1 The Start

Waking up in a large cavern, I looked around trying to orient myself. I didn't see anything, so I closed my eyes trying to remember how I got here. Taking a deep breath, it all started to come back to me. Alcohol. I had been drinking at one of the new taverns in town and met a pretty lady. After chatting and drinking with her a good while we ended up in the alley behind the tavern. Much to my surprise, she used to be a virgin as well. I say that as she was given my virginity as well. When we walked back in the tavern, some rather large people came running up to her yelling at her asking why she left the castle. I noticed they were all wearing emblems for the King's court. Beads of sweat started to pull down my face. I figured it was a good time to leave and started to make my way toward the back exit. When I turned to run out the back, I heard several of the guards to yell at me to stop. Naturally I didn't. I busted out the door and took off down the alley and back roads. While I was crap with magic, I could rarely be caught on foot.

I made my way through the streets, even after a few miles of running the henchmen were still chasing me. I made my way toward the wall which was another half mile away. Leaving the town is pretty simple, entering the city is a bit more difficult. The right way is going through the checkpoint and getting checked by the guards. Option number two that I know of is going through the sewage lines, which is not as gross as it sounds. Just don't wear your good shoes. Anyways they chased me into the woods. I had only been here a hand full of times. After running for about an hour I had lost them, although not sure if I lost them or they just stopped caring as they figured I would get killed out here.

Not to let their worries go to waste I ended up being chased by some large animal. I couldn't tell you what it was, besides big. As I was running (again) from some large creature that was shaking largest trees when it by them. Luckily was wasn't completely dark and both moons were full tonight so it was bright as it could be for running at night. I kept running until I fell into a hole. That is where I am at this point. I have no clue how far I fell or where I am.

This cavern had plenty of light crystals in the ceiling. I started walking around looking for an exit and saw a run-down square blue hut. It was no bigger than camper's outhouse. I walked over and opened the door. I couldn't believe it, it was so much larger on the inside. I walked in debating on making any noise. Well screw it and I yelled "Hello, is anyone here?" I stepped back out just in case I needed to run again. Waiting a few minutes, I ventured back in and asked again if anyone was there but received no answer. Cautiously I started exploring the area. All the doors I walked up to were locked so far. It was a little bit creepy in the design of this place as it had a big open area when you walked in with a few doors off to the sides but one really long hallway that was directly opposite of the front door. I passed about twenty doors before I reached the end of the hallway to find the only door to open.

I opened the door slowly and looked in and saw a slightly disorganized room. Looking around the room to see if anyone was there, was disappointing. Saw two more doors (most likely locked), a big desk and books that lined the walls. The room was at least 40x40 meters, not small by any means. I went to the closest door and opened it up and it was a really nice bathroom. Shutting the door, I went to the to the other door. Opening the door, I saw a skeleton laying on a stone slab. It had a robe on its body and was holding a piece of paper. Looking around the room I saw another desk and quite a few chests stacked on shelves that went around the room. I walked over to the skeleton and removed the paper from his hands. The moment I looked at the paper, a flash of light and I received a massive headache. A few minutes went by before it cleared up. Looking at the letter, I could understand what was written but I had no clue what language was written there.


Before we get started, I hope you can do me a favor and burn my corpse after you read this. This will get rid of the last bit of my existence in this world. My name is not important. I am writing this around the end of winter in the year 715. I am going to let you have everything I left behind. I hope you will not destroy the world but at least have fun and help a few souls out. The biggest treasure is my home. It will help you in developing into becoming the most powerful wizard. The house is sentient and while it can't talk to you. It will help you along. You will find out later. If you ever get strong enough, you will get a message about my demise. If you want to get revenge for me, well I would be eternally grateful. My family wanted my treasures that I worked so hard for and killed me trying to get them. To claim this treasure, drop some blood on the desk beside my bed. I wish you the very best in the future. My final bits of advice for you.

Never share this information with anyone who is isn't death bound to you

A strong body is better at magic and a weak one

Never pull out

Thank you once again.

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