
The Love They Deserve Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • I Made Up Forbidden Spells, and They Actually Worked?

    After crossing over into a world of magic, Dean Bruce was mistaken for a powerful sorcerer. Though he initially intended to sternly refuse the beautiful woman’s request to become her mentor, she offered him far too much to say no! Completely clueless about magic, Dean Bruce had no choice but to make up spells on the spot. However, when he saw the astonishing power unleashed by the beautiful woman after chanting his random incantations, he was stunned. The spells he had carelessly invented… could they really comprehend magic and even forbidden spells? As Dean Bruce ascended to the pinnacle of magical prowess and became the Archmage, he candidly answered a reporter's question during an interview with the Alliance: "I never understood magic. I just made up a few incantations, that's all." People were in awe of him—this, they believed, was the true humility of a Grand Archmage!

    BWbear · Fantasy
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  • I Deserve a Second Chance

    His right hand touched her left upper arm, and then started to slide down to her wrist. "In case you haven't noticed.." he started to say. She had stiffened up, started from his initial touch. "I'm officially pursuing you." +++ All she wanted was a second chance in happiness. She had been divorced for two years now and has forgotten about the idea of finding another man. But destiny is playing a cute joke on her to let her met him. He is successful and powerful and full of distrust on women. Until he met her. After that one fateful encounter, are they destined to be together forever? Is God of happiness finally bestowing this tiny spring water to both of them? +++ ps: I only write happy ending stories. This is 1v1, with a little drama here and there. But those drama only served a purpose to strengthen their relationship. Female lead here is not perfect at all. She is insecure, full of flaws and broken. Male lead is gorgeous and charming as usual. But somehow, they complete each other. There will be no pitiful weak Cinderella stories here, no white lotus and no almighty CEO that rule the country. I am portraying normal average people in society. So if this is not your cup of tea, feel free to move on :) +++ Let's embark on this love boat with me! This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The cover is not mine and was taken from Google image and credit goes to the original artist. Tag: Female lead, Handsome male lead, Modern day romance, Mature romance, Adult romance, Business world, Second chance

    Gold_Paper_Crane · Urban
  • The Devil’s love

    “The course of true love never did run smooth.” – William Shakespeare. The journey of love is never as smooth as silk. There are difficulties, ups and downs, bumps and humps.  Like most of the love stories, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning’s love story wasn’t smooth or easy. Initially it was difficult and rocky.  The CEO of Yang corporation, Yang Ning was a successful businesswoman. Growing up with unsupportive and unruly parents, Yang Ning was accustomed to being treated unfairly and poorly. The only person that she count on was her grandfather. The CEO of Mo corporation, Mo Yichan who was also known as the ‘ Devil CEO’ was one of the most successful businessmen. Losing his father at a very young age and his mother leaving him alone for some other man, Yichan grew up with his grandfather.  Being business rivals, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning hated each other.  What do you think will happen when these two cold and aloof people are forced to get married and live under the same roof by their grandparents?  Did they hate each other only because they were business rivals? Or did something happen in the past which forced them to seal their hearts and hate each other to the fullest?  Will the love between them ever be able to overpower the hatred that they have for each other?  ***** “ Hahahahaha look at you both fighting like a husband and wife.” Mr Hunshou said. Yichan smirked and said,” If you were my wife, I would add poison in your coffee.” Ning smiled and said,” And if you were my husband, I would drink it.” **** Few months later. In a charity auction. “ Hundred million.” Ning said. “ Two hundred million.” Yichan said before grinning at his wife. “ Three hundred million.” Ning said. “ Four hundred million.” Yichan said. “ Five hundred million.” Ning before leaning towards her husband,” If you let me win, I’ll be on top for a whole week.” Yichan raised his board and said,” Seven million.”  “ You-“ “ For two weeks.” Yichan said. Ning frowned and said,” Fine.” Before raising her board,” Seven hundred and one million.” *********** Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Send me a Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/sofia05 [P.S:The cover isn’t mine. :)]

