
The Lion of The Rock

After finishing his journey of life on Earth, Tang emperor Li Shimin was reincarnated into House Lannister. How will he start his new journey and will he create another legend in the world of ice and fire

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1. A New Start

Casterly Rock 272 AC

In a training yard in the castle, sword clashes and shouts can be heard, as two golden-haired boys sparred against one another. 

The older boy is gaining momentum as the smaller boy loses his stamina. 


"You lost Jaime, don't be sad, you are much better than I was when I was 6," said the older boy panting.

Jaimie smiled, he might not be on par with his brother in wisdom and intelligence but he's at least better at sword fighting 

"Of course, I will be better than you, can't have you take all the glory, Loren" 

Loren smiled and ruffled Jaimie's hair. Soon they heard clapping noises and laughter. Loren looked to see his mother and sister were watching from the sidelines. 

"I am glad you two are getting along, now wash up, we will be eating dinner soon," Joana said with a smile. 

Jaimie nodded and he went to his room to wash up, followed by his sister Cersei. 

Loren walked to his mother and put a hand on her bulging belly. "How was your day Mother, Has my little sibling been any bother?" 

Joana smiled at her eldest and lovingly replied "I have been very good today, and no your sibling has not been a bother. Thank you for spending time with Jaimie, He looks up to you, you know."

"I know Mother, and it's not a bother, Jaimie and Cersei are my siblings, we Lannisters must stick together right, After all, we are sitting in a mountain of gold" Loren joked.

Joana rolled her eyes at her son's witty remarks and told him to go clean up for dinner. 


As Loren enjoys his bath in the tub, he begins to think to himself. As the previous emperor of China and one of the leading founding figures of the Tang dynasty, he was on an emotional roller coaster for the past 8 years. 

'I was reincarnated, what a wild 8 years' Loren smiled. He feels fortunate that he is reborn into a wealthy and powerful nobility in this new world. He always felt that he never deserved such high merit after reincarnation. The incident on Xuanwu Gate keeps him awake most of the time when he's on Earth. On that day he was forced to kill both his eldest brother and fourth brother. After that, he usurped his father throne and secured himself as Emperor of Everything under the Heavens. 

He had no choice, it was going to be him or his eldest brother. Li Shimin always tried to convince himself that he had no choice. In this life he will make sure that he will never made the same mistake. Fortunately, he was born as the eldest son of Lord Tywin Lannister, the succession crisis in his previous life must never be repeated. He will never allow it. He will love his sibling and stay filial to his parents in this life.

Loren smiled at the thoughts of his family, Jaimie reminded him of his younger brother, Li Yuanba. Amazing fighter with less desirable intellect. However, they are loyal to a fault. His sister was something else. She is the combination of ambition and recklessness. Despite her shortcoming, Loren finds her to be caring for her family deep down in her heart. However, Loren also notices her abnormal relationship to Jaimie. He had been trying to convince both of them to stop but it only gave him his sister's ire. 

As for his parents, his mother is intelligent and kind. But don't let her kindness fool you, she inherited her husband's resolve and will. She alongside Loren's uncles and aunt made quite a team. Uncle Kevan always willing to help his mother on many matters just as he helped Loren's father Tywin. Uncle Tygett helps manage the garrison and gives Joana advice related to arms and defence. Aunt Genna advise mother on politics and intrigue of the realm. And finally, Loren's favourite uncle, Gerion Lannister. He always lighten the mood everywhere, and his adventurous spirit is always a treat. 

Finally his father, Lord Tywin Lannister. Loren has respects for his father. After all, his father brought his family from its low point to now. Tywin is not kind or honourable, but Loren cannot deny his father had the decisiveness needed to win. 

'A generation of heroes' Loren sighed.

Loren then begin thinking about his family standing in the realm. Maybe it's a cruel twist of fate but his family standing are almost the same as before his old family rebelled against the Sui Dynasty. His father holds important office in the capital, but was not trusted by the tyrant king. Despite this he felt his new family had a better standing than the previous one as in this world kings do not hold as absolute of a power as Emperors in China do. 

In order to help, he told his father repeatedly that staying in the capital was useless and only adding distrust on King Aerys. He told in his letter that the current situation is simply untenable. He should go back to Casterly Rock and await further development. Just like his old family did. 

Loren believed that the current king will definitely broke the camels back. The Targaryen's already held the seat of power for almost 300 years. Their foundation are dwindling. Ever since King Aegon V, hasty reforms, it has brought dissatisfaction and distrust on the crown among the nobility. His death alongside many Targaryens death at Summerhall erode his dynasty's foundation even more. 

In order to make up for the nobility's dissatisfaction his father had to repeal most of the reform and repay most of the crown's debt. However, what the Targaryen needs is a stable king that can rule stably for 50 years like Jaehaerys I. Aerys are not such a person. 

This situation is quite similar to the Sui dynasty. The second emperor inherited a healthy empire and treasury. But the emperor failed to rule with stability and instead wage war against Goguryeo and build so much infrastructure that they needed to raise taxes everywhere. 

The current Targaryen dynasty is the same thing. Despite Loren's father's effort. The moment his father left or the moment his father dismissed from duty, the current king will squander away what little foundation the Targaryen's had. Right now house Targaryen reputation among nobles and common folk are at a low point. Despite the realm's stability and prosperity, most nobles regarded Tywin Lannister as the one bringing stability as most nobles are still bitter about King Aegon V's reform. 

While the royal family tragedy at Summerhall and the decimation of most members of their family made the Targaryens small in numbers and thus fragile. It took 150 years and 6 generation of great kings for the Qin dynasty to accumulate wealth and power, until they finally won the warring states period. It only took them 1 generation to squander it all away. 

King Aerys is such kind of person. When the number one house fails and falls. Another will rise. Loren will make sure that House Lannister fills this gap just as he done with the Li family.

As Loren finished his pondering a knock came and the sound of a maid rang. "Milord, are you finished yet, your family is waiting for you for dinner" 

"Oops, coming" Loren sprang from the tub and began to dry and himself. 

Let the games begin.