
1000 to 100

Not even half of the girls could fit into the lobby of the villa. It was a mess.

"QUIET!" a voice screamed. It was that gray mustached butler.

"If I hear another word from any of you, you will be kicked out."

Every girl immediately went quiet. Some even started to silently cry. This made Haru snicker.


His father elbowed him and gave him a nasty stare.

Haru very quickly sat up and cleared his throat.

"Every girl, grab a number from a butler. Once you have a number, Please make your way to

the back garden," the butler once again spoke.

All of the girls started to shuffle to a butler to grab a number then went to the garden as they were told. They were still in complete silence.

About an hour later, every girl had a number and they were all standing out in the garden watching their hopefully soon to be master sitting on a balcony facing the garden.

"Son," spoke Haru's father, "it's time to start. Go and speak to them."

Haru really didn't want to do it, but he stood up and made his way to the edge of the balcony.

'Let's get this over with," he thought to himself.

Haru took a deep breath in, cleared his throat, and began to speak.

"Welcome ladies," he began, giving them a charming smile. "I thank all of you for being here today. Shall we begin?"

After that, he sat to watch the girls. They were all going mental. Because Haru loved chaos,

he didn't do anything to stop it.

And so the process began.

The plan was for 10 of the butlers to choose 10 girls each.

Because of this, girls dropped like flies. At least 1000 girls went to 100. 900 girls kicked


The butlers did their own tests to pick one of the 10 girls in their group. Those 10 girls would then go on to personally meet Haru and his father. After that, Haru could choose as many girls as he wanted, as long as he picked one.

"Alright then," said Haru. "Send in the 10 girls."

I fixed all of the mistakes that were made for the readers who read this chapter right as I posted it. Sorry for the inconvenience!

xXAlanaXxcreators' thoughts