
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · perkotaan
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86 Chs

Meeting his brother

Lexi eyes was fixed on one sexy brunette he saw dancing and swirling seductively that he had forgotten why he and Dave came to the club in the first place, he was captivated by the girl's beauty and same as other men whose focus was intently on the girl, watching her every move and admiring her every step, "Wow, wow! wow!" The men kept on chanting as the seductive goddess kept on swirling and dancing on the pole.

"Lexi!" Dave tapped on him and Lexi partly turned to stare at Dave before shifting his gaze back to look at the beauty Queen, he didn't want to miss a single step she took, she seemed captivating and enchanting and Dave frowned seeing that Lexi had lost focus. He cursed as to why he even thought of having the meeting here with Lexi.

Dave navigated his eyes to look around the room and he meet the intent gaze of some men on him, even though some where focused on the dancing beauty, he sighed inwardly and didn't seem to panic seeing their intent gaze on him.

One of the men stood up and walk over to meet him, the man slightly bowed his head, "Boss, Nice to have you here with us" Dave froze as he heard him call him boss, he kept his cool, was that why the men where staring at him, like they were protecting him or something, Dave pretended and replied, "Good, return back to your position" And the man whom had came to him left him. Lexi whom Dave had come to meet in the club didn't even take notice of anything so Dave stood up and walk over to the restroom to ease himself.

Going to the rest room, he spotted the same man on hat coming out from the rest room. The man didn't even took notice of Dave staring at him, but when he felt the intent gaze of Dave on him as he waited there to interrogate his manager, Dave meet his eyes and the man smirked. His hat was still glued to his forehead.

He had come out now from the managers office to ease himself never had he thought of meeting Dave in the restroom, Did Dave follow him, he wondered as he pretended not to know Dave.

Dave wanted to approach him and talk to him as he felt something off about the man standing in front of him with a hat, half bent forward covering his face, but the man smirked at him and quickly walked past him, before Dave couldn't ask him to wait, the man had already disappeared and Dave didn't even know which door he took. Dave immediately rushed into the restroom to ease himself before coming out back to search for the man, probably he could see him. He wanted to ask the men around but he observe probably that man on hat was Norman and probably that was why the other man walked up to him to meet him.

Dave cursed out as he had just missed his chances of meeting Norman and seizing him up, he could have just hold him now and beat him to stupor for pretended to be him.

Dave frown and went out of the club. Norman was upstairs watching Dave, he saw Dave entered his car and left, the club manager whom knew Norman also spotted Dave and was shock for a moment seeing the resemblance, where they twins or was Norman two he wondered as he went on giving Norman the profile brief of Flora, Norman grabbed him by his collar and spoked to him, "If I find out you did anything stupid to Flora, consider yourself dead and fired," He threatened him, then he released his collar and left.

He had too look for Flora in case she hadn't been kidnapped he worried maybe someone might have find out he relationship with her and took her so as to torture him but he hoped it wasn't true as he decided to find Flora by himself.

Norman came out of the club and was about entering his car when a lady walk up to him, he slide his head and turned to his side to look at her, he didn't come here for any woman, so why would she come to pester him, he asked impatiently, "What do you want?" His voice sounding mean and chilling.

"Easy handsome!" She said and Norman stiffened, he didn't dare to remove his heart to reveal his face, he closed his car door to stare back at her properly, "Don't waste my time, go on with why you are here?" Norman ordered.

"Awwn, I just wanted to offer you some help, the MD said you are looking for Flora and she's from my place" Sophie said and Norman.stiffened the he look up and meet her gaze, she was indeed beautiful and seemed like the girl whom had been dancing on the pole previously a while ago when he entered the club.

Norman frowned as he didn't want anyone's help but he doesn't even know Flora's village and finding it now might seem a little hard even has he had her address. "Fine give me your contact I will contact you when I need your assistance to find her, for now I have some business to deal with first" Norman said, acting indifferently like he doesn't seem to care about Flora whereas his heart was beating to allow the lady follow him to go show him where Flora was.

"Okay if you insist" The lady brought out her ID Card and handed it over to him, "Am Sophie Adams, You can just call me Sophie" She said as she smile sweetly to him.

"Sophie, I see, I will give you a call when i need you help." Then Norman turned and got back into his car living the sexy brunette standing there staring at him as he started his car and drove away.

Sophie didn't get to see his face, she has heard from the manger that he was the boss and his searching for Flora, she hadn't even gotten a chance to be picked and sent to his place but she has also heard complaints from the order girls that he didn't like women, she wondered why all the boss she knew was like that, several of them had turned her down and she hated men whom gawk at her, she twitched her lips as she thought of the boss she had meet at Black copper's temple, how she wanted to service him and sleep with him for the night but he sent her away, even after stripping herself naked to seduce him, Sophie bit her lower lips as she turned to go back into the club just then she saw a male approached her like he has been waiting for her to return. She looked up at him and meet his admiring gaze, she frowned. How she love men that frowns at her like she isn't worth their time, she wanted those type of men that despises women not the ones whom gawk at her like she's some candy waiting to be licked, Sophie frown as the man approached her.