9 Chapter 8

Inside the library, Atendor was standing behind the window on the second floor. Peering at them sitting inside the park, said "it's time you return to your home wise boy".

Daniel came beside him and said, "so it's been a long time that you also realized". Everything about Athor was proof that he doesn't belong to humans folk, but if he wasn't a human what he was? Atendor knew the answer already, from the day that Athor came to search about magicians' history. He trusted the librarian to share his secret with.

"Of course, I knew it but this mysterious secret must be between four of us," he said, the old was worried, if this matter could leak out, then it was difficult to hide him from the sight of Dylan kingdom.

Edward stood up on his chair approached them and said "too bad, he is leaving I wanted to teach him, he is so smart", he wanted that from deep of his heart. Athor forged a dagger and designed it his own, he received just a few pieces of advice, but the result was something more than a simple pupil can do.

Atendor turned back to him, said: "in the right time he will come back, we must get ready till then, they will come for help". They needed to be allied, changes wouldn't happen with a few people, unfair rules must be changed, they were protected by the kingdom and an army.

Morwarid closed the history book, her eye directly darted to Daniel, and said "We shall get ready to make things work out faster".

Daniel skimmed at her, smiled "I'm working on it"

Atendor tapped his shoulder and said, "That's perfect, well done young people, I wished your fathers thought as you do, but there is no time to think about the past we must do something for the present, future is on the way, we must be ready". They knew about everything running underneath society. Many youths had no hope for the future.

But from the eastern lands, the new king brought new terms and conditions. He said the rules most change for the sake of people, as he announced theory, their enemies rose for antagonism.

"Fear of strangers, running away from the truth, blocking our heats, the thirst of power made all these cold days, while the big fear was here in this ground just within us, in our hearts and brains," Edward said while looking outside.

Justice sword says:

"Gallop the horse of speed, in the battle between justice and inequity, swing the sword of justice in the brutality of the battlefield. The little child is innocent, out of all our deeds. Release the dragon of justice between the ignorant wizards. Those who made the world full of atrocity mist. Let's know the creator in self, let's make the world, let's fly in the light, only in the way of magnitude, let's not to be afraid of unwise words."

Swords forged and swing to kill, but what they will kill or who carries it? Someone who got the heart to save another human always leaves the blade aside after using it.

But the one who uses it for any kind of joy never can stop that thirst of pouring blood.

The street crowd becomes more on Mondays. Beside water-view doves were pecking the ground, gulping wee seeds which could have hardly notice. A carriage passed by them and they all flew, their wings strewed up dust.

After saying goodbye, Sarya left quickly, and he got up to walk around, sell the rest of his products. He hoped for a lucky day that he could sell all his pears. More selling could bring more wages. He felt pity for the rest of the children, they were much younger. Eric was only eight, but his situation pushed him to work hard, his mother was sick. White plague disease petered her and she couldn't work anymore, his father left them last year, and he had to keep working to save his mother. The problem was Mr. Vinow who was always selfish, spoofing from the little ones was simple and never caused him trouble. If they would protest or ask for more shares his belt was enough answer. Athor went through many arguments with him through these punishments.

He was on the way to the bazaar to meet Mr. Vinow, the Chapman who gives pears to the labor children to market for him than pay them some wage. Of course not in a fair interest.

He was living in an old poky wooden house, a roly-poly man who never used to cut his long scanty hair. His sharp yellow teeth make you feel disgusted. No one ever liked seeing him laugh or even open his mouth to say a word, always have a cigarette in hand while was waiting for children to bring him money.

He gave them the amount of insignificant payment which was less than their rights. He didn't like to deal with teenagers because using them wasn't as easy as using children, they were more indocile, but Athor had insisted a lot and got succeed to achieve his trust.

Anyways, Vinow had been watching over him and realized that so many people were attracted to his style and buying his products. For that reason, he accepted him. Athor was waiting to take the payment. Vinow approached after giving his payment in three copper coins, laughed loudly, and said, "I think it's much better to give you two boxes each day, you are awesome, boy." He smoked happily then blow it back to the air.

Athor growled, "Thank you, but from now on I won't be able to work with you." He wanted to work for Edward and stay in that building so he didn't need to stay there anymore.

Vinow frowned and said, "As you wish, but we are going to miss you."

"Make sure you won't harm any of them, I'm not so far"

"By the way, I don't think I miss you Mr. Vinow, Good-Bye". He came out of the house while heard "you rude boy have a bitter tongue". Due to all, he had done to him and the rest he was polite for saying those words.

"You are leaving us?" a soft voice of a girl said.

"Tania, you're here" a six years old blond girl got close, carrying a small empty box. Her long her sticky seemed wasn't able to wash them up since last week.

"You won't miss us, I heard that," she said and frowned.

He bent and perched on his knee shamefully, "I didn't mean any of you, but him, you know right?"

She nodded "where do you go?"

"Not so far, I'm going to Edward smithy",

"So I'll come to see you sometimes" she softly smiled and hugged him.

"Take care of yourself little one ok?" he rose on his feet, waved a hand for her, and left.

Meanwhile, he was walking on the street. The sense of being free was injected into his veins. He stopped near the shoe store and watched them carefully. A pair of boots stole his attention. Entered in, the store was crowded as the weather was getting cold and rainy, summer shoes wouldn't work at all. He found one of the assistants who was a young lady and said "excuse me",

She turned to him, then said "wow, are you for real?"

He simpered, "can you bring code 67 please".

"Yes, sure which size do you want?" her cheeks blushed, she was an ordinary girl at least twenty.

"It's 42".

"Please wait here, it may take a little bit of time. It's busy today". She walked to a shelf and searched for the code, it was in the 8th rack. She couldn't reach for that, it was high.

Athor stood behind her "do you need help?"

"Oh, you're kindness, yes it's up there".

He brought out the shoes and passed them to her "can I try them on?"

"Yes, sure there is a cushion" she pointed to a corner. There was a mirror. He stepped forth and sat there.

After putting on watched in the mirror, but he realized she is watching him, smiled then said "it is fit I take it".

It was expensive, but paying once for qualified shoes could be more beneficial. The four silver coins and it was two silver coins.

He paid the cost to a young man and head out of the store. He was happy since something unexpected and unlikely happened. All his joy faded away in a sudden He hid behind a tree, breathing fast, and could feel his heart beating and flaring as he Mr. and Miss Ferssi was right there. They were sharing some papers among people. It couldn't be worse at that moment; the wind blew, one of the flyers landed in front of him. He saw a drawing of his face with text under it "Attention: A young boy called Athor escaped from the orphan house. Please contact Mr. Ferssi on Hall Avenue, house number 13."

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