
The Life of Kenshiro Senju

I am not the writer! The author goes by the online name Kestix. I just thought that it would be a shame for this gem to rot out there forever. Author: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/16399 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenshiro Senju, son of Iria Senju and Daikuma Senju Kenshiro Senju, that is now my name. It has not always been... Once I have been named differently, by another mother, in a different world. I had grown up in a different world, have lived a different life, and have done things way differently. My story started like so many other isekai self-insert stories. Well, at least I think my death has been a little bit more on the strange side. Author of the cover; https://www.pinterest.de/mliannaphilisa/

RandomSwordsThief · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Chapter 14

Ariha blinked up at me, the weed still in her hand. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice that Sakumo and I have already finished our parts and even did most of hers.

"Something wrong?" I asked it was rare for her to space out like that.

"No, I was just thinking about stuff," she replied a little defensive and with a slightly red face.

I shrugged, she would tell us if it concerns us. The months we were now a team were...interesting. We grew together and I might even call us friends. We each helped each other and worked together. They were first surprised by my honest help, which might have been because I was a loner in the academy.

"Sakumo-kun and I have finished most of the garden. Only the patch you have in your hands and under you are left," I said and gestured at the weed-free garden.

She blushed a shade redder and quickly pulled the last few patches out. "Sorry," she then apologized. Sakumo waved her off, not bothered. I gave her a shrug and turned to Kagami-sensei. He was lazing in a chair and reading some book about Ninja tactics.

"Hey Sensei, we're finished. Can we go hand in our mission and go back to training?" I called over. He looked up from his book, took a quick glance at the garden, before closing his book and standing up.

"Sure, let's hand in the mission scroll," he then said and jumped off, we followed quickly.

Since graduation, I have learned quite a bit. Physically I am now again 'as good' as I was before I activated my seals. Something that Kagami-sensei noted, he, however, thinks that I finished grieving. I can't mourn as I want to, so instead I grew stronger.

This is my status now; Kenshiro Senju' Status

Name; Kenshiro Senju

Player Title; Genin of Konoha

Bloodline; Body of a Senju

Age. 6 Years

Live Points; 100%

Chakra Points; 100%

Stamina Points; 100%

Level; 9

Game Points; 90

Chakra Control; 100%

Nature Chakra Control; 000%

Fire; 000%

Water; 000%

Earth; 000%

Wind; 035%

Medical; 060%

Lightning; 000%

Strength; 85 (-40) = 45

Endurance; 113 (-40) = 73

Reflex; 75 (-40) = 35

Intelligence; 105

Luck; 75

Charisma; 30

Charisma increased after interacting with my team and being friendly to them.

I grew in height, now at 1.2 meters, whereas I was 1.15 before. Yes, I am short, but I am still 6, bite me.

But not only did my attributes and level increase. My Jutsu and Skills did too. Here is a full list of my Jutsu and Skills.


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Medical Jutsu;

Tsunade and I learned those together. We used animals as test subjects or ourselves in some cases.

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Fighting Jutsu;

None Elemental;

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Wind Element;

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Yeah, a pretty long list, especially the medical Jutsu. After father's death, Tsunade had thrown herself into medical Jutsu and the human body. She wants to stop anyone she knows from dying. Futile if she isn't present but it helped her.

I learned every Jutsu instantly, as long as I have the needed attributes, but acted as if I was having a hard time with the higher ranked ones. Officially Tsunade is better than me in medical Jutsu, I don't even know a single one. That is if you look at my records.

Still, both of us know that I have more Jutsu and Chakra in that field. She does know a bit more about the body, but only because she is learning more than I do. She is thankful that I am quiet about my skills.

I also gained a few new Perks when reflex and strength hit 50 and when endurance and intelligence reached 100.

These are all my Perks;

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If I go purely by statistics than I am as good as a low Chunin in some parts. But I have seen that others don't have perks. I can see a lot with observation. A lot of their past, their mood, believes, goals, their opinion of me and so on, but no Perks. Their titles also don't give them a numerical bonus. I try to not use Appraisal on my family and friends, I feel as if I am invading their privacy, which I would.

So yeah, I might be better than the average weak Chunin. Haven't fought one, so I am not sure.

One thing that I also learned is that I can't raise a Jutsu or Skill that has 100 level above 90. I don't know why, maybe because 100 is perfection and nothing can naturally become perfect. Not that it applied to me, I can still rise them to 100 with my Game Points. A good thing that I kept them. At first, I thought that I just need more training. But the experience of the 90th level wasn't increasing and when I got to level 90 in Observation and Japanese they behaved the same.

Which means that I can only get a max level in this kind of skills/Jutsu when I add my Game Points. Something that I had done this morning. Ten into Chakra Control and ten into Observation, both are important. Japanese not so much, helpful for finding the correct words in a conversation or while writing, but the higher levels, since 80, are more for poetry and writing songs.

Surprisingly I got Perks for perfecting something. I got these two.

