
The Masked Boy's System

Han Zheng found a metal box outside his house yard. When he open the box and have a ring inside he wear it without hesistant and the ring give him a mission and reward.

Ka_Zhang_Phan67 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter 25

"Wake up!" Shout Wang making Han fell from his bed and stand up while saying "My peacefull sleeping. Why are you waking me from my slumber?"

"Oh, no reason." Replied Wang, Han only rolled his eye and look at clock on his wall "What the- nevermind!" Say Han almost cursing and run to bathroom.

"I'll go first mom dad." Say Xuoyue while smiling and open the door "Be carefull." Say Miss Huang from kitchen.

"Late. Late. I'm already late!" Shout Han while runnning to school not care his surrounding. Suddenly, Han bump Xuoyue in the corner road and both of them fall to ground.

He stand with closed eye say "Sorry, I'm late to school and not see where I'm going." "Oh Han, it just 7 in the morning and you say this late." Recognized the voice Han open his eye.

See Xuoyue on the ground. Han extended his hand which she accept it. 'I got tricked again.' Say Han inside. "Oh, stand here for second." Say Xuoyue and Han widened his eye and back off making Xuoyue wonder.

"Just don't touch my hair it like private part of me." Say Han while cover his white hair with his hand. "Sorry, I didn't know." Say Xuoyue "Nah, it fine you just know." Say Han and just remember something.

"Big sis Xuoyue, mind invite your parent to this restaurant tonight and you included." Say Han while showing a picture from his phone. "Oh sure." Say Xuoyue and notice the time on Han phone.

"Han you already late! It 7:50!" Shout Xuoyue making Han jump and running to his school leaving Xuoyue that gigle on his action "Wuah! I'm already late!" and he stop then turn back "Tonight, okay?!" Shout Han "Sure!" Replied Xuoyue and Han back running while shouting.

Just as the time Hans arrived, the teacher just take an attendent. "Hans Zheng?!" Shout the teacher "Here!" Shout Hans while walking. "Good now, we will have quiz!" Announce teacher making everyone shocked.

When it rest time, Han take out his phone and texting Yang, Miss Jiang, Bingwei and angela to go same restaurant as Xuoyue with their parent and at same time.

At night, everyone that Hans' invite gathered with Zheng's family in famous restaurant. "The thing is Kai Cipriani will attend the next month meeting." Say Mr. Huang serious. "Do you guys have a plan on what to do?" Ask Miss Jiang worried.

"Only two thing to do." Mr. Huang replied "What is it?" Ask Mei curious "Go to meeting and beat him." Mr. Huang say only get a smack from his wife. "Please be serious." Say Miss Huang

annoyed. "The truth is Han tell me, just leave this thing to him." Say Mr. Huang and they look at him.

"It true and honestly, I don't need a plan." Say Hans making everyone in private room look at him with wide eye "WHAT?!!" "Yes." Answer Han while closed his ear's.

"Are you insane?! It dangerous to go at enemy territory without plan!!" Shout Yang while shake him. "Hans, you better have one plan nor two." Request Mr. Rong with worried face. "Calm down." Say Hans relax.

"How are we supposed to calm down?" Shout Bingwei "Look, you're not hero or knight like in the movie." Say Wang "I kno- wait." Say Hans as his eye capture something shine in corner of the room. "This is bug camera." Say Han as he take it.

Suddenly, the gass is release making everyone pass out "What.. is.. happen?" Ask Hans as his eye become more blurry. "You sure look alike your father." Say the man in 40. Hans look at man with his blurry eye.

"Boss, we already take the ladies." Say the black suit man "Great." Say the man smirk and the man get down on one knees and say to Hans.

"Hans Zheng, if you want the ladies back, read this note and come to me if you have a gut like your father." Say the man with smirk and Han pass out.