6 Chapter 5

Athor couldn't understand what he meant and asked "What? Demons? Well, they misled everyone especially my step-family." Demonic behaviors he meant, and couldn't imagine if a real creature, which is thirsty to intake his blood existed, waited outside for a right time to take the place of humans and become the king of the earth.

The ones who have a close friendship with shadow magicians, those who got abounded by humans a long time ago and now won't hesitate to reach their desire and take revenge.

Atendor smiled and put the book on the table, cleaned up the dust with his sleeve, and blew on the thick leather cover then opened it.

"It's a hand-written book?" Athor said while he was turning the pages curiously, but his mind was still busy with his problems, so he said "Before I start to read I must tell you something about things that have been happening to me since last year", he paused and played with his fingers "Every night, I have same dreams, repeatedly".

Then he took some sheets out from his bag; those paintings that he used to draw after waking up. Atendor was totally stressed out when he saw them, therefore he asked him to hide it immediately. He shook his head and followed his request.

"you didn't see your real parents before? Right?" Atendor said quietly

"Yes," he said.

"Please don't speak to anyone about this" Atendor said after checking Athor's ears under his hat which he didn't pay any attention to. It was clear from his eyes that he was trying to hide something from him. He said only one thing "It means that your life is going to change soon. Believing it will be so hard for you, get ready for the new things which are coming to you."

He tried to understand what the librarian said, but he always used to speak complicated, so he decided to read the book "severance alchemy from magic".

It was written in the introduction part that alchemy is a knowledge and it has been many years that wizards and scientists had paid so much attention to it. They developed science and noticed so many hidden secrets about the world, most of them could be used against shadow wizards and to impede their horrible intentions and destroy their ghastful plans that could cause many damages, but in a very grimy day, science was banished to the corner. Shadow wizards have been tricking people by colorful deceptive words and magic potions when their alliance with red devils spoilt the existence.

Athor closed the book after reading that chapter as he had to get back and sell the rest of the pears. He got the book he wanted, he hadn't hoped to find such a book. His mind was busy with the wizards, to make sure if the book is talking about reality asked the wise man, "are sure about the fact in this book?"

Atendor answered, "This ancient book belongs to Sizaroun who was my best friend once, in my whole life I didn't see someone more sincere than him, this is a circle that had been repeating" then he added sadly, "I hope to meet him again before I leave this world."

Athor was surprised that the book was older than his age, maybe over three hundred years old, today everything seemed very eccentric even for the wise librarian.

He got up, but suddenly Angel flew down inside from the window. She was shaking again. Atendor was shocked, turned his head to the bird, and asked, "Where did you get this baby golden phoenix?"

"Phoenix? I didn't know that's a phoenix, I have thought they only belonged to stories! Anyway, I found her beside a ruined wall. She was shone and when I got closed to it, I notice that's a wonderful bird." Athor said surprisingly.

The wise man started cuddling Angel and said "Oh, so she found you! Please take care of her, she's frightened. It's afraid of something outside, it's a baby now and can't defend itself by fire. Nearly in a month, she will be matured enough to use its power."

He thanked Atendor and left. On the way, he sold the rest of the pears. Angel was on his shoulder "I think you like strangers. Huh?" He grinned and said, "It's better to be away from some of them. Nothing seems normal".

He caressed Angel's neck and returned to the ruins.


The next day he sat down to have some rest. His feet were tired. A 5 years old boy was playing with his kite, but the strong wind ruthlessly stole it from him. He wasn't able to catch it, his hands had only two fingers. He fell into sadness and was about to cry, but Athor called him. Cleaned the tears on his cheek and asked him to sit down on the bench. Then with a paper in his pockets, he made a jumping frog and pushed the bottom, it jumped over. The child got very excited and started laughing, but no sounds were coming out from his mouth and he had no tongue.

That was very painful. After 40 years of radioactive emission, still, it had so much affection on the next generation and still, children were born defective.

In the center of Tegan, there was a square, a big white sculpture of a well-dressed lady, had a jug in her hand; on the other side, a man who has been selling apples was standing beside the street light. A known nobleman whom all Tegan's people called him Sir Allen was walking with his friend. He picked two apples from the carriage and threw out one of them to his friend, gave a big bite to his own;

Roham, the sale man was a sturdy strong man, always calm and never liked dramas, but he hated cruel nobles who always used to abuse people, he couldn't be quiet or control his anger against Allen, therefore he was cleaning the apples, he said in a low tune "These aren't for free, especially for a rude noble such as you".

He didn't like Roham's loud voice who was directed to him. He was thin, tall with black hair, green eyes, and pale skin that showed clearly who he was. The first son of Tegan's mayor. He saw a broken wood beside the fabric store, picked it up, and threw it to the carriage. Many apples were rolling down on the ground.

Roham was completely calm, but when the mad boy attacked him, he took his hand, pushed him out on the ground. That coward got so angry and called the black cloak patrols. His eyes were red, he thought that Roham tried to contempt him. So they arrested the innocent man.

All the folk came to watch a new execution. Anytime they smelled a hanging event, they would gather to see. People had no right to defend themselves against the law because they would be caught as criminals and executed or sending to prison.

If someone insulted them, they would cut off his hand to be an example for the rest. People were watching quietly such as watching a sad theater and nodded, but some stupid people were throwing rotten cabbages to the helpless man to show loyalty to those tyrants. Allen commanded to cut off his both hands.

They brought a trunk and a box. They pushed him to the ground, made him on his knees "Down people always should be down there", Allen said that with a disgusting smile, they put out the box under his hand, and one of the patrols pulled the sword out of the pod, it was on the top of his head.

Allen picked the broken wood up and Athor saw Daniel in the library, talking to the wise man. Before something bad happens, he ran to the library and asked for help; Daniel came over quickly and shouted "Stop it right now."

"Mind your own business brother," Allen said angrily.

"I'm not a brother of a wicked man," Daniel said that looking directly into his eyes.

Amazingly the different one was nice and kind to people while the other one was disrespectful and such a rude person got no shame to hurt or insult people. He kicked the carriage and said "Aron, let's get out of here, this is not the place that we should be." and glared at his brother and said "Not between wretch men"

The crowd dispersed, Athor said sadly "I can't believe this. All these people came to watch an innocent guy get executed!" he looked at them "such an ignorance, huh!"

Daniel tapped his hand on his shoulder "That's an ugly world. Isn't it? Cold, a gray world without any other color."

He went to Roham and gave a silver coin to him and apologized for Allen's behavior, then left because he knew it well that the sale man hated nobles and didn't want to make him feel bad.

Two years ago Roham got arrested by the law for not giving taxes for a long time. While he was in the prison, the king of Dylan commanded the rulers, "Burn the houses of everyone who hasn't paid the tax. Rules are rules and there's no exception".

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