

At the same time, Ace and the company were dragging their newest addition to the crew reluctantly. The other side of the world was in real serious trouble.

But let us start with the most important ones. Agrabah...

While Ace has been off to the ocean for a few months now, Jasmine was experiencing some hard trouble as she tried to rule. Her father Hamid has left the Agrabah and went for a visit to Jahilon as a sign for their peace and show that their peace wasn't just on papers.

As for Jasmine's troubles, they came in the form of orders defying Nobles and the dying landscape that the country is going through right now. After Ace's departure, the dead-land mass expanded greatly which caused a headache for the farmers and The Royal family.

And now, in the throne room, Jasmine was on the Throne, surrounded by guards, Nobles, and ministers. Her eyes landed on the man in the middle of the room and frowned at him "Lord Rachid...Have I heard wrong?" She asked in a heavy voice.

"You heard me correctly, your highness..." Rachid, A high ranking Noble and one of the Ministers responsible for the Market's economy.

"So...You want to become the Vizier? May I ask why?" Jasmine spoke with a tiny hint of mockery in her tone.

The Nobles shifted their necks between Rachid And Jasmine with a little bit of worry, this could go wrong in many ways.

"Your highness, Now that Jafar is not here anymore, and our Royal Prince; his highness Ace, and His Majesty are away from the kingdom, I believe that this is a perfect moment and a really necessary moment where we need a man to lead our nation in such crucial moment...Of course, I am not underestimating your highness." Rachid said such words in a calm way that couldn't let you pick up his hidden meanings, even though they were obvious.

The hall was cold silent at Rachid's brazen words and all of them looked at Jasmine with anticipation for what she would say.

Jasmine chuckled and leaned back on the throne "How impressive, your words made me want to bestow the Vizier's duties, But first, may I know what will you change or add when you obtain such rank."

Rachid smiled "Our nation is going through a harsh financial situation, I will impose a tax increase on the market and the citizens to improve our situation a little bit, this will be an honor for our citizens to display their national spirit. Then I will send for a supply request from Jahilon as they are our subordinate nation. That should keep us from the harm for the next two years."

Jasmine was tapping her finger on the golden arm-rest handle of the throne with an amused smile "Excellent, my lord!" She said.

Rachid bowed "I live to serve."

"However..." Jasmine shook her head "I must ask even more...what will your plans when the merchants you decide to increase the tax on them will leave the city and refuse to pay dropping our market down, while our citizens get angry and decide they will not pay and some may even think of rebellion. And lately, what will you do when our peace treaty crumble down and we go to war again because Jahilon Nobles didn't like the idea of giving free stuff for nothing."

"Your highness!!" Rachid wanted to speak as he was overwhelmed by such questions.

"AND EVEN MORE..." Jasmine shouted silencing the hall "What will happen when my husband who worked hard and spent countless gold and power to provide us with what we currently enjoy?" She asked.

"I...I, your highness...I..." Rachid was overwhelmed, he wanted to answer, but it seems Jasmine was looking for them.

"I will tell you what will happen..."Jasmine stood up and walked down in front if Rachid "WE!" She grabbed his jaw with strength twisting his face "will cut your body with needles, little by little until you are nothing but a puddle of blood." She whispered in his ears sending shivers of fear.

"So my lord, before you talk about someone leading this nation, and ALL OF YOU should remember that in the absence of my father and my husband...I RULE!!" Jasmine let go of Rachid and pushed his face off her and making him fell on his behind.


While in another nation...China.

The war has taken a huge turn to the worst for the Chinese.

"Go! Go!" Men shouted as they ran through the street of the Imperial Capital.

"Evacuate the city!!" One man stood on a building as he shouted and lead the citizens out of the city.

The city was in chaos and burning down "Run to the Eastern gate!!"

"The Hun Army's main force is closing on us!!" Soldiers shouted

And inside the palace, The Young General Li Shang was following behind the emperor "Your majesty! You have to leave the city!" He said.

Mulan who was walking behind him nodded "Yes your majesty, you must lead our people to safety!" She said.

"I will not run away like a coward!" The emperor said as he pushed open the door to his hall.

Xero, the young Magician from Nomrood Academy and Mulan's master shook his head "You are more useful to your people as a living coward than a dead brave emperor."

The emperor looked back at Xero and frowned "As an ally of our nation and a master for our Commander Fa Ping(Mulan), I will not take offense, but I will not humiliate my nation and let the Huns call me a coward." He said. His old and skinny body trembled slightly from what is to come.

Xero just shrugged his shoulders 'This Shan Yu guy proved more difficult than we had imagined...' he thought as he looked at Mulan. His eyes softened when he looked at her, for a moment he saw an image of her past self standing in front of him.

She has grown taller, tougher, and braver by the time he noticed her. Even more, she has become more beautiful and her feminine parts became hard to hide. And now he has was needed to maintain an illusion on her whole body. It kinda made him happy that he was the only one who can see the true her.

"-Ter! MASTER!!" Xero snapped out of his thoughts at Mulan, Li Shang, and the emperor looking at him.

"What?" He spoke.

"Commander Fa Ping said we should install a trap on our city walls and gates." Li Shang spoke.

"I can speak to the other two and see what we can do. We can get a good portion of their army if they fell for the traps." Xero said.

"Good." The emperor nodded "Commander Fa Ping, you take command over the Lotus Troops and make sure you slay any survivors if the trap succeeded."

"As you wish, you Majesty."

"General Li Shang, You go over the towers and see that our arches can make it rain poison arrows." The emperor added.

"As you wish, your majesty!" Li Shang knelt down before leaving with Fa Ping(Mulan).

"Ooh~ you know your stuff about army fights, ey?" Xero chuckled and spoke.

"I am an emperor, you'd thought I would have survived this long if I don't know this much?" The emperor spoke as he took out his ancestors' sacred sword "Today, I die or live my nation!" He said with his old voice.

On the horizon, a black line was getting thicker and thicker by the second, the Hun Army's main forces have arrived. Leading them a man clad in a fire coat "Today...China will belong to me, and then I...Shan Yu will be the leader of our Tribe. Attila can not surpass me after this." Shan Yu laughed loudly as he imagined his future.


Back on Ace's ship, Maui was still kicking around "I am telling you, I can not go with you!" He said as he tried to break free from Blue's chains.

"Shut up, man!" Blue spoke as he guided Moana on how to sail the ship "A little bit to the right, Coconut head." He said.

"I don't even have my hook!" Maui said.

"Hook?" Ace who was on top of the crow nest raised an eyebrow "Why is a hook important to you?" He asked.

"I can't shape-shift without my hook, that is how I channel my Powers!" Maui said "See?! I am useless without it! I will just hold you guys back!"

Ace Pointed behind Maui "That Hook?"

Maui looked behind him and his eyes dropped down "Really?" He spoke in disappointment "Out of all those years...Only at this time, I found you?"


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