
The journey of Rosé through the Multiverse

This is a Fanfic The story takes place in the world of Naruto/ Boruto (Vol .1 )(will add more chapters when the original story progresses) The second volume will follow the story of Rosé in one Piece (vol.2) I do not own any character other than the [Main Character][ summons ] and the [ abilities] [The cover photo is mine] I am writing this purely for my satisfaction .

Rosee_Iamm · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs


It was the a few days later and the academy was hosting a Festival , They had prepared all sorts of entertainment like haunted house , game stall , Food stand and the students of the academy were also going to present a play at the end and Kawaki was also taking part in the play , Rosé had spent the day with Sarada , they had enjoyed all the stall that were present and had enjoyed themselves.

Rosé was irritated because the play got canceled because of a terrorist act in the academy and Rosé did not get to see Kawaki dressed in as a slug , The Assassin that was sent after the Princess was supposedly dead after Kawaki had caught her and she exploded her self ,The minister in the Land of Bamboo was caught and everything was suppressed to be over but Rosé knew that the actual Assassin was the second personality of Hana who was their Teacher.

Rosé had kept an eye on the class but did not intervene as he wanted Kawaki to solve this case , the class was taken on an Island was used as a training ground to gain real life experience ,Hana had set traps on the island and even hidden the food of the students,They then began setting up a camp ,Hana had finally made and had kidnapped kae and Kawaki and Himawari were chasing after her ,Hana had escaped by blowing up the bridge and had taken Kae in a cave where she was waiting for the minister's subordinate.

Kawaki and Himawari then beat Hana and save Kae , Sai and the anbu had taken care of the associates that were supposed to help Hana ,Hana was then offered help to eliminate her second personality ,They then had the play that was cancelled, and Rosé finally got to enjoy a slug Kawaki , Kae had then left the academy ."


Rosé was sitting in his dimension while his clone was in the village , Rosé was sitting on a huge white leather bean bag while Haku,Basil, Max sat around him ,Selene and Bahamut had gone hunting in the Magical forest , Rosé was watching Sasuke and Boruto's journey go to get a new Hawk , While Sarada was training with Rosé and Sakura , Kawaki was lazing around at home and Himawari was at the academy .

After sasuke had gotten his Hawk , Boruto and he parted ways,Rosé then watched how Boruto's train had an accident and he along with all those that survived were taken to a labyrinth,where Oga has them go through Experiments and if they don't pass all the experiments they will never leave the maze .

Five days had passed since the day Boruto was taken to the Labyrinth, Team 7 had formed a search party and were looking for clues ,Boruto had Managed to pass the second experiment in the labyrinth , Rosé watched all this from his Dimension while his clone was doing his duty in the village, Rosé had no intention of interfering or helping in this case , Team 7 had found the train conductor who was responsible for the train that disappeared , they chased him but as they caught up to him , he ran into a tunnel that was covered with explosives and exploded as soon as he entered .

Sarada discovered five passengers with unclear backgrounds, and comparing it to Konoha's records, she and Kawaki discover one of them was a Kara Outer" Kiseru",Kawaki is surprised Konoha has that much information on an Outer, but Sarada points out their information is likely incomplete, and that they're important clues about Code. They rush to meet up with Mitsuki, when they found him he was covered in traps , Kawaki then freed him , Mitsuki then told them how he met some unknown skilled shinobi, Rosé's clone was then asked to assist Team 7 in thier search , Rosé was watching Boruto and the others and they had already completed 4 experiments .

while Rosé and team 7 were looking for clues they were surrounded by members of the Anbu ,the Anbu then told them that Kiseru was a member of their team and was on an undercover mission ,and also informed them that the incident is most likely connected to Kara .

 during the 5 experiment Kiseru stabs Boruto after he reads a scroll that contains information about his mission,and tells Boruto how the was a Genjutsu, He then gose on to use a technique to release Boruto out of the Genjutsu.

Boruto then walks out of his container into a white lab where there are thousands of people are trapped in capsules , Yatsume and Boruto then go outside of the lab to look for oga but figure out that they are still in a Genjutsu ,Yatsume then reveals her self as oga ,and tells him that she is the eighth inner , she then tells Boruto about her story and how to release the Genjutsu, that is to stab her ,but he doesn't want to and help oga find her will to live so that she could wake up and free everyone herself.

Rosé seeing this thinks " How boring " , everyone was returned back without any problems .


After a few days , Sai and his subordinates had discovered a unique mark in the forest and Kawaki identified it as claw marks , it was the power of None others then code ,Rosé was watching all this from his dimension and thought " