where it was coming from. My eyes flew wide open when I realized that I'm in a room.

A secluded one with a tiny window to squeeze little air to prevent suffocation which didn't add any justice to the way I was feeling right now.

"Sebastian!" I gasped at once, springing up to my feet as my heart beat in drums, erratically.

"Sebastian!!" I yelled as I looked around, wondering how the hell I got here when I'm supposed to be with him in that woods. I remember begging him to let me take a little nap but the outcome of it was sending me haywire.

I reached towards the Iron door and banged it harshly, yelling at anyone to come to my rescue.

This is wrong.

Sebastian wouldn't have let anyone come close to me or was I day dreaming? Did he lock me up here to check on something or does he not want me to come along with him anymore to White Crystal cave?

I gasped at once and covered my mouth in dread, what if he's hurt?

Tears scratched the edge of my eyes as I banged the door furiously than ever, urging desperately for anyone to come and get me out from this place.

The shattering sounds of the locks made me halt as I waited in anticipation until the door was totally unlocked and pushed open.

"She's awake." One of the guards holding the locks said and he swept his eyes over me.

"Who are you and where the hell am I?" I asked calmly to be sure if they are Sebastian's men or not.

"Tell the Prince, she's awake."

He ignored me and came close to me in shackles and I stepped backwards.

"Who are you and where's Sebastian?" I raised my voice and he smirked.

"Save the questions for the prince, he will answer you sweetly. I'm not really a nice person so shut the fuck up!"

He slammed and my blood boiled in rage.

How dare he?

He came closer to me and grabbed my hands forcefully but I landed a heavy kick on his nose, spitting on his face.

I used the state of his shock and pain to hit him greatly, using the shins of my leg to connect with his jaw and he cursed.

"You bitch!!" He roared but I was swift enough to push him and collect the lock from him and scrambled out to lock him instead.

I don't know who these people are or how they got to take me away from Sebastian, it only means one thing to me right now.

To run!

I was abducted and I'm sure Sebastian isn't even aware.

I threw the locks on the iron space and shakily pressed it hard to click the locks though a fierce punch was directed to my stomach and I staggered and winced in pain but I finally locked.

I turned sharply to glance around my surroundings and I cursed when I discovered that I have no clue where I'm supposed not to run to. What if a guard saw me on my journey to escape?

I braced further, I rather die trying than sticking to one place to stay and wait for that.

I took to my heels and I ran with an incredible speed with a fearful heart hoping to maneuver my way out of this pack which smelt really strange.

I was so blind in my thoughts, so focused on my escape that I wasn't even oblivious to what was in my front or back.

I ran senselessly until I hit something really hard and tumbled over.

"Going somewhere Princess?"

His voice hit me like a volcano and it sent chills to my body.

I winced and raised my eyes to meet the most gorgeous but dangerous auburn eyes that stared at me amusingly.



Why didn't I think of these in the first place?

Sebastian had actually pissed him off by going over the edge with his men and I'm very sure he's doing this to get back at him but why me.

I just sat there on the floor and stared at him, wondering what he's going to do to me cause I don't think he will kill me, I'm technically the Moon Prince Luna and that will be so forbidden.

"I won't hurt you, so stop staring at me like some pit of hell."

"Why did you abduct me?"

"Nothing, I fancy you.."

"Why couldn't you just solve this grudge you had with him rather than using me as bait."

He laughed out loud like I said the most amusing thing ever but it didn't make sense, I was damn serious.

"A bait? Common, why will I use you as a bait for Sebastian? He actually doesn't give a two fuck about anyone's existence and having you here wouldn't make any difference, I'm just trying to piss him off."

"Then you would have faced him and not me! His men are also there, why do you go for me if you're not using me as bait?"

"You've got some aggressive balls for a weak useless thing like you!"

That sting hard but I didn't show it, I was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

"Look, I get the fact that Sebastian was out of control and he killed your men but you can settle this amicably, not involving me in this."

"No! You've been with Sebastian for too long and I wondered why he's still sticking around you "

"And you just said you're not using me as bait to lure him here."

He chuckled and licked his sinful lips and scrunched his perfectly crafted pointed nose which made me wonder whether Vampires possesses a special trait for beauty.

This person is too yummy but dangerous at the same time. Sebastian is like the triple version of him and my heart pecked up in worry at once.

He was the only one in that woods and he's blind! He must be worried by now and there's no way he would find me easily in a blink of an eye without passing through some ugly obstacles.

"You're not a bait, If I wanted Sebastian; I would go to him straight and cause havoc.

I just want to have a taste of Sebastian's favorite toy. His other toys don't last for two days."

My teeth gritted in anger and I stood up at once on the floor, glaring at him sternly.

"I'm nobody's toy!"

"I don't think so, cause the moment you step into this pack you happen to become one.

For every pain that douchebag caused me, I'll make sure you pleasure me willingly until I forget them."

"In your wildest dreams!" I spat out vigorously and he chuckled.

"Are you waiting for Sebastian to come over?" He combed his hair like a runaway model and smirked. "In your dreams Princess, this place is blocked by a barrier and he will keep wandering around until I'm done fucking the living daylight out of you."

He said and I gasped in shock.


I apologize for the impromptu absence, updates will resume.