    Sofia05 · Urban
  • They Said I’m Mr. Gu’s Scandalous Affair

    Meng Nianyao never expected to be labeled as a "cheater" one day. Her own family used this as an excuse to drive her out of the house and refused to acknowledge her as a member of the Meng family. Caught in a torrential downpour, Meng Nianyao found herself penniless, kneeling in the rain, and crying in despair. Then, a deep, masculine voice rang above her head and said, "Do you want to be a real cheater?" Meng Nianyao looked up and saw Gu Wencheng. He was known as the golden bachelor of the city, and he was holding an umbrella over her head. As if she was under a spell, or perhaps she had given up all hope... Meng Nianyao nodded. From then on, rumors spread throughout the city: Gu Wencheng, who avoided women, secretly became a homewrecker, and his reputation was ruined. Of course, there were also people who said that Gu Wencheng loved Meng Nianyao to the core and was willing to bow down for her, becoming a homewrecker for love. Meng Nianyao was speechless. The rumors were outrageous, but Gu Wencheng was worse. He kissed Meng Nianyao's delicate neck and whispered in her ear, his voice low and hoarse, "What should we do, Miss Meng? You've ruined my reputation. Shouldn't you take responsibility?" Meng Nianyao: "..." Take responsibility for what?! She was the one who had been taken advantage of and left with nothing!

    Momo · Urban
  • Beauty and the Beast but they are Lesbians

    Alaia was once a princess in the Kindom of Floria but her older brother Prince Julian and the queen committed treason, resulting in the death of the king, her older brother Prince Easton and herself. Ruth, an exiled angel, heard and responded to her cries and gave up her own life and powers to give Alaia another chance to live with the sole purpose of avenging her brother and father. Alaia hid in a forest outside the Kingdom of Floria, wearing a beast mask to conceal her identity. Alaia will meet a peasant who came from the Kingdom of Carval. The peasant and his pregnant wife were being chased by bandits. Alaia helped them but she asked for the child, still in the peasant's wife's womb, as the payment. When the child turns 18, Alaia will take her away from them without any plan of what she will do with the child. Seventeen years quickly passed, and Alaia still hasn't avenged her brother and father. She learned that King Julian's son, Prince Owen will soon get married to a woman named Maria Holmes. Recognizing Maria's parents and remembering her agreement with the peasant, Alaia became infuriated at the familiar feeling of betrayal. She showed up at Prince Julian and Maria's wedding to take Maria away from them. Maria thought that the situation is just the same as in the famous children's book, Beauty and the Beast, but it was not. Alaia didn't take her because she needs help lifting a curse. She doesn't need a true love's kiss. She just took Maria to enslave her. Maria maybe is a beauty, but Alaia isn't a beast, just a person wearing a beast mask.

    Frustrated_Iris · LGBT+
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  • The more they oppose, the more it shows that I am doing the right thing

    "The more the Church supports me, the more it proves I have done the right thing. The more the heretics oppose me, the more it proves I have done the right thing." "Even when heretics praise me, it further proves I'm right. If heretics stay silent, it shows I have done impeccably!" "If the Church opposes me, it means they have all fallen into evil heresy, and the more heretics oppose me, the more it proves I have done the right thing." In the year 681, An Su was crowned the youngest Pope in the history of the Church. During his speech, he provided important guidance for the forthcoming de-divination work, emphasizing: "Now that both the Church and the heretics oppose me, it precisely shows I am on an exceedingly correct path!" ... The year 685. "It is not that the Evil God cannot be summoned, but that choosing him to take the stage is more cost-effective." Such was the assessment of the former holy woman of the demons, Yage Silvia. This statement, once made, instantly attracted attention from all sectors of society—the extensive documentary "The Legend of Pope An Su" continues to broadcast for you. —— This is a story of a top-tier heretical player speedrunning through a fantasy world.

    Metal raindrops · Urban
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  • What If They Are Girls!