Master of Chakra;

The user has perfect Chakra control, manipulating basic Chakra is like breathing.

- Experience gain in any neutral Chakra Jutsu increased by 25%


You can see every tiny detail of an object by focusing.

That's cool. I mean, freaking awesome! And there are dungeons and special quests? Up until now I only ever got quest notifications whenever I received my D-Rank missions. But I think to remember that the academy graduation test had a special behind its name.

"Okay my little Genin group, I've decided that you are ready for your first C-Rank mission. We're going to hand in our mission and I'll go and secure us a C-Rank for tomorrow," announced Kagami-sensei suddenly. All three of us looked at him before Ariha cheered loudly. Sakumo sighed and muttered a "finally" and I nodded once.

We had to wait a few minutes in which Ariha was asking both me and Sakumo what possible C-Rank we will become.

Kagami-sensei came back with another mission scroll and threw it over to me. I caught the scroll easily and unrolled it for us to read.

Escort Mission:

The merchant Haro Lee wishes to be

escorted to the town Tanzei Gai.

The mission starts tomorrow at 8 am.

In front of the Eastern Gate.

Estimated danger;

Possible Bandit attack

Estimated travel time one week.

Quest Alert;

Take your team and escort Haro Lee to Tanzei Gai.

Reward; 10% to the next level.

I waited until the other two have finished reading and then gave the scroll back to Kagami-sensei. "Hmm, an escort mission sounds easy enough. There shouldn't be any real danger between Konoha and Tanzei Gai. By Ninja travel it is only a day away," I said and waited for the reaction of my team.

Sakumo was the first to speak. "So that is our first real mission."

"Sounds easy," added Ariha. I nodded in agreement. Bandits rarely attack Ninja, this will most likely be a boring ten-day long mission.

"Alright, we're finished for today. We'll meet again tomorrow at 7:20 in front of the Eastern Gate. Don't be late," announced Kagami-sensei. We three chorused a confirmation, before splitting up.

I run back home and to my room, where I gathered the needed clothes and gear for my trip, before sealing some of them into scrolls. These scrolls were made by myself. That's right, grandma Mito has deemed me good enough to write my own sealing scrolls for basic stuff. Under constant supervision and only those, but still. My very own sealing result. Sealing was steadily increasing since then, it's already on LV 25.

Once that was done I peeked into Tsunade's room but saw that she wasn't home yet, so I left a note and then walked to the Senju training grounds.

There I made twenty Shadow Clones. One half began to work on Medical Chakra control, while the other half worked on Wind Chakra control. Me as the original started a workout that would increase my reflex. I want to be faster, it's still the lowest of my physical attributes.

Three hours later and Tsunade came back from her Ninja work. "Hi Tsu-chan, what did you have to do today?" I asked without stopping training.

"Buy groceries, Jiraiya that idiot almost destroyed them when he stumbled and fell onto his bags. Luckily Orochimaru was quick enough to kick the idiot out of the way. We gave him the more sturdy ones, to begin with," replied Tsunade with an angry huff.

I winced a little. Poor Jiraiya is the punching bag of his team. He hasn't yet contacted the toads, he tries, but it's hard to catch up to a genius and a clan kid when you are only an orphan with a lacking work ethic.

"I'm so envious of your team. You were able to work with them from day one and only became better," she ranted and sat down on a log.

"We could ask both of our Sensei for a team fight. It might show Orochimaru and Jiraiya that teamwork can do good. From what you have said it is not only Jiraiya's fault. Orochimaru belittles him and you hit him," I suggested.

Tsunade raged with her fist at an imaginary foe, which probably looks like Jiraiya. "I hit him because he is a pervert. He said I have a cute face but the total lack of any chest kills any sex appeal I could have. Do you think I am sexy?"

Damn, how did I step into that minefield? "Tsu-chan, do you really want me to answer that? There are at least three things wrong with your question," I replied with a wry smile. She glared at me, knowing full well what I was meaning. Siblings, age, and again age for a different reason.

She pouted cutely. "Muh, like a good older brother you are duty bound to agree with me when I rant about boys." I laughed and finished my workout.

"But as a sibling, I am also duty bound to disagree with everything you say. At least that is what cousin Taka has told me," I replied. Cousin Taka is another Senju our age, he has a younger brother and they are always fighting.

"Cousin Taka is an idiot, last time I saw him he said girls have germs. We have tested it, both boys and girls have germs. Everything alive has germs!" Trust a six, almost seven, year old to use a Medical Jutsu to test out the statement of another child.

"Come, mom will have dinner ready and you haven't told me what your team has done today," she then said and grabbed me by the hand to pull me back home. I followed without protest and only made another batch of thirty clones, splitting them up in halves again.

Dinner was okay, I told mom and Tsunade about my C-Rank mission tomorrow. Mom was worried and Tsunade envious. It took mom half a month to function almost normally after dad's death. Tsunade needed a month and only managed with my and mom's help. But they managed and are now happy again. Having a team and daily training, as well as missions, were good for Tsunade, she had less time to think and brood.

