
The beginning

[If i remember correctly , Its been over two decades since it all started .]

" Ready your weapons ", shouted the commander.

In a astonishing speed the group of soldiers was circled by Orcs.[Monsters]

Fear could easily be seen in the eyes of the soldiers who stood with their swords in their hands.

[ The king was informed that on the eastern part of the empire Orcs were killing the villagers, so the king send one of his elite group of troops to clear the villages of the Orcs.]

The commander of the group was an experienced person when it came to hunting Orcs and other monsters but even he himself haven't seen such a large group of orcs gathered at one place .

It was then that he realised that something was wrong all the orcs stood still with their beast like eyes looking towards the group but none of them moved .

It was then that from the back an Orc a feet larger then the others appeared before them, On seeing the group of the soldiers he smiled and then lifted his axe high up towards the sky and with this orcs started attacking the group.

Swords and Axes clashed against each other.

Screams could be heard clearly ,it appeared to be one sided massacre

When The commander noticed the number of soldiers who were getting killed was very high then he realised that it was time to call them back .

"retreat and make a defensive formation behind me ", said the commander.

As soon as the soldiers heard the order of their commander they hurried back and formed a defensive formation.

It was then the Commander summoned his magical power which then turned him into an magical beast with long claws and golden armour and his eyes filled with muderous aura shocked the mosters attacking them.

[There were only 10 commanders in the empire who possesed the ability to transform into the magical beings ]

The commander did not miss the opportunity and suddenly attacked the nearest orc and with just one hit from his claws the head of the monster was seperated from its body .

The Leader of the orcs couldn't believe his eyes.The battle which was supposed to be one sided massacre suddenly turned around.

And soon only the leader orc was left ,Hebwas left speechless , Sensing the strong muderous intent coming from the beast .

The leader soon used his ability and chanted some words ,as the beast was about to move towards the remaining orc he sensed something.

The ground beneath their feets cracked open

and from the depths rose a dragon who's roar filled the entire sky .

The beast soon sensed the incredible Aura emitted by the dragon .He realised that he couldn't win against such thing .

For the first time he felt fear but then he looked at the soldiers behind him and felt that no matter what happens he needed to protect them.

The Beast soon drew his long sword which was filled with magical energy and decided to fight the dragon till his last breath .

[The Legends are silent on what happened next]
