
Bloody Array

With a fist flying through the air, Su Min's eyes remained emotionless as it crashed into the barrier. A shocking screech erupted from such a collision, where a heaven splitting bang thudded out with a brutal boom.

The barrier shook, then with a squeal, it shattered! The Lord, watching said fist pummel right for him, went slack as a life-threatening danger trounced into him.

Yet, he didn't even have a chance to fight back as that fist bristled right into him with a velocity so intense that it made him shudder.


His eyes went wide as he coughed, then shifting his neck to face his body, he saw a firm hole punched right through his chest! Within the hole was an arm, Su Min's arm! And such an arm was currently throwing itself forwards with a blinding force!


He staggered backwards, but to his realisation... He couldn't move. In fact, he couldn't breathe, and then in another moment, he couldn't even think.


His eyes turned listless as, with an immediate thundering bang, the fist that went through him slapped the air and detonated with a force so vile that it disintegrated the very air around him.

Including him.

Su Min's eyes remained placid as he watched the ground thunder with brazen shakes, when, with a sudden stream, a dense shockwave tinged with gold pierced right out of his fist!

A dense stream of ancient energy flew out of this punch, and with an instantaneous whoosh, the shockwave blasted and destroyed everything in front of Su Min.

The reason that the shockwave was gold was that Su Min propelled half of the ancient energy within him out with the shockwave! He used the other half to actually drive his fist, but as the shockwave contained the brutal Ancient Energy, it's destructive power was detrimental.

This shockwave has a power surpassing that of a 4th step mage. It was unknown what power it now contained, but it verged on the mysterious boundary of a 5th step mage.

The whole world shook and everything got encompassed in this shockwave, and it flew at speeds that allowed it to instantaneously travel a kilometer.

However, the array beneath Su Min shined with a deathly light as it erupted into a terrifying roar.

The whole world reverberated with such a roar, as before the shockwave spread even a couple of kilometres, the ground beneath it shined with a dazzling white as the array revealed itself.

Numerous images of desolate deathly figures and ancient kinsman getting slaughtered were shown in such symbols, and each of them erupted with a maddened barrier that leapt around the massive golden shockwave.

Popping sounds rang out like divine thunder as that shockwave suddenly started to slow down. Given this chance even more arrays lit up in the far horizon as the barrier thickened and thickened till it resembled that of the massive walls that protected the sect.

Su Min was shocked, but he eventually sighed as he watched that unruly shockwave get pummeled to a stop by the barrier. The 2500 strands that encompassed such a shockwave halted as well, and Su Min couldn't do anything to change that as he can only control the ancient energy in a 5-meter radius around him.

The array roared once more, where it even seemed to realise those 2500 strands that remained motionless there. The fact is that the ancient energy covered everything, but if it isn't used it cannot be sensed nor be seen by other races except for the ancient races.

However, as Su Min has thrown the strands out and revealed them to the world, the array can now sense them.

The array's roar was heaven splitting, and as if it was incensed that such an aura existed here, it sprang onto the strands and suddenly started to devour them!

It was a crazed bloodthirsty scene, making even Su Min's eyes tremble as he watched those omniscient strands dissipate in front of him in a seemingly anguished cry.

With the immense light of the arrays that covered the world, those strands stood no chance as they all disappeared within the white. The arrays trembled as this happened, but after sensing no more energy, the white encompassing the town and the horizon dimmed down until the symbols faded out of existence.

The array atop Su Min's town did so as well.

Su Min grumbled as he sat down with a light breath, he was a tad tired after all that. Of course, he was just trying to vent his anger from seeing those snarly images, but it seemed that nothing is that simple...

The kid, frozen behind him, shook after the still silence echoed across the land. He, of course, couldn't even comprehend what he saw in that moment.

Though, he still knew that he could be squished like a mere ant if he were to get on that golden man's bad side, so he gulped and stuttered out with his head facing the ground.


Su Min remained silent as that boy's voice sounded into his ears, and as the boy started to sweat, Su Min finally seemed to have decided on something and spoke.

"The girl you wanted to save is behind you."

Hearing this, the boy trembled as he looked behind him. He hadn't even surveyed most if not anything around him since he had awakened, in fact, he had been frozen in place the whole time.

He was too tense to move, and with the monumental battle, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Su Min.


The boy's eyes shined as he saw two people unconscious on the ground not too far away. It was unknown why they were unconsciousness, but the boy could tell that they weren't dead.

He, with a pause, suddenly looked at Su Min again as he grit his teeth.

Although the boy didn't take a close look, he could tell that the girl wasn't doing too well. In fact, she seemed even worse than what he remembered. Her weak breath seemed to be tinged with frailness and her pale face with deaths white all contributed to this.

It made him scamper with a tide of emotions, he doesn't have a lot of time! Yet, he cannot just rush the man in front of him. So, with a rough expression, he spoke once again towards the still back of Su Min.

"You know the favour..? Can you... P~perhaps heal her?"

Su Min's figure remained unchanged as that voice once again took its place in the silence. Seconds passed and the boy became jittery, yet he didn't say a word as he continued to wait.

Su Min tapped the earth as he looked at the sky with a dazed expression. A multitude of thoughts sprang into his head.

'To help a heaven's race? No. I have to keep my word, for although their ancestors have killed... Mhm... It's tiring really.'

He sighed, then in front of the boy's quivering eyes, he lazed back up and turned around. His eyes stared at the boy, displaying two colours.

Not taking heed to the boys rushed expression, Su Min ignored his gaze and glanced ahead at the two unconscious figures.

"I'll take a look, though I cannot guarantee anything."

Su Min sighed as he suddenly sped forward and appeared before the two. His eyes locked onto the pale girl, where they shone with a strange light.

His golden eye remained unchanged, yet by some unknown transformation, his other eye tinged with a black suddenly churned as a strange aura shrouded it.

Su Min's face flashed with surprise, but he decided to let it do whatever it wanted. Nonetheless, as he decided on this, the world he saw changed ever so slightly.

'There's an energy inside her?'

A rather confused thought instilled itself inside of him as he stared at the girl with a newfound sight. He didn't know what it was, or what this feeling was, but he could somehow see a strange red gloop inside of her. It floated around, and it would sometimes suck away a unknown energy from the girl's body.

It was like a parasite, and as Su Min pondered, he also remembered that the girl didn't have any circles on top of her head.


With a black eye shining with a wisp of something inexplicable, he felt an instinctual feeling erupt inside of him. He paused before lifting his hand up into the air. A strange reaction occurred as this happened, where the red parasite inside of the girl froze.

Then, with a tiny pop, a thin strand of that strange aura that shined on Su Min's black eye fizzled out of it and swayed toward the girl's body.

It was way too small to be seen, yet Su Min could tell that the colour of this aura was a greyish black. It carried a different feeling compared to the Martial Energy, where Su Min couldn't actually figure out what it was.

It wasn't energy, so what was it?

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