

In the ''STAR EAST COUNTRY,' a young man was once look down and has a sweeet name of waste, Derrry skips was humiliated and bullied before. his girlfriend cheat with his bestfriend, his family lookdown upon him, his cousin, uncle, aunty bullied him. And finally he was expelled from his clan, after such humiliated and treatment he got from his blood relative he was deep in pain and he was heart broken, And angry sound came out from his heart and even he was shock at that moment. after 6 years of hard work, and sweat Finally he came back form the mountain. He look at the country site and sneered. In the place of the SKIPS CLAN there is a banquet and many young and talented people gathering today is the day of his cousin jack SKIPS Banquet. A sweet sound came from the crowd, today she is wearing a blue slip dress with sexy and hot figure, holding an arms of a young man, if Darry SKIPS is there he will be shock. Because the young man is his friend feng Zhao his bestfriend. the women is his Girlfriend Shelly moon. She looked and the crowd and and said . Tomorrow is the day of my wedding day please don't forget to attend the party. the crowd whisper and talk about Darry SKIPS, When the morning sun rose up ,In the Feng Zhao place there is a full of decoration and many VIPS were gather.at the wedding place there is a loud sound boom boom boom and all the banquet hall was shattering and the crowd was in turmoil. and A young man was standing like an emperor in the sky a lookdown the crowd like an ants in his eyes. when they saw the face of the man many people was shock. After 2 years there is fairy like women who was standing in front of the gate of the royal palace. she make a loud sound. boom boom boom. she was holding a fairy like a sword and the sword was shining like a dazzling Star, she look like she lost the whole world and extremely heart broken. she say who is responsible for Darry SKIPS came out and Die.........she look cold just like an iceberg but she can't hide her beautiful like fairy figure. after the 3 days of war, her whole body was full of blood, she look like she will lose her life any moment. but she fill no regret. she look at the sky and smile i hope i will meet you soon. and i will not forgive you .and than she close her eyes waiting for the sword.... a laughter came from the sky haha haha ahahah

DrewsCarry · Fantasi
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30 Chs

Arrogant shopkeeper

The pavilion is very big and they don't know what happen outside the pavilion, even the second floor was big enough that, you can lose yourself if you came in for the first time, so Miss Shally gave an order to the young girls to accompany Darry. This pavilion is one of the big sources of the MOON FAMILY. and the market inside the pavilion is compare to a small city, So they don't know what happen outsides the shops. So this people don't know what happen in the ground floor and outsides the gate of the pavilion. And the guardian of the pavilion never makes any action if it is not serious enough to die one person, there are many conflicted between the young generation, that Conflict gave them Some strength, and have courage to face one another. They ignore the conflict between the Youngs generation.

Darry skips looked the Staff women and stunned at the moment, when did I offended this woman. The little girl Look at her and said, Angelina who is flirting here. I came here with this young master to buy high pills, so shup your mouth, Angelina said to the young girls hey you little girl, you need to look at him how can he came in to the Pavilion, he can not afford to buy this high pills. And you little JESSY you need to watch your stinky mouth, you have the courage to shout at me, next time I will not give you sympathy, I will directly slap your stinky mouth. You bater watch out, Now rolls away from this shop before the Store manager came back. If you broke the glass of the pills box, you can't afford to pay the price, so be wise and go back.

YOU, YOU, JESSSY pointed her finger to Angelina. And said we don't even come into your shop, and choose any pills to buy until now, but before we enter your shop, you first stop us in front of your shop, then how did you know that we cannot afford to buy the pills. This young master was the guest of Miss, before she finished his word Darry interrupt her. Even if she said that Angelina will not believe her word, so he stopped her. Jessy was disappointed, Darry said to Angelina how did you know that I can't afford to buy your pills. I don't even know the price of those pills. Angelina Sneered and said the price of these are not something you can afford the starting price of these pills are 10k silver high grade coins. 1000 silver high grade coins is similar to 100k silver low grade coins. Darry grandfather gave him 500k silver high grade coins So he was not afraid to came an buy some things for him. As a family of FIRST CLASS FAMILY in the STAR COUNTRY that was not much amount of money for them. But for the young generation like him that was a some of huge amount of money for him.

Darry looked at her and said let make a bet, if I can by one of the pills in your shop than, you need to apologize to JESSY, how about that, Angelina sneered and said but if you can't afford to buy these pills that what are you going to do, am not in lose of that bet, and if you can't buy the pills she will apologize to me. And you also you need to give me all the money in your bag, if you can accept the bet, that I will agree. Otherwise I'm sorry, before she finished her words Darry skips agree without any thought. Jessy try to said some words but Darry stop her, now let start the bet, you please take out some of the high-grade pills, that include healing pills, life saving pills and Energy increase level pills. Angelina walked in to the store room and pick up the pills that Darry had mention,

She put all the high-grade pills in front of Darry skips and Jessy. She said to him you choose the pills first and I will say the prices. Darry watch carefully all the pills and release his spiritual though to the pills and he was little Disappointed, the aura contain in these pills are very less.it contain only 20% of Aura of the pills. So, he choose 4 healing 3rd level high-grade pills, and two life, saving 3relevel high-grade pills, and three, energy increase pills 3re level high-grade pills, after he choose finished the pills, he take the pills and handed to Angelina and asked her how much it cost of these pills, when he looked at Angelina and Jessy both of them were in shock, when Darry call her name she came back for her shock, and she asked Darry skips Suspiciously are you sure you want all of them, or are you playing with me, Darry skips looked at her and said do I looked like I'm joking with you.