
The Legend Of The Crescent Moon Sword

Choi Bai Lu, who lives in modern times, suddenly woke up as a different person. She suddenly found herself in the Joseon Dynasty, where she had to accept the fact that she had to live as a female warrior named Han Yuram. From a weak girl, she is now transformed into a strong and tough girl. She must guard the Sacred Waterfall from the gumiho who are trying to overpower it and try to find out about the existence of the legendary sacred red stone. On her journey, Han Yuram will meet great warriors who will accompany her to fight the gumiho. Can Han Yuram successfully protect the Sacred Waterfall from the gumiho? Will Han Yuram get the sacred red stone that has disappeared for 1000 years? Follow his journey full of challenges.

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36 Chs

The Invisible Past

"What happened, Yuram~ah? Did something scary happen while I was unconscious?"

Ling Fei approached Bai Lu as she stood looking at a Ginkgo tree with yellow leaves, with both hands wrapped behind her body.

"A lot of things happened during the few hours you and the others were unconscious, Fei~ah."

"Is that a scary thing?"

Bai Lu nodded his head while looking at Ling Fei's face who was looking at him.

"Very scary. Darkness, destruction, and devastation, all melded into one. Fei~ah, my responsibility as a Jeonsa Goljjagi is getting heavier. When you're caught up in an unresolvable conflagration, I'm here to protect you. Protecting this universe from the world of darkness."

Ling Fei bowed his head. However, he then smiled and looked at the Ginkgo tree that was more or less hundreds of years old.

"Our task is indeed tough, Yuram. Not only do we have to protect the sacred Waterfall Valley from the gumiho, we also have to protect humanity from the mythical creatures who want to rule the world.

"You know, it is indeed very difficult when we have such a difficult task that we have to fulfill. But, if we don't protect them, who will?"

Bai Lu looked up at the sky that looked beautiful with its bright blue color. Unlike a few hours ago, it was dark, foggy, and full of destruction.

"We still have a long way to go, Yuram.l. We haven't even made it halfway to the West. Moreover, after we meet Ogumsha, we must immediately search for the whereabouts of the sacred red stone."

Lee Gon added and came over to his two brothers who looked serious while talking about something.

"You know, I had a conversation with Yuram in the past when I had to face Drakon and also Shin Yeongdo. He guided me so that me and Taeshin could defeat them."

"You talked to Yuram?" exclaimed Ling Fei and Lee Gon simultaneously.

Bai Lu nodded her head. He then recounted what had happened during his brothers' unconsciousness a few hours ago.

"What does Yuram mean? What mission is he working on outside without us knowing?"

"I don't know, Gon~ah. There are many things that Yuran keeps to himself and doesn't tell us. I didn't know that the arrival of Yuram in the future and Yuram in the present who is carrying out a mission, there is such a close connection. It really is still a mystery."

"But, I don't understand, Fei~ah. The Haneunim Uju in me has suddenly awakened, the power that I couldn't do before has suddenly become possible. And, it's all because of Taeshin who also helped me."

Ling Fei and Lee Gon looked back. Staring at Taeshin who was helping Asahi and also Yeongwan, who was gathering firewood and making something to eat.

"You know, the power that I have is closely related to the power that Taeshin has. I'm still curious, who exactly is the Taeshin? Why is he so mysterious?"

"I have to find out for myself."

Ling Fei immediately left his two brothers and walked over to Taeshin who was cutting some tree trunks into pieces.

"What's wrong, Ling Fei?" asked Taeshin when he saw Ling Fei coming towards him.

"Are you okay, Taeshin~shii?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" asked Taeshin confused.

"Are you hiding something from all of us?" asked Ling Fei again to make sure.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Hey, Kang Taeshin! Where's the firewood?" shouted Asahi.

"I'll deliver it!" replied Taeshin half shouting.

Just as Taeshin was about to give Asahi the firewood he was carrying, Ling Fei suddenly grabbed the hem of Taeshin's clothes, causing Taeshin to stop walking and stare at Ling Fei who was holding the hem of his clothes.

"What are you doing, Ling Fei? You want to find out about me?" exclaimed Taeshin looking annoyed.

"What? No way!" she exclaimed looking surprised.

"Don't do anything that will harm you!"

Kang Taeshin let go of Ling Fei's hand that was deliberately holding the hem of his clothes, very rudely then approached Asahi with a feeling of annoyance. Seeing Ling Fei's shocked expression, Lee Gon and Bai Lu came over to him.

"What's wrong, Fei~ah?" asked Lee Gon.

"This is impossible! I can't read Taeshin's past or future."

"How is that possible? Can't you read and see a person's past or future just by holding their clothes?" asked Lee Gon incredulously.

"I don't know, Lee Gon. Why doesn't this power of mine have any effect on him, does he have hidden powers and doesn't tell us?"

After finishing making the food, Bai Lu and his other friends ate together while enjoying Asahi's makeshift and simple-looking cooking. As for Kang Taeshin, he seemed to be a little distant from Ling Fei due to the incident earlier.

Seeing this, Ling Fei did not stay silent. He still did not give up and would do other things so that he could find out more about Kang Taeshin.

"What's wrong with you, Ling Fei?"

"What do you mean, Asahi?" asked Ling Fei confused as Asahi came over to him, while he was sitting down to rest.

"Ever since I saw you, you've been staring at Kang Taeshin. What are you looking for in him?"

"I want to know a lot about him, Asahi. I have many questions about him."

"You want to know about Taeshin?" asked Asahi causing Ling Fei to stare at Asahi's face expectantly, "look at my past, at least you will know about who Kang Taeshin really is."

"What do you mean? I don't want to intrude on your personal life, Asahi. What I want to know is about Kang Taeshin. Not about you."

Asahi held Ling Fei's hand so tightly as he looked at him sharply and deeply.

"If you want to know about him, start with me. Because of my past, there is a close relationship with him. Me and Kang Taeshin are connected, we had a complicated relationship in the past. Therefore, hold my clothes, and start looking at my past"

"But, Asahi. I don't want to know what secrets you've been keeping."

"I allow it. I trust you, Ling Fei. Because I am also very curious about Kang Taeshin and his origins. Therefore, I allow you to know my past. By tracing my past, you will know who Kang Taeshin really is. And, you'll know what reason I had for holding this grudge against him.

"So, come on, search my past and see for yourself with those inner eyes of yours."

Ling Fei looked very hesitant. However, armed with Asahi's permission, he threw away his hesitation.

"Are you sure about your decision, Asahi? You won't regret it if I find out about your past?"

"I am sure. And, I trust you completely. Because you . . . you're already considered as my own family."

Ling Fei was stunned. He did not expect that Asahi would think of him as his family, not as a stranger. Ling Fei smiled faintly, while taking a deep breath, he began to close his eyes and held the hem of Asahi's clothes.