

Ruby stared at the so called almighty King with her head held high. She wasn't scared, if anyone should be scared it should be him. Even after their marriage, he hadn't been able to claim her and people called him the ancient god. What were they seeing? Just his good looks...

No doubt, he was a good looking man and just the sound of his voice could turn her on but he was too weak, barely said any word to her and let his right hand man do the talking, how sure that he would be able to stand her strength in bed.

He looked nothing less to a human. It had been three weeks since they got married and this was the first time she had approached him directly. He had never stopped her in doing what she wanted, never once had he even acknowledged her and all information about him led to the fact that he was mighty and should not be tempted.

She wouldn't have approached him today if it wasn't for her request being denied, she had asked the guards to take her to an Inn and as the guard had been ordered, he took her there without any complaints.

If all her requests could be granted just like that, she was not supposed to have any problems.

She came to have fun and enjoy herself in the inn. Find a man who was willing to sleep with her, while she satisfied her carnal desires, she could also satisfy her thirst for the blood of humans but her little party ended just as she had expected the man to walk into her room. She realized she was drugged and fell unconscious.

She found herself back in the castle and out of annoyance she went in search of her so called husband, the King of Levi.

She made sure he saw she was fuming but ever since she got here, all he did was stay mute and ignore her, it was like she didn't even exist.

If he was going to act blind, she wasgoing to irritate him. He was in his study room and she had threatened a maid to show her this place but ever since she came he had been ignoring her

" I want an explanation King", she called out to him sarcastically finally taking the initiative to talk. He looked up at the table picked up another stack of scrolls and went back to reading them.

" I had made beautiful plans to spend my night, why would you bring me backhere, don't you want me to spend my night with other men?", she asked coyly and walked up to him but before she could touch him he gripped her hand forcefully.

" Haven't you been using your freedom the wrong way?", he uttered sternly, his eyes emitting a cold vibe and she shuddered as his grip on her turned fierce.

" I only picked up a man for myself, you can't expect me to live under your rule still untouched right? I don't workthat way, I'm a night creature, satisfying my needs is part of who I am, I kept myself till marriage but if my husband is not even willing to see my body then I'm free to do as I wish aren't I?", she regained herself and he finally let her hand go.

So you agree that I'm right King.... but sadly there's no inn and no man now, send one to my chambers for me as replacement for ruining my night", she said proudly and to her surprise he spoke.

" Go to your chambers and wait, you need a man to fulfill your desires, that you'll get, I'll be there in a while", he spoke with an evil glint flashing across his cold expressionless godlike face.

This was the first time she saw emotions in him and they were scary. No way how can Ruby Hedgewood be scared?

She quickly hid her emotions of wariness. So the so called almighty King was willing to spend the night with her, she might as well wait for the wonderful experience.

She made her way back to her chambers in the company of two maids and quickly changed into a plain white night wear that exposed her assets very well.

What kind of man would allow their wife to spend the night with another man? She might as well satisfy her dying need to be one with a man tonight by being with the king.

People said first nights to all maidens were special and she had never had her first night with any one yet.

Sure she had kissed a good number of men when she was still known as Princess Ruby and had even tainted her hands with their blood but she had never let them get close to her treasure, she made them want her and then she abandoned them.

It was thrilling when they went mad and begin to beg her to fill them. It just heightened her desire to remove them from existence.

All those words she spoke about desires and marriages were all crap. She was the least bit interested in fulfilling her carnal desires, she just wanted to have some fun in the inn with that man, that was all.

She would drive the King crazy, she would make him want her and disappoint him in the end, she was Ruby Hedgewood and no one ever got away with messing with her.

Just like she made men beg to have her fill them, she would make the King beg for her as well and then after punishing him, she would send him off with an innocent kiss.

No one could be so sure that their plan would work to perfection because there was always loopholes but Ruby was confident, infact overconfident.

She had gorgeous black hair which reached her waste and hazel green eyes, her curvaceous body made herlook like a temptress, everyone who saw her wanted her, both men and women but she was heartless.

The room door flew open and the King walked in. This time she didn't bother to acknowledge him as she just walked towards him and shut the door behind him with a lock making sure there would be no interruptions on her well crafted plans.

She turned around to face the King only to have him pull her close to him and slam her back against a wall as he captured her lips like a wild beast.

What the? He started before her and was already dominating, she kissed him hard with the same intensity and they both started to fight for domination. At last he won and she lost and they pulled out of the kiss heaving for air.

He still had her back pressed to the wall and she couldn't even escape from his grip. He stared into her eyes and she stared back into his, captivated by how mesmerizing they were.

Using his knee he parted her thighs and pressed on her soft spot earning an involuntary moan from her.

She regained herself and stared at him in shock, without waiting, he tore off her clothes leaving her naked and bare before him and Ruby began to Panic.... This wasn't her plan... he smirked at her before lifting her up and dropping her harshly on the bed and once again his lips claimed hers as his hands toyed with her peaches and his knee worked his way in-between her thighs.

Ruby felt like she was going crazy, she tried stopping her moans but couldn't. She had met a lot of possessive men over the years but none were like him.

She resulted to fighting him off when she realized she was loosing her sanity. She tried but the weak king suddenly became strong and even with her Vampire strength she couldn't push him off

read, add to library and comment, you won't regret it, that I assure you

Tessa_Osi_Udotorcreators' thoughts
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