    There is a reason everyone calls her the "Iron Lady."  Call her a fashion designer, interior designer, a genius hacker, or even a talented healer. She is all that in a day and a ruthless assassin at night. Did I say she's a triplet? Oh yes! She has two other sisters who are geniuses in their own right.  Can you imagine Gerald Flynch abandoned them all onto Emily Fynn the day they were born, just because they are girls? Follow Adriana Hastings on a mission to acquire the same hard drive that could bring the Rockerfeller family to its knees.  With Aiden Rockerfeller on her tails, how will she shake him off from discovering her or even from getting too close to her heart? The most tormenting factor about the whole situation is that the Rockerfeller family may be responsible for her mother's murder. *** Follow me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freda.lotsu Tik tok: call_me_mirror Instagram: call_me_mirror Discord: call_me_mirror

    call_me_mirror · Urban
  • Love The Psycho

    It was definitely love at first sight for August Maijune the day she first saw Aaron Saint in the hospital ward. Waking up suddenly from a coma after an accident, August realised she didn’t remember anything about her life and who she really was. The only person she relies on is Aaron Saint who claims to be her guardian. After, almost running over her five years ago with his car, Aaron Saint has taken responsibility to take care of August until she remembers who she was but what he didn't know was she had more than one personality living in her hence their roller coaster romance began. '‘Are you married?'’ '‘No’' ‘'Do you have a girlfriend?’' ‘'No’' ‘'Do you have a sister who is not really a sister and she is in love with you?’' ‘'No’' ‘'Then, am I allowed to fall for you? I think I’m in love with you" ‘'You’re the first woman to be this bold towards me’' This is a romance story about a man who was betrayed by love and a woman who can’t remember her past. Check out the roller coaster romance of a man and a woman who has DID. This story revolves around the female lead suffering from DID also known as Split Personality Disorder. Her battle towards finding herself and the male lead doting on her as she tries to find herself. There is also a bonus story about her children all in it. You might want to read more about her. PS: Her personalities will leave you laughing away your stress. Meet August the flirt, Maijune the fighter, Mai the little psycho who only makes bombs and June the seductress whose weakness is a handsome and beautiful man. PS: This book also features two side stories that you will surely love. Book cover does not belong to me. All credits to the original owner Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's 2024 WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

    Purplebride · Urban
  • The Brother Love

    21+ Apa yang akan terjadi saat boy band paling sukses di dunia ini bubar? Bagaimana dengan puluhan ribu penggemar yang meneriakkan nama Harry. Tapi harga ketenaran datang dengan peningkatan risiko untuk keselamatan Harry. Harry telah menghindari kata B yang ditakuti selama dia bisa, tetapi setelah panggilan dekat dengan penggemar yang tengah ribut, Harry tidak bisa melakukannya lagi. Sudah waktunya untuk menyerah. Harry perlu menyewa pengawal penuh waktu. Dan ketika dia muncul, dia tidak hanya berteriak dengan keras, dia adalah kata B lain yang dia coba hindari. Melindungi orang bukanlah hal yang biasanya dilakukan perusahaan Bryan, tetapi bos tahu dia membutuhkan uang, dan Harry si bintang pop yang menawarkan jumlah yang sangat gila untuk tinggal bersamanya dan memastikan tidak ada lagi penggemar gila yang masuk ke rumahnya. Bryan melakukannya untuk uang, tidak ada yang lain. Harry mungkin pria tertampan yang pernah Bryan lihat, dan Bryan mungkin merasa kasihan dengan kehidupan selebritas yang dia jalani sejak dia masih remaja, tapi itu tidak berarti apa-apa. Hanya karena Harry membuat Bryan terpesona, bukan berarti Bryan menyukainya. Tidak. Profesionalisme. Bryan akan menjalaninya. "Bernapaslah. Terapkan semua itu..." Bagaimana kisah lengkapnya? Jangan ketinggalan setiap Bab nya.

    Richard_Raff28 · LGBT+
  • The Undefined Love

    Imagine when your soulmate turns to be the destroyer of your life. But while destroying you completely, he falls in love with you. Will you be able to forgive his mistakes or will you be leaving him behind? This is a story of a girl 'Lifen ' who always thinks positively. To her, the most important thing was one's heart where love exists. Her life took unexpected turns when she meets Wang Deming, the young CEO of Wang Corporations and fell in love with him. But the night she prepared herself to confess her feelings towards him was the unluckiest night for her. She got heartbreak and ....... The rest of the story you will get to know when you read it guys. I can confirm one thing to you...the story will have a happy ending for sure but the way of reaching that goal will give you emotional roller coaster rides. This is my first story and I am really inexperienced. Please bear with my mistakes and do support the story. I will try not to disappoint you all. And the cover of the novel is taken from google and is being edited a little-bit by me!! Join me in the discord server: https://discord.gg/88C4VZD Or connect with me on insta: author_scarlet_shine

    Scarlet_Shine · Urban
  • They Both Love Me, But One is a Devil

    When Kate, a recovering addict, meets handsome, bad-boy Aiden, her resolve to stay sober lasts only until he tempts her with the Spellbinding: an intoxicating magic. But Aiden's ex-best-friend, Chase, won't stop warning Kate that Aiden is a Shade--a dangerous sorcerer. When Kate naively agrees to initiate into the Shades, and is compelled to do evil to those she loves, it's Chase who saves her life, and Aiden who threatens it--but still swears his love for her. Trapped in an ancient conflict between light and dark power, and good and evil men, will Kate give in to the dark allure of Aiden and his power despite the cost? Or will she choose the strong but gentle Chase, turning them both into targets for every dark magician in the modern world? CONTENT WARNING: Demonic creatures, occult magic/rituals, language, sexual situations. Cover Image is copyright (c) 2022 AimeeLynn

    AimeeLynn · Urban
  • King? Knight? Lord? They are all my husbands!

    A close encounter with death made Athena the long-lost princess of the Serpentine Empire. To take revenge on those who plotted her death, Athena returned to the royal court. But while she navigated royal drama, she also had to navigate through romantic encounters! Will she fall in love with the loyal knight who would die for her? Or the lord she's betrothed to? What about that mysterious traveler from a foreign land? How could you possibly leave out the angsty king of the enemy empire? Will Athena pick just one or perhaps have them all? Find out in this exciting new novel! ~ Hi everyone! This is author ValestriaMoon here! It's been a while since I wrote a new novel, I hope you'll take a look and have a read! Join me on this exciting new journey with Athena and her many handsome suitors~ If you're interested in my other works, please feel free to have a browse! New World New Life (Completed) The Dragon King's Heart (Completed) The King's Mistress (Completed) Alpha Damien's Cursed Mate (Completed) Publishing schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday (For the time being!)

    ValestriaMoon · Fantasy
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  • You don't deserve my love

    [WARNING: R18+, MATURE CONTENT ] "You can't leave me like this," a broken piece of words left his mouth. Yinlan was confused by the scene that was unfolding in front of her. She might be dying slowly, but is her desire so strong for her unwanted love, which she wished for her whole life, that she is experiencing something unbelievable? She could hear his erratic heartbeat, which was frantic and agitated while he was cradling her in his arms. But she was confused by his unsteady behavior. She thought her death would bring him happiness, which he thought she had taken away from him. So why was he showing different behavior which was unknown to her? What more does he want from her? Is torturing her whole life not enough?

    Dream_Fairy · Urban
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  • The CEO's Love

    April is an orphan adopted by one of the richest family in Atlantic City, the Johnson. She has been crushing over Vincent ever since she was little. He is the only heir to the Johnson’s immense wealth and power. April has always imagined Vincent as her prince, like in the fairytales. However, on April’s eighteenth birthday, she had one crazy night with Vincent. After that, April realized that her fairytale image of Vincent is false. She gets pregnant and tragedy after tragedy happens to her like a nightmare while she is awake. Now, she sees Vincent as the cruel CEO boss that he truly is. April vows to take revenge for all the miseries she has suffered.

