
The Beginning

Written By Micheal

Produced By #Ultimate_Stories_Empire_and_Supernatural_Stories_Empire

Episode 1






In Africa supernaturals who had gone rouge lived in a cave far away from civilization and only attack in the dark.

The people of Africa never knows what killed their citizens but always woke up to find the remains of their kinsman.

But there is a secret organization who knows what they are dealing with and how to deal with them.

This organization is called "S.E.N.D. An African secret organization funded by the government of some African countries.

Currently, four picture with three teenage boys and a teenage girl was displayed on a large monitor with a man in a dark suit standing close to a teenage boy in a black army like trouser with a black vest.

The man in black suit is called Mr Kay, the director of S.E.N.D while the other man is Victor.



Mr Kay:this is the picture of those we have discovered so far.

Victor:are you sure they are gonna accept our offer.


Mr Kay:yes

Mr Kay: other African countries already had their special team cadets. It remains us.


Victor: well I will personally recruit them.

Victor turned to go but was stopped by Mr Kay's voice.


Mr Kay:but this one....am not so sure will accept the offer.


Victor: well we ain't gonna know till we try.


He then walked out leaving Mr Kay alone.




A girl was seen walking through a lonely path with a bag strapped to her back.

She was lost in thought that she didn't Know when she bumped into a man.

She apologized and quickly made to walk away but was stopped as another man emerged from man's back blocking her path she tried moving back but was stopped by three other men.


Man 1: you fine gan o baby if they no tell you.


Man 2: yes o, see back wey set, walahi I must taste it.


The man moved his hand to grab her butt but she hit his hand away.

Another made to touch her but the man was lifted off the ground scaring the man.


Another man then remove a gun and point it at her head but the girl just smiled and the man started moving his hand till he pointed the gun at his own head. With a devilish smile, the man pushed the trigger and released the bullet killing himself.

The others tried running away but they couldn't move. She then throw the one in mid air to a wall making the man hit his head against the wall killing him.

The other three remove their gun and tried shooting but were unable to press the trigger.

Man 4: abeg my sister, no kill us

Man 3: please o madam.


Tope: well it is too late to ask for forgiveness.


The man then pointed their gun at each other and shoot at the same time killing themselves.


Victor moved out of the shadow with a smirk and shot the unsuspecting girl with a tranquilizer making her fall unconscious.


A teenage boy was seen walking in the busy market before suddenly, people started running away from a direction as some touts were seen carrying weapon wrecking havocs as people ran Helter sketer.


The boy tried running but was hit by a fast yellow bus throwing him into a gutter.


A boy was tied to a tree in a forest as a babalawo walked up to him with a young man carrying a white Calabash.

He then remove a knife and slice the boy tied to the tree's cheek and use the Calabash to collect some blood before saying some incantations and pour the blood on a black stone.

The young man removed the tied boy and drag him near the stone making him knee down.

The herbalist now bring out a Cutlass with red cloth tied to the edge.

The herbalist raised the Cutlass up and said some incantations.

The tied boy fixed his eyes on a pot filled with water. Suddenly, the water rise up and turned into ice shards in mid air then shot at the herbalist who didn't have time to move and was struck by the shards on the neck while the young man was hit in the stomach breathing profusely but not dead unlike the herbalist.

The teenage boy untied himself and walked up to the man and shake his head.

Tayo:my father took you as a brother but you instead tried using his son for ritual... Shame on you.


He turned to leave but met Victor facing him with a pistol pointed at his him.


Tayo:who are you.


Victor: name's Victor, that is all you need to know.


He then shoot the bullet hitting Tayo on the chest sending him to sleep.

Victor then slung him on his shoulder and carried him off.





A young boy was seen walking on the street at night.

Hi name is Oluwatobi, right know am on my way to the bridge to spend the night.


I was an orphan, my parents died when I was very little and was raised by an old woman who was a seer and helped me discovered myself and master my powers but she is no longer alive.



As I was walking, I suddenly saw a man ran past me, some seconds later, a blur ran past me almost immediately.

Knowing what was happening, I smirked then run after them.


I met up with them at a corner and saw the man passed out and a woman standing over him with Fang's out.

She looked at me and dashed at me but I evolved fire out of my hand and use it in punching the woman on the face reducing her into nothing but a pile of ashes.


I turned to go but was met with an unfamiliar boy of about a year or two older than me.

I tried going around him but he lifted his hand up blocking my way.

I looked him in the eye angrily. I was about to make a move when he spoke up.


Victor:can I talk to you for a minute.


Me:why, I don't even know you.


Victor:I know but can I speak to you.


