
The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Warning: -Sexual content- Dual Cultivation ( pure fertilization ) -Not a Simp Mc -Op Mc, powerful system -I don't give a fuck you are dying, Type MC -Narcissist, Egoist Mc but not that mentally weak to react immediately #Book supports game element: - 500 Powerstone = 1 lottery for MC - 50 Golden ticket = 1 lottery for Mc - Holiday theme special plotlines. Cover: Thanks Miso_Hen ——— Ah! Here we go again, another edgy villain novel that haunts the protagonist, aka, the chosen son of heaven. Tsk! Such a cliche! Constantly used plotline with repeated storyline. Hunt the protagonist with a Jade like beautiful sister and steal his sister after 50 chapters milking his luck. Hunt the protagonist with this cheat, hunt the protagonist with that cheat. --- Beta: Ahhh! Damn it... When will the good day come? Author: Well, don't ask me, I just got here. Beta: Fuck it! I want a good story. Author: Junior, trust this senior, this is a good one Beta: Arggh! Shut up! I hate it. Author: courting death! Go and ask Yama how good this is. Beta: Y-You, how dare you? Author: I will give you 10 breaths of time, cripple your cultivation, and scram!! Beta: Good! Very Good! Author: *Raises his eyebrows and turns beta into useless dust particles* ----- Chad: senior, I have been enlightened, I wish to know more about what you have in this ancient script. Author: ah! An intelligent and wise junior, you have raised a very good question. Here are things this forbidden ancient script contains. •Sinful activity: this book contains the profound sinful activity of balancing the Yin and Yang, by, shoving the mighty Yang rod in the Yin Hole. •System - MC relationship: fuck... Ahem* Ahem* sorry for tongue slip. Forget the classic old system, here take this hot waifu tsundere system. ( not that edgy ) •Steal everything: junior! Are you tired of Mc only stealing the jade beauties that were created for the protagonist? Well, let's process further and add the Protagonist's mother, aunt, and sister, into Mc's harem. Chad: oh! The senior really blessed me with such a divine forbidden Scripture, here take my money and give me the chapters. Author: oh! Ho Ho! I haven't finished yet. Here are a few more. •Cold, ruthless, protagonist: sorry, but, he will even kill the child as long as he gets something in return. Throw; morality and humanity out the window. ( not a classical ‘Villan’ who only hunts the protagonist. The story doesn't just revolve around hunting the chosen one, ) •Just because you are a heroine doesn't mean, you can step on my head, know your place. Mc will even kill the heroine if they bother him. Chad: Say no less senior, from today onward, I will join your sect and follow you till I die. * Kneels and accept author as his master * Author: Very well, here is the key to join my sect. https://discord.com/invite/QaCzkvHsuN https://discord.com/invite/tknrUfPfrb https://dsc.gg/culturesect Chad: Thanks senior, I will join the sect immediately. Author: I see great potential in you junior, trust me, you will go way forward. Chad: You honor me with your words senior, please, let me read the forbidden Scripture that is banned by the heavens. Author: say no more! ——— Tags: OP MC, SYSTEM, HAREM, ACTION, ADVENTURE, THREESOME, Not so dumb Mc, Ancient treasure, Edgy writing, I don't give a Shit -Mc, not my problem- Mc, powerful battles, dual cultivation, diverse race harem, Evil Mc.

Cultured_Daoist69 · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
327 Chs


" Argghh- " She screamed in pain as he swung her head like a pendulum, grabbing her hair.

" Want to tell Father? And what might he do? Tell me, do you seriously think he can do anything to me? At most, he might send me to some low-quality sect... But, Your son! " Muttering that much Bai Lung paused for a moment.

" Trust me when I say this... He will be sent to Yama," Bai Lung uttered in a cold voice. " And you know very well, it will be slow and brutal, " Bai Lung leaned closer and rubbed his cock on her ass while whispering that in her ears.

" Hehe! My happiness is your happiness, but come on... I am not a bad guy, am I? I am giving you redemption, take off your clothes and serve me, the matter is closed and no one will say anything, " Bai Lung whispered while his hands played with her huge breast.

