

The sky was alight, with fire lighting up the area, and explosions lighting up the night sky. Large machines, mechas, were strewn all over the large field, as they burned up. Figures, people, dragged themselves out of the mechas, beaten up and bloodied. The fire crackled, and the loud voices of some people could be heard amidst the noise.

A man's eyes fluttered open. He had passed out. He admonished himself. This was war. How could he think of passing out at this crucial time. He blinked. There was blood dripping down his cheek and forehead, leaving a thick scent of iron tickling his nostrils and a sticky feeling on his skin.

He flexed his fingers, glad that he could still feel his hands move. Without his hands, there is no way he could protect himself. His whole body shuddered as he tried to stand. There was the undeniable feeling of the pheromones in his body spilling out, leaving him no space to breathe.

'I should get out of here!' the thought slipped into his mind, just as a body came toppling over him, causing him to fall back to the ground.

He groaned, and slowly pushed himself back up, trying to push the body off of him. However, the body was heavy, or he was simply weak. He lay back on the ground, with his body shuddering at the weight that was lying on top of him.

Was the person dead?

Just as that thought had passed through his mind, the person groaned, and moved. This caused their body to move off of his own, and fall beside him. From the corner of his eyes, he could make out short pink hair, and a dark blue mecha suit. Without a doubt, he knew who this was.

She shook as she also pulled herself up. Her head turned to him, and her eyes widened upon seeing him. "Drvita." She called out his name. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the bac…" she was unable to finish her words as her mouth pooled with blood, and she coughed it out.

It splattered onto the ground, with some of it spattering onto his own mecha suit. He was unable to speak, instead opting to shake his head.

She noticed his small movement, and raised her hand to rub her forehead. She winced upon rubbing a gash that was on her forehead. "Don't tell me that they managed to ambush us from the back as well!" Her sudden agitation caused blood to pool up in her mouth once more, and she spat out another mouthful of blood.

This time, she toppled to the ground. Her cheek rested upon the stony ground, and her eyes slowly fluttered open and close. "Ah. Those demons. Who would have guessed that they would manage to win over us like this." Her voice was getting softer, slowly losing its normal tone.

"Drvita, can you hear me."

Still unable to speak, he made some uninteligeble noise.

"Good. I don't have much time left. Willa is still alive. If you live, find him, get the Throsh mecha. It was his mecha before he died." When she said that, the male immediately knew who it was she spoke of. "There is a button, a red button near the bottom control handle. If you press on it, the mecha will self destruct, and cause an explosion which will be enough to destroy three planets." She stopped speaking, and took in a few breaths, as if trying to stop herself from throwing up another mouthful of blood.

"If we are going to lose, then at least, we should take out a large number of their troops, don't you think?" She raised her gloved hand, which caused him to see the large patch of red that covered the blue fabric.

Those words caused a shiver to run down his spine. "Just… you may not live if you go ahead with it, but if it's you, Drvita, I know you will be able to do it."

Her eyes slipped shut, and her breathing slowed.

The male, Drvita, took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "You shouldn't be so trusting of me." He spoke up finally, despite the fact that her body had already started going cold.

"Ah!" he gasped out as he managed to stand. He looked back at her, noticing that her pink hair was spattered with blood, and her back, where the pheromone socket was, was dripping with blood. He then realized that she may have been forcefully yanked from her mecha by a demon.

He placed his arm around his stomach, and slowly walked to the direction of their troops. Low level demons were attached to his legs, slowly soaking up his pheromones. His strength was limited, so he did not have any strength to kill the little nuisances.

He had only walked for half an hour, when he heard a loud bang. He looked up at the dark sky. A large machine was floating up in the sky. It had jagged parts, and was much larger than a human. He raised his hand, and squinted his eyes. It was then that he realized that the ship was slowly falling to the ground.

His eyes widened, and fear engulfed him. Even if he was in full strength, it was impossible for him to leave a planet's atmosphere without the help of a mecha. Now, he was running on fumes. He sunk to the ground on his knees. This allowed the demons attached to his ankles to move up to his lower leg.

With a grunt, he had pulled one off of his leg and squashed it in his hand. Green gloop stuck to his hand. The other little demons, upon seeing this, screeched, before scurrying on away. The screech echoed in his ear, and he lowered his head, covering his ears with the palms of his hands.

What it is he could do. Humanity was doomed. He had nowhere left to go. He had nothing more he could do. If only he could turn back the time. He could have changed the decisions he made. He would not have done all that he had, and he probably would have saved all he had killed.

He groaned, and lowered his head. A loud scream reverberated through the plains. It was drowned by the crackling fire, and the screams of others on the planet with him. Just then, something in him snapped, and his pheromones poured out of his glands faster. All the demons in the vicinity stopped moving, and turned their gaze to him.

They stopped attacking the humans, and started chattering in a language the humans did not understand.

From the sky, a figure descended, causing all the demons to bow their heads due to his overbearing pheromones. The male's figure was tall, and his hair, a midnight blue shade, was tied at the nape of his neck, leaving the long strands to fall down his back.

"Drvita, what are you trying to do." He addressed the male who was fallen to the ground in the language of the demons. "Do not be foolish."

Drvita looked up from the ground, and a sneer pulled his lips up. "Who are you to call me foolish?"

"What you are trying to do shall not succeed. Humans are destined to perish. Give up your futile attempts. Do not make me take your foolish life." There was a wrinkle that had appeared on the demon's forehead. The two dark black horns at the top of his head shrunk down slightly the lower he got.

"I shall right the wrongs I did."

"Even if you try to do that, the end shall still remain the same, Drvita. Do not…"

His words were cut off, as the male's back arched forward. The cloth covering his back slowly tore, and a pair of dark wings sprouted from his back.

"Drvita." There was panic laced in the demon's voice. However, Drvita only smiled up at him. Dark light engulfed his wings, and his pheromones became stronger than ever. "YOU WILL DEPLETE YOUR LIFEFORCE YOU FOOL!" The demon began to shout.

The humans and demons alike, were unaware of what was happening, as the light enshrouded their bodies, traveling past the planet, and the whole universe.

Drvita could feel his pheromones rapidly dying out, and finally, his consciousness drifted in and out. The light blinded his eyes, and a foolish smile caused his lips to pull up at the corners. Maybe this time. This time, he would make the right decisions. He would not be fooled, and he would ensure that they lived. They all lived.

"Cddhone srasha." Was the last thing he spoke in the demon tongue, before allowing the light to engulf his body.


S/T(Small theater):

Drvita: Are you confused? I am confused. Let's be confused together, shall we? Welcome to the story of how I saved the human race. (Winks)

Edrey: (Appears out of nowhere) Hey! I am the real main character! (Chases Drvita with a spear of ice)


Cddhone srasha: For the glory of the king (When Drvita says this, it is sarcastic, seeing as he has foiled the plans of the demon king.

Hello darlings. Drey here. I'm submitting this story here because I've been having this thought of writing an omegaverse story for a while. Anyway, I hope you like it. If you like this, please feel free to check out any of my other stories.

Well, Let's embark on this story together. Hm.

AudreyJeru4creators' thoughts
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