I thought about it then decide to give him audience.


Victor: thanks I know you a... What is that.


I looked back and was hit on the neck by who knows what.

I staggered back a little before regaining my composture.

I looked him in the eye very angrily. He then brought out a gun and point it at me.

Victor:go to sleep.


He then pressed the trigger and the bullet hit me on the neck.

I reached for my neck and remove the bullet and discovered that it was a tranquilizer.

Suddenly, I started feeling sleepy.

Me: I t..t..t.hought...y..y..yo..you wa..w..w..wa..n..nted to talk.


Victor: guess I lied,I was expecting much of a fight since Mr Kay said you are very stubborn, I guess you are weak.


That is the very word I hated the most, being called weak. I started heating up as everything close to me started melting. I noticed that Victor skin was melting too but I don't care.

Victor started moving back as his body was melting but his face and right hand has melted completely revealing a metal arm and some of his body too showing some metal.

I shot flames at him but he deflected it as he was surrounded in an energy forcefield.

He put it down and turned his right arm into a circular cannon and shoot a blue energy wave hitting me into a wall.

I got up and ran at him with fist engulfed in flames and tried punching him again but he put up his shield again blocking my attacks.

I then looked up like it was trying to pass a message to me and with a fist raised up, the cloud started rumbling like a very heavy rainfall was about to happen.

I looked at Victor's face and saw it filled with terror and scared.


I was about bringing my fist down when I was hit by another tranquilizer on my neck.

I removed the tranquilizer and started feeling very very sleepy, much heavier than the previous one

U tried fighting over it but failed as I felled down, straight into unconsciousness


The person who shot me turned out to be a teenager of about my age in a SWAT like black uniform with a white pistol with others dressed like him with him carrying an energy rifle.

Victor then put down his shield and the men were shocked to see hia skin now melted completely revealing him to be a Cyborg.


Capt. Shade:But I thought Doctor Luke said it would take a very hot temperature to melt you.


Victor: well Shade, who told you it wasn't very hot.


Capt. Shade: looks like you are finally getting your new upgrade.




They then began heading to S.E.N.D. headquarter with me slung on Capt Shade's shoulder.


A boy was seen lying on a bed in a hospital like room.

He woke up and tried recollecting where he was before remembering how he was hit by a bus.

He didn't even bother trying to get up because he knew with the accident he was in, he wouldn't be able to walk again.

A man then entered in a white lab coat.

He was followed by Mr Kay and Victor who seems to have been given a new skin.


Lateef: where am i


Doctor Luke:you are in S.E.N.D headquarter here in Nigeria.

What just happened to you non are able to survive it and those who did never remains the same.


Lateef:what did you mean.


Mr Kay: what doc is trying to say is that you are special,you a...

Lateef:yes I know, I can control metal.

Mr Kay: not only that but you are the reincarnation of ogun the god of iron and war.

Lateef then burst into hysterical laughter falling off the bed, he then stand up before realizing what just happened.

Lateef:how come I can walk. I thought after the accident, I won't be able to walk again.

Mr Kay: well do you now believe me. Follow me


Mr Kay then went out the door followed by Victor then Lateef leaving doc Luke.


They entered Mr Kay's office to meet Tope and Tayo on the seat processing what they were told.

With Tope being Oya and Tayo Olokun.

Mr Kay cleared his throat gaining the attention of the two teenagers.


Mr Kay: about SEND, it is a secret organization that consist of Africa all over Africa.

Some years ago, we started noticing some things, like a man turning into wolf. We later discovered that they were supernaturals but not the friendly type. So the Africa's government created a secret organization called Secret Extra Normal activities Department. SEND in short funded by the government. Other African countries has their own special cadets team that consist of superhuman which was a result of some explosion that happened in USA some years back turning them into superhuman. The only superhumans we have here are Victor and Capt. Shade.

Victor being a Cyborg involved in an accident the time the explosion went off in USA, his body was replaced by a Cyborg body leaving only his brain and his private part the only human left, so he is a half human half robot but doctor Luke was a able to cover his body with artificial body part. Capt. Shade was affected by the explosion too turning him into a living shadow manipulator, he has ability to create anything from shadow.



I woke up to see myself on a bed and the boy that tranquilized me resting against a wall pressing a phone.

I got up from the bed.

Capt. Shade: name's Shade, sorry for tranquilizing you back there.


Me: oh that's nothing... But don't try it again.


Me: so where am I


Shade: follow me.


We walked through some Hall and finally getting to an office.

We entered and I saw some unfamiliar face and the man that made me angry but I was calm this time.


Me: I thought I melted your skin.

Victor:well I got a new one.

Me:oh... wait what d....

Mr Kay: I would explain everything thing to you if you would just shut up. Okay my name is Mr Kay and this is...

He then went on explaining everything to me

Mr Kay: and that is it and do you know that you are special.

Me:yes cause am Sango.

They all looked at me shocked.

Me:yeah I know who I am, and am ready to join your organization.

Tayo:you are gonna just join them like that.

Me: yes. I have no family and I have been told they would approach me already.

Lateef: even if we agreed to join you, won't our family be worried.

Mr Kay: that has already been taken care of. You see, Lareef when you were taken by Capt Shade, he placed a mannequin that looks exactly like you and your family thought you died in that accident so don't worry, to them you are already dead and so goes for all of you except Oluwatobi since he had no family.

Tope:even if we agree, I don't know how to fight.

Mr Kay:well that can be taken care of. Shade, go bring the pills.

Shade left without a word and moments later with a white case. He then gave it to Mr Kay who put it on the table and opened it to reveal a series of four black and white pills each.

Mr Kay: if you want to protect mankind choose the white pill, but if you want to go back to your home and live a normal life while your kinsmen dies, choose the black pill.


I walked forward and choose the white pill and put it inside my mouth. As I was about to swallow it, it dissolved into water and I gulped it and instantly, I feel different within.

Mr Kay:how do you feel.

Me: i f..f..fe..feel normal.

Mr Kay:that is how you feel first but it actually helps you learn your abilities quickly. Specially designed for you guys. Now who else.

Tope came forward and took the white pill follow by Tayo. Lateef hesitated for a but finally took the white pill.

Mr Kay: today is the birth of Nigeria Special Cadets Team. With Victor,Shade,Tayo,Tope, Tobi and Lateef as team. Now what is left is choosing your leader.

Me:I think Victor will be a better leader.

Tayo:yeah since he got experience than any of us here.

Shade: not that I want to be the leader o, but I got the same experience as Victor here, just pointing out.

Mr Kay:now that that is taken care of, Victor you are the leader, you en...

Whatever Mr Kay was about saying was caught of when a man barge in with a tablet in his hand.

Man: sorry to interrupt you sir, but we got reports that many students were kidnapped from their hostel last night by some groups of supernaturals. They are now currently in a forest along Igbo Ora to Maya.

Mr Kay:okay, you may go,I will take care of it,but before I forget, send a message to the board of SEND that we got our own special cadets team.

Man:okay sir.

The man then went out leaving us alone once again.

Mr Kay: alright, this is your first mission, save those students and find out why they kidnapped them.

We were about going when he stopped us.

He walked to his desk and pulled out six sets of black gauntlets from his locker and demanded for us to bring our right hands forth.

We did and he placed it on our hands one after the other and on getting to Victor and Shade, he asked them to remove their watch which they did and placed the gauntlets. The gauntlets then attached firm to our hands.

Mr Kay:this is the SEND'S AI called SENDAI, Victor and Shade are already familiar with it but this one grants you very features the previous can't, with this, you will be able to know of Level 15 information which ordinary agent can't and be able to contact the board, teansform you into your mission suit and many more. Now go.


We walked out the door and Victor led us to car and we got in before he drove us to a pad then stopped, seconds later, we found ourselves in an Express way which I recognize as the one from Igbo Ora to Maya.

He drove us towards where they supposedly entered through and parked the car near the forest.

We got down and started trekking into the forest in silent before I suddenly realized something.

Me:so are we supposed to fight a bunch of supernaturals bare handed.

Victor:am not fighting them barehanded, I got weapons.

He then turned his arm into a cannon.

Shade:and I got one too.

He then create a shadow sword.

Shade: don't worry guys,you are gods and goddess.


We were chatting when we suddenly bumped into something.

We looked up and couldn't find anything we tried again but we couldn't pass through it so Victor decided to scan it as a small satellite emerged from his hand and started scanning the surrounding.

It then stopped and went in back.

Victor:a barrier, a witch spell.

Me:how can we break it.

Shade: simple, we destroy it with something powerful.

Tope: what could be powerful enough to destroy it.

Shade and Victor then looked at me.

Victor:I would have suggested Tobi, but the noise of his thunder would alert them,so am gonna try something else.

He then joined both his hands and it merged together before turning to a big cannon.

Victor:get behind me.

We obliged and get behind him. He then started charging it up before firing a blue large energy but stopped on contact with the barrier, he then power up. It took a while but he was able to rip a hole in the barrier breaking it.

Shade: let move quickly,the witches who set up the barrier who have known it has been broken.