" Aahhh!💛 " She groaned while her legs shivered.


She peed in fear.

She knew Bai Lung's mother came from a noble family but her own son doesn't have a mother who came from a great background and identity.

She is just a commoner beast folk.

Bai Lung's words hit her as if the sky had fallen on her head. Bai Lung grew up in a golden spoon, and even if she said; Bai Lung tried to molest her, nothing would happen.

He would simply be sent to some vessel family and join a low quality sect, while she?... Master Bai would completely ignore her.

She wasn't in any position to go against Bai Lung, she was just a pitiful weak girl.

An heir is more important than a mere concubine... That sentence is deeply engraved in her head.

" There... There must be some other way, I have treasure and other things to give Young Master Bai Lung," She said with a shivering voice.

" Ooh! Another way? Hehe! Of course, there is another way, dance naked around the streets of the azure valley and I'll forgive the matters, " saying that, he continued to rub his erect cock against her soft cushiony butt.

While at the same time, he began to grope her breasts and begin to play with them, currently, he was behind her while his body was slightly bent against her.

" Aaah💛... " A soft moans leaked from her mouth as she found herself helpless against her stepson.

Her son has pushed her into the pit of fire to burn.

Looking at her pale skin and teary eyes in the mirror in front, Bai Lung bites her ears, " Hmm... You are just a slut, is opening your legs more valuable than your son's life? My patience is pretty limited and expensive, "

Saying that he let go of her and sat on the bed while removing his robe and showing his rock-hard erect cock.

" Listen here bitch! I'll give you 10 breaths worth of time, by then, your lips must be sucking my cock, or else... " Saying that, he sat in a relaxed manner looking at sweat drenched Stepmother.

Currently, A strong pressure hit her, her senses went numb and dull, and she had no other options.

" Y-You seem to be changed, you have become more bold... But! " She was about to say something but Bai Lung got angry.

His eyes narrowed and turned sharp, while he pointed his index finger at her. " Oi dumb bitch! I didn't give you time to speak, I gave you time to get your ass here and suck my meat stick, do you think I am joking here? Do I seem to be a joker? Are my words meant to be taken that lightly? "

Hear this, her face sank, while her heart began to pound faster and faster. With a shivering body went forward.

She sat right in front of him while her head was in between his legs.

A strong smell enters her nostrils, a thick scent of semen makes her pussy itch.

She couldn't believe she was sucking her stepson's cock, when she hadn't even sucked her husband.

Looking at her, Bai Lung's lips curved while he grabbed the back id her hair, "Good job slut! From now on, I am your master and you are my slave, you will spread you anytime, anywhere I wish, " Bai Lung said with his cold voice, full of power and authority.

Hearing this, she felt sickened to the core.

Her heart trembled while traveling hands grabbed his long hard dick.

" Such a huge stuff... I will definitely break, " She said feeling scared of his shaft.

His grip tightened on her hair as he watched her reluctant submission, a twisted sense of satisfaction coursing through him.

" Oh dear, " he taunted "hehe! you're going to need some practice, if you want to handle all of this,"

He gestured towards his throbbing member with a mocking laugh. " But don't worry, I'm sure we'll find plenty of opportunities for you to improve your skills... After all, I am merciful Bai Lung, I will train you daily my little bitch "

[ Bitch = Dog, ( saying because she is from fox race) ]

With that, he pulled her head down onto his cock, shoving it inside her, forcing her to gag and choke as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Cough! Cough!

" Hahaha! "

Bai Lung's laughter echoed throughout the room, it was cruel and victorious, overall, it was menacing.

He reveled his laugh, seeing his stepmother's misery, enjoying every second of her forced servitude.

Such a magnificent scene... It makes him enjoy life.

This is i! The thrill of life, where strong wrecks weak.

As she struggled to breathe around his massive cock, he could feel her desperation growing stronger with each passing moment.

" Such a pathetic creature, " he sneered, running his fingers through her hair possessively.

" let me ask you one thing, do you want to suck my cock or not...if you don't like it, I won't force you, " he asked with a soft voice while looking at her rolled up eyes.