
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs

Chapter 20: Viridian Forest

In the lush green forest of Viridian there laid a young man on the ground sleeping as if it were his home. This young man is none other than Sato kaede. After some time passed Sato kaede opened his eyes very lazily but after seeing the forest he immediately became alert of his surrounding. He immediately looked for his equipment and Pokemon which were beside him making him sigh with relief.

A backpack was lying next to him this was a very ordinary backpack with some essentials and a letter. Sato kaede opened up the leeter and saw very neat and tidy hand writing this indicated that it was written by a girl. Contents of the letter were "Sato kaede you are inside the viridian Forest where you have to survive for a week if in mortal danger you can use the flare in thr backpack and you will be immediately rescued but forfeiting this trek would mean confiscation of your Pokemons and demotion to a handyman. Good luck". He folded the letter and made his way to find aome shelter and gather his thoughts unbeknownst to him a Pidgeot was flying overhead and keeping an eye on him when he was asleep after seeing that Sato kaede was up and moving The Pidgeot flew away to a nearby mountain where a Beautiful ice cold young woman was sitting this ofcourse was Sophia.

Sato kaede made his way through the forest very carefully as not to disturb any dangerous Pokemon but his efforts werent good enough as soon a rattata attacked him but he was dealt very easily by Zubat, hearing the commotion an Arbok suddenly emerged from the bushes nearby and directly ate the rattata lying on the ground and then made way to Sato kaede.

Seeing this Arbok Sato kaede knew he couldnt defeat this beast so he did what any sensible person would do He ran away maybe it was luck or maybe Arbok wasnt hungry he gave them a little chase and then stopped and left.

Sato kaede was very glad for this but his happiness didnt last long and soon Zubat warned him that a group of 6 pokemon was heading to there location soon bzz~ bzz~ sounded and 6 beedrills came from the forest. Sato kaede couldnt help but curse and cammand Zubat "use Gust Zubat" a cyclone swept them just enough to help sato kaede run away.

Fortunately, with Zubat's ultrasonic detection capabilities, Sato Kaede was able to notice the Wild Pokémon hidden in the grass, so that he would either divert his path or react immediately.

Most of these wild pikemons were Grass type. In fact, most Grass Type Pokémon have very gentle personality. As long as you don't pose threat to them, they will choose to ignore you, and even run away hastily because of their timidity.

Of course, this is only in most cases. There are still some Grass Type Pokémon's characters that are more grumpy. For example, when Sato Kaede came to a stinky grass,suddenly A Gloom appeared in front of Sato Kaede and chose to attack them indiscriminately.

In fact, this Gloom originally hid her body in a small hole made by herself in the grass, and it seemed that Sato Kaede woke her up accidentally when he was running away from the Beedrills.

Sato Kaede's eyes lit up with an insignificant blue glow and he used appraisal on this Gloom. Under the system detection function, Gloom's data instantly appeared in front of him.

Gloom information is as follows:

Pokémon: Gloom

LV: Level 22

Attribute: grass + poison

Characteristic Trait: Stench (hidden)

Gender: Female

Master Ability: Absorb, Growth, Sweet Scent, Acid, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Mega drain , Secret Power (Genetic), Synthesis (Genetic) Nature Power (instructed by Ability)

"It's actually the Gloom with Stench Characteristic Trait, and has the Genetic move secret power. It's really my lucky day." After looking at Gloom's information, Sato Kaede showed a a joyful expression.

Gloom's attack did not hurt Sato Kaedeat all as it only used stench to make Sato kaede runaway. Seeing this Gloom used acid throw but Zubat, who sensed the arrival of the crisis by sonic positioning, immediately used Protect Ability in front of Sato Kaede and completely blocked Gloom's Acid.

Seeing this, Gloom immediately spit out Acid from her mouth to attack again, and this time the target was Zubat, who had lost the dark-green energy shield defense, and then under Sato Kaede's somewhat surprised gaze began to turn around and flee.

"Don't let her escape, Zubat, you must do it quickly, use Gust to get her Acid in, and then return it to her." After realizing the great value of Gloom to him through the data, Sato Kaede immediately ordered Zubat.

Zubat who fought a Rattata and then a Arbok and immediately after that a group of Beedrills had leveled up to level 18 its true what they say true potential can only be uncovered by life n death battle. Because of leveling up Zubat also learned a new move Confuse Ray.

Zubat used Gust on Gloom and was successful in hitting Gloom due to attribute advantage the flying type move did considerable damage to Gloom which fell down on the ground riddle with scars. Sato kaede immediatly used an ultra Pokeball and threw it on the Gloom after 3 tring~ noise Gloom got caught by Sato kaede. A new addition to the growing family and a Pokemon that had very good value in his team was caught by Sato kaede. Maybe this trip to Viridian Forest wont be too bad after all.

to be continued.