We continued our walking and spot them metres away with the students surrounded by some white lines.

Me:so what are we gonna do.

Lateef: what's the plan.

Victor:we go in, save the students, gather information and survive.

He then rushed in an started attacking the supernaturals.

Tayo:that is basically not a plan.

Shade: tell me about it.

Shade and Tayo then rushed in too with Shade attacking them with his shadow sword and Tayo who seems to be using a whip made out of water.

Lateef: guess that is what we are doing.

He too then made a sword appeared out of no where.

Me and Tope gave him a weird look which didn't go unnoticed.

Lateef: don't look at me like that, this is the first ability I discovered.

He said then dashed at the supernaturals slashing at them but a man who had turned wolf 🐺 manage to get a slash at him with his claws scratching his body to reveal a bone made out of metal.

I looked at Tope who then lifted the werewolf up before slamming him into a tree.

Victor walked to where the students were kept and throw a small circular orb into their midst which then evolved a black smoke out.

The students started falling unconscious one by one.

Tope then create a small tornado carrying some supernaturals before scattering them into the forest.

She then throw a lightening bolt at one.

Tope then ran out and started fighting the werewolf man who seems to barely got injured with the impact.

Me: guess am doing this too.

I ran out and surrounded my hands with flames and hit a man who was trying to attack Shade from the back.

Victor was handling himself well as he was firing missiles from his left hand.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, I then looked at the direction and saw a huge black dragon.

Tope and Tayo then walked to my sides staring at the large dragon.

Tope:is there supposed to be a dragon out here.

Tayo:I don't think so.

Me: you think it is as powerful as it's size.

Tayo:am not gonna be the one to find out.

He said taking two steps backward.

Me:for a god,you are such a scaredy cat.

I then dashed at the dragon, before I could reach it, a barrages of missiles slammed into the dragon's face stunning it for a minute before it regains it's composture then pour out a stream of fire towards Victor who seems to have been the one to shot the missiles. He jumped out of the way barely escaping the assault.

I then noticed that the supernaturals started retreating leaving only the dragon.

Shade and Lateef soon joined us.

I then ran at the distracted dragon who seems to be focused on Victor and unleashed a stream of fire at it's back burning some of its scale.

Out of instinct, I grabbed a stone and throwed it at at the dragon🐉 and on contact with the dragon, an huge explosion occurs sending the dragon a few metres away.

Lateef then turned his sword into shards and project it at the dragon stabbing it at multiple places.

Shade made a shadow spear and throw it accurately directly at the dragon's left eye.

The spear struck the dragon right in the left eye earning a loud noise from the dragon who screamed in pain.

Tayo then used his water whip to tie the dragon firmly at a place.

The dragon tried struggling but Tope use her ability to control air to hold it in place.

I then lifted my right hand towards the sky. The sky started rumbling as the cloud started gathering.

Lightening started flashing in the sky making loud noise as it flashes.

I then looked at the dragon and at a fast speed, thunder struck the dragon killing him on spot.

He then reverted back to a Man and Tayo remove his whip making the man fall down laying down dead on the floor.

Victor came out with his body dirtied.

Tayo: mission accomplished.

Victor:half the mission is accomplished, we couldn't find out why they kidnapped them.

Lateef: at least, non of the students was injured.

Me:what did you use on them that makes them sleep like that.

Victor:a very effective hallocugen sleeping gas, they won't be able to hear anything from the real world, they would just be hallucinating.

They should be up in about two minutes which gives us the time to finish up here and go.

Tope:what else need to be finished.


He said removing a back flat square shaped device with a tiny blue dot in the middle and placing it on the ground before pressing the blue dot and standing up back.

The device started spinning and lifting off the ground before it was about my mid section level and released a blue wave which went through the entire forest.

Lateef: what did you just did

Victor: restore the surrounding to how it was before we came. Look for yourself.

Truly to his word, the forest was like there was never a fight.

Shade picked up the device and put it in pocket.

We then went out of the forest to our car and drove back to a point before we were teleported back to the HQ.

Minute later after we left, the students woke up and after ensuring that they were alone they started tracing their way back until they get the road and through the help of a good Samaritan, they were able to call for help who came and took them back to the city.



Some abilities.


Air Manipulation

Tornado Creation

Wind Generation

Lightning Bolt Projection


Fire Manipulation


Combat Empowerment

Combat Specialist

Enhanced Combat

Enhanced Endurance

Fire Manipulation

Rage Manipulation

Deity Lightning Manipulation

Weather Manipulation

Storm Manipulation.





Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Micheal_Adewale_2510creators' thoughts
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