
The King's Dimensional Chat Group (In Hiatus)

Reima, descendant of the King of Heros is very bored out of his life cuz he has nothing to do other then just sitting in his office and managing his garden as his ancestor likes to call it. That is until the mysterious Demensional Group Chat has appeared on his phone. Join him, as he travel through various worlds and making many friends along the way, while also having fun. This book was inspired by Akikan's "Sis-con with Demensional Group Chat". Go and check out his work. And I hope you also like mine.

EliasEinzwerth · Komik
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35 Chs

The Chunin Exam Finals

Two more days have passed, and the Chunin Exam Finals has started.

The Finals were held a month after the preliminary exams, so that the finalist could rest, recuperate, and prepare for it. This also got news of match-ups to spread around and attract greater publicity for the event. The Finals consist of one-on-one tournament battles which is hosted and referred by Genma Shiranui.

Everyone in Konoha was in a festive mood due to the Finals, since they could see the future great Chunins battling against each other.

Reima, Yukihime, Yajima and Izuku sat together in the audience seats. All of them had made plans regarding the incoming attack on today. Two days before, with the 3rd Hokage's permission, Reima had set up runes in the vicinity of the arena to disrupt the area-effect genjutsu that will be place on the spectators in the arena. He also place protection wards on the spectators should the Sand and Sound ninjas decided to attack them.

Tsunade was not with them since she had be assigned by the 3rd Hokage to trap Orochimaru. Shizune herself elected to be one of the guards in the arena to protect the spectators should something go haywire.

The four of them decided to stay together. It is planned that Reima and Yukihime will assist in the battle since both of them have great powers and have bountiful battle experience under their belt. As for the Reima's case, they came from the 10 Servants that are integrated within him. Reima also have King Hassan in the ready to protect Yajima and Izuku. Yajima is strong, that is a fact. But, having extra help is always welcome, is it not?

"T-this place is HUGE," Izuku said nervously, but he was also excited to the Chunin Finals in live-action, right in front of him. He had already seen all the participants, with the exception of Sasuke, who had yet to make his cool entrance. Seeing it from the anime is one thing. But seeing it happening right in front of him is different. Different, but awesome.

The four of them held snacks of their own that they had bought beforehand. And they have to say, they are surprised that there are many different flavours on that snack.

While tasting the different flavours of the snacks in his hands, he felt gazes upon him. Curious, he turned toward the source of it. And voila, you see two of the characters from the anime, the young thot Sakura, and the rational yet fangirling Ino. Let us switch the scene to them.


Sakura and Ino are seen looking and the handsome and dashing golden-haired man, sitting not far from them. Ino, with a fervent eyes upon seeing him said, "Look Sakura, that guy is very handsome and hot."

Sakura wanted to agree to Ino, but her very blind and lustful faith to Sasuke-kun beat her to the punch, "B-but, Sasuke-kun is better than him."

Hearing her answer, Ino looked at Sakura with a strange expression that is saying, both from her face and her mouth, "Are you sure about that?"

From then on, both Ino and Sakura tried to compare Reima and Sasuke, but we all know that Reima is better, right? Right? Anyways, while they were doing their comparing, Reima flashes a kingly smirk, that immediately stuns Sakura and Ino.

After that moment, Ino was determined to go and talk to him, saying, "What do you think of him now?"

Sakura was stumped by the smirk and Ino's question. But, being the faithful thot she is, she did not answer.

Seeing her friend did not respond, Ino got up and was about to make her way to Reima, when suddenly Sakura grab her arm and pull her back down to her seat. "Why do you stop me, Sakura?" Ino asked, with a angry expression on her face.

Sakura, a bit scared by Ino, just said, "No, just accompany me here."

"Eh?" Ino exclaimed, "But I want to talk to him. Clearly he's not from this Village."

"No," Sakura denied, "Just, stay with me here alright?" It was clear that Sakura did not want her friend to talk to Reima.

Seeing her relentless behaviour, Ino complied.

But, what they didn't know was that both of them will deeply regret that decision, and almost cause their friendship to break apart. But, that will be another story for another day,


After giving a smirk to the 2 girls, Reima then turned his attention back to the arena. He didn't feel much attracted to them, not even after he had read doujins of them. To be honest, he was reading Tsunade's doujin and those two just got in from the side. But he won't let anyone know about this.

He then felt someone tap him. Turning around, he saw Yukihime giving him an awkward look.

"What?" Reima asked.

"Are you trying to start a harem?" Yukihime asked curiously.

"No. Why are you asking about it?" Reima replied with the same awkward look on him.

"Nothing, you just seem to be looking at some girls and smirk at them," Yukihime said.

"Oh, I sense someone staring at me so I turned around to look who it is. I didn't know that it would be girls. Tho, I did sent a smirk at them to cause a small mayhem," Reima replied.

"Is that so?" Yukihime replied, feeling relieved that he do not go after young girls, while ignoring the fact that her real body is young too. She then continued, "I'll drop the matter then."

"It be best if you do," Reima agreed.

Izuku then added himself into the finishing talk, "What are you guys talking about?"

To which Reima answered, "Something that you'll eventually understand when you get older."

Izuku, being simple at that moment, said, "Oh, okay then."

The chat members with the exception of Tsunade had watched the opening ceremony of the Chunin Exam Finals. They then looked at the referee who was announcing the rules of the Finals, the match-ups and the order in which they will go.

Izuku wanted to take a picture with his phone, but decided not to. Smartphones aren't a thing a Konoha yet. Luckily, Reima took the picture for him,. How? He has a NeuroLink on him which allows one to do what a smartphone can do.

Reima then set his sight to the podium where the Kages sit. He saw both 3rd Hokage and Orochimaru in disguise as the Kazekage. He only took a quick look at them and turned his head away. This does not mean that Reima is scared of Orochimaru. No, no. He just averted his attention to somewhere else so that Orochimaru will not suspect anything.

'Just you wait Orochimaru. You're going to have a royal beatdown of your slithering life,' Reima thought, thinking of all the scenarios in how I defeat Orochimaru. Either with one of the Class Cards, or just spamming Gate of Babylon on him, or just let him get sucked into a black hole, or let him feel what aging really is. Oh so many ways.

Reima, then looked at the 7 candidates of the FInal Matches with the exception of Sasuke, who will arrive at a much later time. He was watching at them and appraising them until someone unexpected, yet not stranger of come sit near him.

"Hey handsome," Anko said, "We've met again."

Yukihime, Yajima and Izuku were surprised to meet Anko again in the arena.

"Hello beautiful," Reima played along, "And yes, we've met again."

Here's another chapter as an apology for not updating yesterday. I hope you like it. One more thing, do you guys want the 1st and 2nd Hokage to be fully revived and prep them for the 4th Ninja War? Let me know about it in the comment section.

And as always,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

EliasEinzwerthcreators' thoughts