
The Life of the Lazy and Lecherous unknown!

Tin Su, was a 9-12 office worker in the 21st century, born to a low class family with little to no money most of the time, Tin Su had a tough life, at age 12 he lost his father to liver failure, his mother left him when he was 16, leaving him with his already near goner grandparents. Two years later he lost them, it was a tough life for the poor virgin Tin su. After graduating from College he started working, in the hopes of making money and money! But the poor soul at age 25 he collapsed and passed on from over working…. Twin Loop Continent, in the western Lute Hemisphere, in the Qin clan and a young boy was born. Qin Su! Or the reincarnated soul of Tin Su. The second son of the middle class clan members, father a guard Qin lee, and mother lin ming. The Genius of the Clan….or Was he? At age 4: Qin Su set a record, he became the youngest person to break through the eight levels of the mortal realm, and had stepped into ther inTernal core formation Realm. At the age of 5, he was the youngest core realm of the entire lute hemisphere, the lute’s royal family even arranged a marriage to the young princess of the royal family! At age 11, he stopped progressing, at age 13 he was considered trash, at age 15 he was forgotten. For Qin Su, he did not mind itt. At age four he had discovered that his growth was unheard of! He kept growing without cultivating, at age 8 he found out he could hide his cultivation! at age 11 he had broken through the Internal core formation realm! His strength rivaled that off the Qin Clan leader. He continued to break through while enjoying the relaxing life he developed and now he has finally turned 16! It was finally time to fully enjoy his relaxing life of being an unknown for the time being!

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29 Chs

Demon Sprites

At the moment the eyes that were shut, had opened, and standing in front of her was a figure that she had least expected to see.

It was a figure that had caught the attention of many, when he had defeated Dar Rigirs. It was a figure clothed in mystery, a figure that hid behind a mask. It was Qin Su.

Few seconds ago.

"Hahaha! Dark wilbo berries!"

" Crane blood fruit! Niceeee! I can make the legendary Blood red Cane Wine!"

" Blue Tail raspberry leaves!

"Hmmm.." while impressed by his discovery, Qin Su caught a sight of something that he had not expected.

It was a dark cloud! That had surrounded Ma Suyin!

That cloud's aura had brought the same feeling back to Qin Su, the same feeling he first felt when he arrived.

The Cloud and it's ominous aura was something that he had learned about from the Love Lord's inheritance!

Demon Sprites! They were minions of the Great Demon Empire of the ancient era. The Great Demon Empire was one of the few emperors that stood among the peaks of the cultivation!

From the Inheritances, Qin Su had discovered the demon Empire was one of the evil emperors, and had betrayed the human side in the great ancient war that cost the lives of many emperors and their followers.

It was the Demon Empire that was responsible for the death of the Love making lord and his sect.

Back to the curtain situation

Qin Su had just arrived at the perfect time, he had just stopped an incoming attackfrom one of the many sprites hidden in the cloud.

From Qin Su's naked eyes, he observed close to 25 demon sprites grouped up.The strength of these Sprites were not strong, but they came in group, and the special effects of the clouds they are born in brought along a special posion that would weaken the cultivator, until the cultivator was death. Then their flesh and blood would be absorbed.


A string of winds picked up around Qin Su, and started to rapidly surround Qin Su, forming into a small tornado.

'Go wind Slash!"

This was one of the moves that Qin Su had created in his free time. He would form a tornado around him, and when it reached the peak of its power, he would release it and it would do damn around him.

This time it had destroyed everything besides Ma Suyin.

This was a truly powerful move!

Ma Suyin Pov

" monster! That was her thought when Qin Su had released his attack! The strength, the pure strength, could have easily rivaled her master's strongest moves, the Darkness Strike.

Yet Qin Su's mastery and control were on another level that her masters!

"Ahhh" be it the shock that Qin Su brought, or her injuries, she released another mouthful of blood before passing out.

"Ooh..shit..now what!" Qin Su though as he looked at the sleeping/knocked out beauty

" haaa, demon Sprites, the ominous feeling, this destruction. It looks like there is going to be trouble..I might actually need to do more work..haha.. Well where's Liana?

He quickly onces again released his senses…..

" Woops…damn she has a nice body! Damn! That's going to be mine!"

Qin Su, had quickly found her location…..only thing was that she was currently taking a bath, while recovering from her wounds. She had actually found a good hiding spot. But he still decided to keep an eye on her.

Soon he quickly Picked Ma Suyin up and took her with him.

Two days quickly passed. During that time, Qin Su had finally created a jug of the legendary Blood red Crane Win! It was finally done! Now was the time to taste it!

"Ahhha" just as he was about to take a sip, a slight moan had awakened him.

Turning his head around, he saw the sleeping Ma Suyin finally waking up, the blanket that was covering her had also fallen when she was waking up….Fully exposing her tits.

Qin Su ":......"

Ma Suyin "......."

Qin Su "....." eyes glued to her chest

Ma Suyin: "ahhhhhhhhha" finally noticing what happening.. " you bastard what are you looking at" she spoke as she hid in a fecal position, covering her chest.

" Well it's not like this is the first time I've seen your chest…."

" You..What….When…what did you do" fear stuck Ma Suyin

"Well you see I had to treat you, so I had to remove your…" before he could even finish. A swift kick appeared right under his chin, along with alot of white…Instead of dodging, he allowed the kick to connect and he flew a few meters away, so he could avoid this conversation.

After 5 minutes, Qin Su, Finally arrived back at his place, hoping that she would have left.

But to his surprise, he found her fully clothed...Drinking his Jar of Blood red Cane Wine

"That's Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Wineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" He roared.

" So but, we're even,,uh, why am I feeling hot…why is my body feeling hot….You monster what did you do to the wine.."