
The Monarch's POV

Artorius Castus often had this thought. Was being a King worth it? After losing everything as a vengeful king, Artorius Castus gets a chance for a new life after forming a contract with a Deity named Noctis. Reincarnated in a new world as Shin Nocturn, the former King has a second chance to relive his life. But fixing past mistakes isn't all he faces. As secrets continue to unravel, they jeopardize all he's built, leaving him to question his purpose and existence. ---------------------------------------- WSA 2024 ENTRY This is my 3rd book, hoping for some support on this ambitious project!

takechi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs


There were two types of contractors. 

The ones who were contracted since birth, they, who were approached by the higher beings themselves.

And the ones who chased the Deities, only becoming contractors through rituals.

The higher beings couldn't be manifested. 

Thus, you could only become contractors through lesser Deities.

Once contracted, an individual can learn to harness the power of the Deity within them.

This act is known as Assimilation.

Despite Shin being a Contractor, his body was incapable of fully harnessing the powers of Noctis.

Just like training muscles, he had to assimilate everyday for his body to keep up.

'Noctis, begin assimilation.'

At Shin's command, dark energy started to pour from his mana core.

Since Noctis was a higher Deity, Shin's body was unable to fully assimilate with him.

At best he could only assimilate enough to reach his fist.

Blazing-blue embers started to coat Shin's fist.

The assimilation process began to eat away at his body, rapidly draining his mana core.

The longer he held the assimilation, the more his body heated up.

For Shin, it felt like holding his breath, while he continued to overheat.

It was an excruciating experience, but he had to do it. 

He could not waste the opportunity given to him while he was still eight-years-old.

[Shin, 40 seconds has passed, that's enough.]

At Noctis' words, Shin stopped the assimilation process.

40 seconds.

That was a new record for Shin, the previous being 38 seconds.

That's how long he could keep assimilating with Noctis in the three years he had started doing so.

As he stopped the process, Shin lost his balance and stumbled down. Panting, trying to regain his breathing.

[Shin, you should get ready. It should start tomorrow.]

Every six years, children from the Nocturn Family who were eight-years-old and above would gather in the main house for the Selection process.

A sparring tournament would be held between the children. 

Whoever catches the eye of the Patriarch would be given the right to move to the Main House and receive the same benefits that Shin was given.

It was a chance for the branch families to prove themselves, a chance for a better future.

And it was their chance to gauge Shin's capabilities if he was really worthy of the special treatment given to him.

Of course Shin didn't need the benefits, as he was already residing in the main house.

But whoever wins the entire tournament gets the chance to choose anything from the family treasury.

Shin could not miss this opportunity, he had to get something from the treasury.

Which is why he decided to win the whole thing.


The branch families had started to settle in the main house in preparation for the tournament held tomorrow.

As Shin made his way to the guest lobby to greet them, all eyes were on him.

Shin's family was in the room as well.

"So that's him?"

"He doesn't seem all that big of a deal."

"Why did the Patriarch choose him?"

The murmurs reached Shin's ears, but he decided to ignore them. For the events that'll unfold tomorrow would cement his place in the family.

As Shin continued to make his way down the stairs, Camilla came up to him.

"Shin! I'm glad you're here, I thought you wouldn't show up."

"Elder Sister Camilla, why wouldn't I? I have to pay my respects to everyone."

"I guess you're right, come I'll introduce you to our cousins."

Camilla grabbed Shin's hand, taking him to where the other children were gathered.

"Guys, this is Shin, the one you were talking about just now."

The branch family children were curious about Shin.

They wanted to see for themselves who the boy that caught the eye of the Patriarch at three-years-old was like.

After all, Shin was the talk within the family.

And for the branch family children, Shin was an obstacle.

An obstacle they needed to conquer.

"Tsk, like I said, he isn't all that special."

"Shut up, Satoshi."

Satoshi was instantly shot down by Camilla.

"So you're Shin, nice to meet you, I'm Shiro Nocturn."

A boy with jet-black hair and purple eyes greeted Shin, gesturing for a handshake.

This was the first time Shin was greeted nicely besides Camilla.

Shin took the handshake.


"I've heard so much about you, Ahh… It's like meeting a celebrity."

Shiro was starstruck, not letting go of the handshake.

"Let go of him already, Shiro. Nice to meet you Shin, I'm Daphne Nocturn."

Pushing Shiro to the side, Daphne gestured for another handshake to Shin.

"Glad to meet you as well, Cousin Daphne."

"Ah, just call me Daphne, we're the same age after all."

What continued were more introductions.

There were eight children in total, including Shin, Satoshi, Camilla, Shiro, and Daphne.

Despite the warm greetings, the branch family children all felt one thing.

They were intimidated by Shin.

He carried himself with regal, as if he were the Patriarch himself.

It was unheard of for an 8-year-old.

And they wondered if he had the strength to back it up.

Shortly after, Shin's little sister, Aspen, approached them.

"Aspen it's good to see you!"

Camilla was fond of Aspen as well, often treating her like her own little sister.

Camilla crouched down and gave Aspen a hug.

"It's good to see you too, Big Sis."

Aspen gave her a hug back.

"Aspen, where's Mother and Father?"

"They're speaking with the other families, Brother."

"I see."

Shin patted his little sister's raven-black hair.

Her azure eyes, similar to Shin's, gleamed.

He was very fond of his adorable little sister.

Shin turned around to introduce her to the cousins.

"Everyone, this is my little sister, Aspen Nocturn. She's 6-years-old, please treat her kindly."

"Hello there little Aspen, call me Big Sis Daphne."

The first one to greet was Daphne, she was instantly charmed by Aspen's cuteness.

"No, I'm the Big Sis"

Camilla pouted.

"Satoshi, come and greet Aspen as well."

"Ahh, shut up Sis."

Satoshi looked away, embarrassed.

Despite his refusal, he had to admit Aspen was adorable.

Satoshi never actually hated Shin's family. 

His inferiority complex towards Shin makes him act the way he does.

Everyone else introduced themselves to Aspen.

Shortly after, they were all brought to the banquet hall for dinner.

As they were enjoying their feast, Souzen Nocturn showed up.

All eyes were on him.

"Everyone, thank you for gathering here today. As you all know, tomorrow marks the start of the Selection Process. So please, enjoy the banquet to your hearts' content."

Souzen raised his goblet.

"Long live the Nocturn Family!"

Everyone raised their goblet's in response.

"Long live the Nocturn Family!"

Applauses resounded in the banquet hall.

As Shin was enjoying his meal, one of the staff approached him.

"Young Master Shin, after your meal, the Patriarch would like to see you in private."