After dinner, Tsunade and I went back to the training field. I released the clones and got their experience and then made five more. All five would fight Tsunade in Taijutsu. It would train her situational awareness and my hand to hand combat.

With my seal active I was still stronger than Tsunade, but not by much. Some of her attributes were in the sixties. The weakest Chunin I have seen was in the low seventies.

In the meantime, I have decided to learn something that should be invented in thirty years. The Rasengan, an A-Rank sorely Chakra manipulation Jutsu for close combat.

Quite a lot of people in stories I have read don't want to use or learn the Rasengan because it is Minato's Jutsu or because he should get the credit for it. Bla, bla, bla if it's useful to use it, then use it.

While Tsunade was busy evading and punching my clones, I was sitting on a log and holding a water balloon. Creating the Rasengan with knowledge of each step will be rather easy. Especially with my new 100% in Chakra control.

I began to put my Chakra into the water and let it rotate in all directions. The balloon moved and bulged out in all directions, before exploding with a wet splat. The sound distracted Tsunade and she got kicked in the face by one of my clones and thrown over to me.

Her body came to a stop directly under me. She was wincing in pain and looked up at me, I grinned and took another balloon, before making it also explode, right over her face. The water inside lost its barriers and streamed down and on Tsunade's head.

"Hey!" Squealed Tsunade in protest and anger. She tried to hit me, but I switched with one of my clones, who got destroyed instead.

She huffed and glared at me and my other clones, we all had to press down our chuckles. "Not nice Ken-kun."

"You looked as if you need to cool down Tsu-chan," I said and couldn't hold back any longer. My clones and I began to laugh at the look of her pout and wet face.

She wasn't looking as if she would try to hit me, so I went back to my log. "What are you doing anyway?" She asked when I had sat back down and had taken out the rubber ball for the second step. The first one was laughably easy with my perfect Chakra control.

"I had an idea for a new Jutsu. You know that the Chakra Scalpel uses Medical Chakra to form a blade. We can do the same with elemental Chakra or coat a blade to give a weapon a better cutting edge.

I thought that it might be possible to do more with pure Chakra. I looked through things in nature that are destructive and found maelstroms. The water in a maelstrom is flowing and twisting, grinding everything to dust.

If I manage to replicate that with Chakra I should get something that can grind and shred into my target," I explained. It was not the original reason for creating the Rasengan, Minato has copied the effect from the Bijuudama, but it was a logical one.

"You make it sounding easier than what it probably is," commented Tsunade with a grin. I knew that she understood what I have explained and also knows that this needs a lot of control and possibly Chakra.

"It is hard, if it works I can teach you," I offered. She hummed in agreement and walked back to the sparring arena. I remade the clones she has had destroyed and gone back to working on my Rasengan.

The next step was to increase the power behind the rotations. I redid the same as with the water balloon and could see that the walls of the rubber balloon were slightly bulging, but not violently like they are meant to.

Hmm, if something didn't work with violence you just haven't used enough. With that in mind, I put more Chakra into the ball and increased the rotation. The rubber got filled with my Chakra and began to bulge on different directions, before with a small fart like sound one side ripped.

"That was not what I wanted," I muttered and took out another rubber ball. I have bought a lot, not knowing how many I need. Not as if they will get wasted, Tsunade will have to learn this as well.

I took a look at my Chakra and noted that I had a little bit less than 50%. The Chakra I have used for the Shadow Clones has been regenerated, which means that these three tries on an unfinished Rasengan took half of my Chakra. No wonder it is an A-Rank Jutsu and not recommended to learn before becoming Jonin.

It should be possible to counter the costs with control, but first I have to do it right. While learning I am wasting a lot of Chakra.

Okay, so what did I do wrong? I made it rotate in every direction and put more Chakra into it. The rotation increased in strength and allowed the Chakra to rip a hole into the ball. However, the ball is meant to explode, violently.

Maybe here I need to add some fine control? Up till now, I was just moving it erratically around. I could hold the Chakra back from escaping, while simultaneously increasing its strength and speed.

The moment I let go the Chakra will escape and move outwards, putting pressure at the ball from all sides and hopefully make it explode.

With this new approach, I did manage to let the ball explode. It made a loud bang and hurt a bit on my hand. Tsunade and my clones also got distracted, only this time Tsunade was ready and used the chance to hit one in the throat and kick another in the balls. The last made me and my clones' wince in sympathy. Thankfully I don't get the pain of my clones.

The last remaining clone got kicked in the chest and turned to smoke when it crashed into a tree. She took a deep breath and then struck a winning pose, before skipping over to me.

"Did you see that? I totally beat your clones up," she looked way too proud for that. I nonetheless stood up and patted her head.

"That you did. Now come, it's getting late and we both have missions tomorrow," I said and grinned at her. She nodded and skipped home. I followed with a little distance, might as well finish the Rasengan tomorrow.