
The Mars Diary

*story is paused to focus on "A Bite of Responsibility: Chronicles of a Vampire Guardian."* In the midst of Earth's descent into World War III, this story unfolds through the personal journal of Kimmy, a resilient teenage girl living on a young Martian colony. She is given a journal for her birthday which she uses to document her daily life on Mars. Shortly after, the war emerges and begins to ravage Earth. The colonists on Mars find themselves cut off from their home planet, forced to navigate the harsh realities of survival on the unforgiving red planet. Kimmy's journal transitions from a hobby to increase her writing capabilities to a chronicle of the struggles and triumphs that define life on Mars during these tumultuous times. With Earth communications severed, the colonists grapple with uncertainty, shortages, and the constant threat of isolation. As their self-sufficient community is put to the test, Kimmy emerges as a beacon of hope, documenting the daily challenges of maintaining life in the face of adversity. The journal entries reveal Kimmy's growth as she transforms from an ordinary teenager into a resourceful leader within the Martian colony, especially as many of the adults begin to violently quarrel with each other. She and her fellow colonists must adapt to the harsh Martian environment, utilizing limited resources and pioneering new ways to sustain life. From cultivating Martian soil for agriculture to repurposing technology for survival, the community's resilience is a testament to the human spirit. Amidst the challenges, Kimmy forms unexpected alliances, confronts personal fears, discovers the strength within herself that she never knew existed, and reveals hidden truths about the colony. As the war on Earth intensifies, the Martian colony becomes a symbol of hope and a new beginning for humanity. Kimmy's journal captures not only the physical struggles of survival, but also the emotional journey of forging a new life on the Red Planet and a deeper look into the human condition and tribalism. Author's Note: “The Mars Journal” is a compelling coming-of-age story set against the background of a world at war, inspired heavily by the writings of Anne Frank. New chapters will be issued daily. As this is my debut web novel, I appreciate any feedback, ratings, etc. Thank you for reading.

DarkWandering · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

March 16, 2070

Dear Kitty,


Dad and I got into a fight last night over dinner. I wanted to see if Lylah could come eat with us but he said no. He said I can't tell her or anyone else about the American Hamburgers that we had. But I remembered that he said I could tell you anything.


I don't know what the big deal is, but he said if I tell anyone then we won't be able to ever eat them again. I don't think dad would lie to me, but it just gets old feeling like we have to live secretly sometimes. After a couple bites I said I was sorry for getting upset. The hamburgers are so good it was hard to stay mad. They taste so much better than the tofu that has to roast in the solar oven all day.


Dad said we probably can't get any more hamburgers for a few months, but if I behave we can probably get some to eat on the 4th of July. That's a holiday dad celebrates where he is from on Earth: America. Him and some of the other dads celebrate it here every year too. The kids usually join as well even though most of us have never been there.


Dad says I was born there, but I have no memory of it. He says I was born in New York City, which he thinks is the greatest city on Earth. I believe him. A lot of the chefs on the old cooking shows I watch are either from there or work in restaurants there. One day I would love to go to New York. It seems to be totally opposite to the Mars Colony, especially when it comes to food. Sometimes I yearn for the hustle and bustle of a city, it is something I have never experienced. From everything I have watched, it reminds me of an ant farm. There are millions of people, all with their own stories, coexisting with each other daily and living out their lives. To have so much life concentrated in one area has always amazed me.


Our colony is never very busy. There are about 10,000 people here, at least from what I am told. It sounds like a lot until you hear that New York has 30 million, and Shanghai in China has 50 million. Most of the people here live in the American Quarter where Dad and I live, but there are some other areas as well. We have a district with a lot of the Chinese people, which everyone refers to as China Town. China Town is probably the second biggest area within the colony. From there it is more of a mix from people that came from various places on Earth that stick close together. Dad said that at first it was hard to adjust here because some of the Lingo Link technology was destroyed during the initial launch to Mars. This made it very difficult for the colonists to communicate with each other since most of them spoke different languages on Earth. It took six weeks to get a new shipment of Lingo Links here so everyone could communicate in the same language, but by then most people had set up and settled in different areas with those most similar to them.


I have to go eat dinner now. It is going to be hard to get used to rice, beans and tofu again after such a good meal last night. But tomorrow is Monday so I will be back to school. Usually on Mondays there is a treat for us at lunch to celebrate the start to another week, I am hoping it is chocolate or honey drops!


I will talk to you again tomorrow after school, good night Kitty!

Your friend,
