
The Knight is a She

The Crown Prince, Prince Leran has been betrayed by one of his royal subordinates and childhood best friend that is Callixa, the knight of his twin sister. After the attempt to kill him, Callixa suddenly loses most of her memories and acts like she is somebody else. Zana the modern girl who is gifted specially is in the body of Callixa. She started to find a way to return home. How can she escape the life and fate of being the shadow of the Dead Knight, Callixa? (Medieval + Modern Technology theme) Will continue on May

SophiaUrLove04 · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: The Fire of Hell

"Hilariously speaking yes but it's true" The scientist barges into the meeting and intervenes with the talk.

"This is going more unrealistic as time goes" A random comment was heard.

He took a remote from his pockets and the wall in front opened revealing a huge tube containing a sleeping human being.

"This is one of the containers that I am talking about!" He exclaimed.

"So the containers are those empty bodies, aren't they? Indeed, you have the containers but what will you put inside? They are powerless and you can't even extract the power from the knights," the first official stated.

"Sir Voss" the scientist tamed him down.

 He clicks another button and a screen comes out and shows a sparring duel. It looks typical until the other party releases a fire from his hands.

All of them were surprised and confused even the secretary behind him. What magic did he perform to get that result or is he making a fool out of them?

Is it a replication fire which is impossible or an artificial flame infused into the human body?

The mad impression of the scientist had gotten worse when he clicked again to change it to the next screen.

"It is the blazing fire of Hell," he stated as he showed them a sleeping demon. No idea where on earth this crazy scientist got it from.

"How!?" All of them were astonished.

"Nothing can fight against the fire of heaven but the fire of hell so we summon the fire of hell" he exclaimed in great excitement.

"So you summon a demon with the use of sorcery?" He said, "In exchange for what?" The first official added.

"That information is classified" The scientist fixed his glasses.

"Would we suffer the weight in return?" he asked. He knows that this request will demand a return in the future and it will be quite troublesome, indeed.

"It won't affect your land, your highness" the scientist answered with a hidden smirk on his face.

However, Sir Voss knew that he was lying on his face. However, they are not the host perhaps it is the scientist and the return will include them at the very least.

The first official Vastian Voss clicks a button that reveals a larger button in front of him and clicks it again. It means he signed the agreement into this reckless plan.

Some of the other officials followed his lead, while some were still hesitating yet a few did not comply.

"This is insanity, who would trust the devil? You must be out of your mind too, Sir Voss!" one official said.

"Then you better think of another plan and propose it to us if it appears way better we will go along with your plan instead," he said.

"You madman you're dragging us all into hell!?" the official exclaimed cursing the scientist.

"So what is your plan?" Sir Voss asked ignoring the contradicting party.

"Even though we have the fire of hell, it was not enough to beat the fire of Heaven. It is unbeatable that's why it is the reigning realm however those knights are still human like us. So it is common sense if we appear as enemies then they will automatically fight to defend themselves. Isn't what you guys always do?" he said sarcastically in return for the criticism he previously received.

"Like the human body, we can be tough outside but a small problem on the inside will affect the general. We are soft as our organs," he stated.

"So the best plan I suggest for the whole assembly is to do their job to penetrate in the inside while we prepare the virus that we will go to use to kill them through the inside," he said.

"There is no way that plan will succeed!" the same official opposes.

He chuckled. "Of course, it will succeed not unless you believe that they are invincible. Because there is no such thing as a perfect organization, there is no perfect house. We are filled with flaws. If you can go inside we can peek at their weakness and problems as well and we can use them against them to capture one of them however, it is something that the officials cannot do that's why our study remains lacking!" The mad scientist counters again.

Most of the people inside the assembly were offended by what he said and would start a ruckus anytime.

"Stop Stop!" The Chief of the Union appeared and stated. The crowd was silenced "He got some point, what he was saying was true. "So I give him a chance and will put him in charge with this Trojan horse plan," he said.

"Who are with me?" He lifted his pen, conceding. He asked the opinion of the other members and the majority signed in into the agreement.