    mylynjoy_rizaldo · Urban
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    Her eyes covered with mist, flickered open. Bai Xueyan could still feel the throbbing pain from the beating she had received from her two classmates all over her body. Her stomach hurt the most because she had been kicked uncountable times. Tears fell uncontrollably as she heard the students laughing and some criticizing her. They wouldn't stop bullying her. These evil people was sent to torment her. — She bolted up from the bed covered in sweat Xueyan turned to look at the little cutie beside her, sleeping soundly. — Life had been good for her till eight years ago. Calamity had befallen her previous school and she with her siblings were meant to change school. She entered a prestigious school only to be greeted with violence. She was bullied nonstop and couldn't file a report because they were the poorest in the school. — Eight years ago was an unforgettable experience. The same year she was raped by an unknown person, an unknown man. She hadn't completed her studies because she had been dropped out. — Now eight years later and everyone from the past has returned to give her a hard life. But one thing they didn't know was that this wasn't eight years ago. She has learnt her lesson. — Xing Zhaolin, is the current president of FW. His employees love, admire and look up to him. The Four Wheels isn't a company formed out of his own sweat but originally belongs to his grandfather. — It's time to atone for his crimes and there's no backing down. - The question is, "Will she find and have happiness at last?" Join Bai Xueyan on this journey of love and vengeance. — HELLO THIS IS MY FIRST CHINESE STORY THEY MIGHT BE MISTAKES IN SOME AREA SO YOUR CORRECTIONS ARE WELCOMED I'M ALSO THE AUTHOR OF: ONE NIGHT TOGETHER MY WEALTHY WIFE ANNIE'S PERFECT HUSBAND XIAOFAN and the EMPRESS HAVE FUN READING AND LEAVE YOUR SUGGESTIONS ON OUR DISCORD CHANNEL https://discord.gg/PJ3yyj —

    JoannaAngel05 · General
  • They called me FIVE

    **READ ME** THIS BOOK WILL BE UNDER REVISION. ******* My name? Lance Augustus Age? 15 Nickname? Five. Why they call me that? Because the mark tells us so. _________________________________ "Don't be stupid, steer out of trouble, and whatever happens, stay alive."  I really don't know why Dad always repeat those words to me everyday. I take heed of his words. Play by his rules, never dared to go against him except if it's extremely necessary. He's all that I need to get by. Our life was ordinary. Everything was perfectly fine, perfectly normal, just an everyday routine we get used to live. But then this guy calling himself 'The Seeker' came... And he start making a mess out of my life.  He said I have powers. - Who believe that crap? He said I have extraordinary abilities. - Cool! I want to be Superman. He said I was chosen. - Who? The god of newbie bullies? The mark of five imprinted deep into my skin proves that I am one of the TWELVE. - You sure it's not a tattoo? I firmly believe it's a tattoo. I never believe him. I drove him out. I did not listen. I wish I did. Maybe he could have help me. Maybe he could have save me from the trouble of falling right into their trap. I know nothing. Because of my stubbornness I lost everything. So now I'm all alone. But she stretch her hand to me. She gave me hope. She invited me to come. And I did. So our search began. For the remaining TEN. ___________________________________

    phoenixhyperion · Urban
  • The Secrets They Hold

    [WARNING : MATURE CONTENT] Every each person holds a dark and deep secret in their hands. And hers is a crime. ... Veda Ambrose, a supermodel who has gained both fame and wealth. She is a dream that every man desires and every woman craves to be. But who would have thought a perfect woman like her has been veiling the bitter secret in her palm the whole time? She messed with the wrong person in the past. Veda Ambrose committed a murder. A crime which she could never run away from forever. She even changed her name, moved her house and switched her car, just to hide from that perilous man, Edward Gable. Unintentionally, she killed his lover. It was not purposely. It was a mistake. But what she had done could not be changed. So she got an option to run away from him only. Still, he managed to discover her always. Not to mention the fact that Edward Gable is one of the crime lords. Now he has appeared in front of her after five years. He has come to make her repay for the crime she has wronged. However, Veda Ambrose refuses the fate and asks for help from another man instead. The man who can rescue her only in this tough situation, Lucius Ford.

    Hera_Cordelia · Fantasy
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