
The lone detective

john_stanley · Seram
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1 Chs

Meet the Lone Detective Meet the detective

By the name, you guessed he was lonely but I assured you he was not.Nevertheless, he was not someone who would investigate a case alone. Believe me and there was no a back story behind his name. The thing was he was just too lazy to come up with a proper name and so he reversed his actual name.

"Thank you,Mr.Enol, for solving the case," said mr.X. We called him X.

"Get out. Get outta here."

He loudly spoke to him and threw a vase at him by leg. I wanted to know how he could do it while sleeping on the sofa.

Beside him,standing I was wondering,

"You earned it,mister. He always hated his name more than anything."

Mr.X left happily. I was a fool to forget that he was a masochist.I could guess he intentionally spoke his name aloud.

The story behind his name,well,we would talk about it later.But for then, a storm was coming and I could see in front of me.

" Here,see,Mr.Lone , a detective who had solved a recent case and to be known for his ability fo solve almost anything.But here is the truth - he is such a miserable detective who couldn't even remember his girlfriend's birthday".

She was angry and saying everything she could in front of camera.

She is a famous crime reporter and happened to be in love with him and (sigh) my cousin.Her name is Jessica.

"Oh,no. She was approaching at me," I mumbled.

"What do you think he didn't remember my birthday,mr.assistant? Tell us," she cried.

"I can tell - because he was so lazy to wake up from that sofa,right."

"No,because he didn't remember having a girlfriend", I mumbled again.

To be precise, I told him about her birthday. He replied to me like what girlfriend - so I keep myself quite and was eager to see what would happen.

" Did you say something?"

"Of course not", I replied.

" Please don't be loud. He was so busy.Look,he is sleeping like there is no tomorrow".

"Is he sleeping for two days?"

He was wasting our money on his favorite thing. He did spend all the time on her birthday doing experiments.The experiments were never so good but he proudly called those experiments of the century.If I told her about what he did,there would be a war inside the house.

"I wonder what the deal with that sofa is? she asked me.

" He said it was a cursed sofa...it helped him fell asleep quickly".

"What?A cursed sofa!"

"Then how could he manage to get a hand on it?"

"I wanted to know it myself ", I mumbled.

" He created it",I replied.

"Of course. Yeah.Hahaha.By how?"

"I don't know. Asked him, not me."

"What's the matter?" Enol sat down on the sofa and asked me.

"Oh,Lone.Jessica came to meet you".

" Disaster! "He replied.

" A what?"she questioned.

"No,I mean welcome and... thank you for the money", he answered quickly.

" I don't come here to give the both of you money".

"Then what,Jessica. You know, our budget is tight for the rest of the month".

She was the boss of the detective agency.She funded us.Enol read her articles daily in our local newspaper.He loved her but was not straight about his feelings towards her.She knew and that maybe the reason,a part of her annoyed at him.

" Well,then don't waste your money buying those junks".she smiled.

"Don't call my experiments junks. I loved them."

"Then be with them for the rest of your life,Mr.Enol."

"Don't call me that."

"Here is the money for the next month and don't let him touch it whatever happens."

She looked at me and hand over the cash.

"Don't want more and solve a damn case."

She left.

In the end,nothing had happened. I was very disappointed that day. I really thought something entertaining was going to take place.

Enol fell asleep saying, "A storm has gone. Thank the almighty."

The next day, a man came with a case. This was definitely gonna be one of the best cases of his life.