
The Last Stand [The DnD Story.]

A story set in a fantasy, medieval world, with a the supernatural, natural, hope you all enjoy and please write some reviews! Credits to J_Void (names were originally in his campaign, players decided to use them in this one)

MrNightingale · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

New Heights

"Wait what!? he has a brother? and its you?" astound with the new knowledge "Well, yes" As they both hear rustling in the trees they prepare to fight whatever comes through, as the rest of the group falls through the trees all landing on their faces except Venerum, Sora and Silver yell. "So who's this guy" Venerum points to Azareth, "the names Azareth, Azareth Nightingale, and you are?" Azareth responds for himself, "I'm Venerum Amare, nice to meet you" The rest of the group gets up "This is Sora and Silver" Venerum points them out, as Azareth notices all the markings on their hands, " a group of Holy knights I see" they all nod "yep, what are you doi-" Venerums attention is caught on the marking of his palm "oh shoottt, you're a holy knight too" Azareth chuckles "nah not anymore, it's a long story" "oh maybe sometime." Venerum looks around "Well we better get going" as the group leaves and Azareth waves them goodbye, they head back to the castle the rest of the group goes back to their dorms but Venerum heads to Eons room. Hearing from the door, is whispering of Eon and an Unrecognizable voice, as Venerum knocks the whispering goes away with "Come in" Eon shouts as Venerum opens the door to a bunch of books on the floor, a variety. "woah what have you been up to?" as Venerum looks to Eon, a red glow appears and fades away "mm nothing, just research, what do you need?" "i need answers. WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE THINGS, IN THE TEST? THE DARK FOREST WHERE DO THEY COME FROM?" he grabs Eon as Eons forehead starts to glow a rune of blue he starts radiating, pulsing blue energy around him pushing Venerum to the ground "you forgot your place." as Eons voice echoes, Venerum starts to push against it, standing up to near stumbling "i- only know one god, and he does not dress like- that" as he runs at him throwing a fist. Eon catches it "okay fine enough" with the blue rune fading away, "whats it to you anyways?" "they killed my parents" Venerum responded walking away "come back to me in 45 minutes i have intell!"he shouts as the door closes. Venerum meets up with the group to go see Azareth for more info as Heizenburg is already there, they walk in on the two talking, "hey we gotta go in a bit, Eon has some intel but whats up?" Venerum says, "intell, hm, has Eon been weird lately" Azareth bumps in, "weird? wha- actually yea, what are you trying to say?" Venerum gets intrigued "it's just that Eon banished me because of my power and was afraid of me taking the throne, seems pretty corrupt to me." Azareth states as Heizenburg calls out "Well he's got a point Venerum" "but is that point true." Venerum replies as Azareth breaks the tension "Woah woah look I have proof" as he opens a secret compartment. He brings out a magic table, as it starts to glow projecting a landscape, the tablet shows Eon with Eon's voice starting to play " AZARETH GET OUT OF THIS KINGDOM, I AM THE FIRST HEIR, I DESERVE THE KINGDOM, NOT YOUR STUPID POWER, ITS MY BLOOD RIGHT " as Eon slams Azareth to the wall, "if you act like this, I don't think you do" as the tablet stops glowing, Azareth sits everyone down, checking Heizenburgs hand, "oh my gosh, I see." he taps his palm as his mark starts to activate, "I have one more trick that Eon wanted." Heizenburgs marking appears in the air like a hologram. Azareth grabs the projection and expands it showing a DNA strand, "the markings you have is just a gene you already had, but now activated, and with any genetics, it can be modified" Azareth says, Silver irrupts "What are you trying to say?!" "he's saying that we might be just a tool" Sora speaks, "precisely, i think he plans to take your genetic strand, which will kill you, and put it into another person or thing to make a secret weapon" Azareth still looking at the strand, "well it's not secret anymore" Venerum stands. "No we can't confront him, he's too powerful, and who knows what he has up his sleeves." azareth stops him "Well what are we supposed to do" "well I think I can modify your Genetic strand, just give me time" Azareth returns to the strand " and do what?" Heizenburg asks, "make you more powerful" 20 minutes go by with Azareth looking at all of their markings, "so what now?" Heizenburg asks, "guys we gotta get-" as the ground rumbles and a roar is heard from a far "it has started." they all stand