
New Future Plan

Half an hour later, Mr. Eric Hart drove his car on the way to London.

Jon was sitting in the back seat of the car.

Southampton was a two-hour drive from London, and this gave him some time to gather his thoughts.

Jon's current thoughts could be summed up with a famous quote by Shakespeare:

"Magic or science, that is the question!"

But to be honest, he didn't have much choice...

The magical world of Harry Potter may not be a high-magic world, but many of its objects and spells are incredibly powerful.

For example, the Philosopher's Stone that can turn things into gold and grant eternal life; the Time-Turner that third-year students can use with almost no side effects; the Felix Felicis potion that boosts luck and makes you invincible and successful...

Spells with powerful effects such as apparition, memory modification, and mind control can be easily used by most adult wizards.

It can be said that an outstanding adult wizard in the world of Harry Potter has a wide range of abilities that are comprehensive and terrifying, apart from their combat power.

The current scientific level on Earth would probably need to develop for another 300-500 years to achieve these abilities with ease.

And although wizards are criticized for their weak combat abilities compared to a gun with their wands.

But to a large extent, it is because the Ministry of Magic deliberately controls offensive and destructive spells:

Peter can blast half a street with a spell, and Crabbe can summon a fierce fire that can destroy Horcruxes. It should be noted that Peter and Crabbe were bottom of the class in Hogwarts, so the destructive power of wizards is actually underestimated.

For Jon now, to ignore the existence of magic would undoubtedly be foolish.



His previous plans and efforts over the past decade should now be put behind him.

Jon needs to make a new plan for the future.

Studying magic diligently is definitely a top priority. The overall level of Hogwarts students is not actually high. Harry and Ron, who were bottom of the class, can be considered top students with their grades, with one being a Quidditch captain and the other a prefect. It shows what kind of students the others are.

Jon is very confident that with his mature mindset and excellent memory, his control over magic will far surpass his "classmates" in the future.

The next thing is to stay away from the main trio.

Since entering school, in first grade, we fought three-headed dogs, in second grade, we battled snake monsters, in third grade, we dealt with werewolves along with a hundred dementors, and in fourth grade, we faced dragons, merpeople, sphinxes, and Lord Voldemort one after another...

With such a fearless spirit of risking our lives, it wouldn't be excessive to spend about ten resurrection coins along the way if we don't have the protagonist halo, right?

I don't think I have the protagonist halo, and St. Mungo's Hospital probably hasn't developed resurrection magic either... so it's better to stay away from them, survive, and have enough DPS.

By the way, according to the timeline, I should have enrolled in Hogwarts during the second year of Harry Potter's trio, so it's also important to keep a distance from Ginny Weasley. Miss Weasley was probably already under the control of Lord Voldemort when she first entered school, and then she opened the Chamber of Secrets and released the snake monster on the eve of Halloween.

It's impossible to stop her, not in this lifetime. Jon doesn't have the self-confidence to confront Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes in his first year. Of course, if there's a chance, it's possible to be an enthusiastic member of the public in the Sunshine District.

Apart from the main trio and Ginny Weasley, it's also best to keep some distance from Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

Not because of Dumbledore's sexual orientation, the key issue is that Dumbledore is a master of Legilimency and Occlumency. As a first-year new student, I'm afraid that just one glance from Dumbledore would reveal all the secrets in my heart. If Dumbledore discovers my identity as a time traveler, who knows if he would include me in his "Potter Development Plan".

Of course, unless there are unexpected circumstances, as an ordinary wizard born to Muggle parents, I won't attract Dumbledore's attention. Keep a low profile, survive a few years, learn Occlumency in secret, and then there's nothing to fear.

In the second year, I must avoid going outside on a full moon night. After all, Snape's "Wolfsbane Potion" hasn't gone through double-blind experiments, and if it fails, what will I do? Lupin has also had experience of not taking the potion on time or not taking the correct dosage, so there's a certain safety risk.

As for dementors, there's no need to worry, as Dumbledore doesn't allow dementors to enter the campus for personal reasons, and the dementors are also constrained by the Ministry of Magic at this stage and won't harm people easily. Of course, I should still learn the Patronus Charm, being able to cast a silvery light to repel dementors is enough.

In third year, the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin, which is a good opportunity. I should try to establish a good relationship with Madame Maxime, the headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic during this time, and then find a chance to transfer to Beauxbatons, move to Paris with my parents, and avoid the terror attacks of Voldemort after his resurrection in England.

Ilvermorny is also an option, but forget Durmstrang, in case Voldemort kills their headmaster along with the Death Eaters, and the school...

After transferring schools, and staying until the end of sixth grade, one could form a volunteer army in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade, and return to London to participate in the final battle and gain some experience... Of course, before the battle, it would be best to drink some Felix Felicis.



"117 Charing Cross Road, Westminster, London... I think we've arrived!" Eric looked at his notebook and stopped his car.

The car parked in front of a dirty and narrow pub, between a large bookstore and a record store on the other side.

"Is this the place?" Eric raised his head in doubt and carefully looked at the sign of "The Broken Cauldron" on the door.

"It should be..." Jon nodded.

"Hello, gentlemen!" A pub owner with almost no hair and a shriveled walnut-like appearance appeared silently in front of them. "I'm Tom, the owner of The Broken Cauldron."

"Muggle?" He glanced at Eric, then at Jon. "Hogwarts students?"

"Yes, sir!" Jon nodded. "I'm Jon Hart, a new student at Hogwarts, and this is my father who is a Muggle."

"I suppose you're headed to Diagon Alley, right?" Tom, the owner of The Broken Cauldron, showed a somewhat unpleasant smile. "Follow me."

They walked through the bar and came to a small courtyard surrounded by walls on all sides. There was nothing here except a garbage bin and some weeds.

"On top of the third block above the garbage bin, then count two blocks horizontally... Knock three times!" Tom pointed to the wall while turning back. "I still need to tend to my bar. Good luck to you, Mr. Hart, and to you, Mr. Muggle!"

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