
Chapter 1

I was a normal girl. I went to school like everyone else hung out with friends like everyone else. Sometimes I feel as if I'm missing a part of me, like a special adventure that's awaiting me. No one really knew that me Amara the student body president of Hill Valley Preparatory school always longed for an adventure not even my closest friend Sarah didn't know much about me. "Amara! Amara wake up!" Mrs. Warid scowled at me and I started to drift back into reality. "I expected better from you Ms.Warrington '' Ms.Warid said angrily. Ms. Warid was the hated teacher of the school. She was strict and no one liked her, not even me but I was sure she liked me at least until I slept in her class. When the bell rang everyone rushed to get out of Ms.Warid's class including me. I can't stand her. Thankfully my next class would always cheer me up after being in Ms. Warid's class and it was also my favorite class. It was Ms.May's class she was probably the best teacher i've ever had in the hall when i'm walking to my next class and Sarah pulls up next to me. "Hey Amara so how was class" Sarah grinned already knowing the answer but still asking anyway. "Oh same old same old except I somehow managed to fall asleep" I replied. Telling by the smug look on her face she was about to burst out laughing. I shouldn't have told her that I thought to myself " sorry its just i-"Sarah started but was unable to finish as i had just walked into the classroom. I sat in my assigned seat and took out my notebook since I knew I needed it.

After class school had ended normally i would have walked home with Sarah or my other close friend Noah but they both had some sort of plans so today i walked alone. It's a long walk to get to my house but i didn't mind walking far because it was very tranquil. When I did walk alone I would stop halfway at a park and sit on a bench, open my book and read for a while. Today I found a mirror sitting on the bench I usually sit on. I looked around the area to see if anyone was here that had lost the mirror but there was no one to be seen. Well no one is around so i guess i can take it home with me I thought to myself. Once i decided to pick it up i had put the mirror in my bag and continue walking home I decided not to read my book as i was excited to get home considering that it was the weekend and my siblings would be out on a trip with my parents for the weekend and I would have the whole place to myself. My siblings normally get extremely loud and annoying having 8 Siblings, one which is still an infant is hectic and considering that I am the oldest, most of my time at home would be spent taking care of my siblings especially when my father was out on a business trip. The Walk home was peaceful as always when i got home i set my bag down on the counter. The house was a mess, toys and other things were scattered over the floor. The carpet smelled as it hadn't been cleaned or vacuumed in years. "Mum and Dad were nice enough to give me this weekend by myself the least i can do is clean this up" I said as i got to work picking up the toys and putting them in the giant toy bin Mum had gotten for my siblings but they almost never used it which was easy to tell based on how many were on the floor. Our family was never very clean except for me. I try to keep the room I share with a few of my sisters as clean as I can. If I try to clean I'd get yelled at for moving toys or vacuuming while someone was watching something.

It only took 2 hours to clean up the whole house but now reading would have to wait as I had homework to do so I grabbed my bag and headed towards my Dad's study. Since there were no interruptions I managed to finish my homework in 30 minutes which is a record for me. I put all my stuff back in my bag,The Mirror! I had forgotten all about the mirror I took out of my bag. It had beautiful detail to it almost as it had come from a fairytale. Suddenly i heard a voice "Amara Warrington you are the chosen one you were chosen to save your world if you accept your mission please touch the button on the mirror" not hearing the last part i had moved my hand into a more steady position accidentally pressing the button while doing so. Suddenly the world around me withered away into Purple dust I closed my eyes It's all a dream it's all a dream i thought to myself. When the smoke had dissipated I found myself in a dessert no sign of any life around me well except me. The mirror was still in my hand. "Hello is anyone here?" I asked. A camel appeared with a rider on it "Hello miss my name is sharma i was requested to bring you to your destination" He said. I sighed this was my best option since i'm in the middle of nowhere so i got on and we started moving.

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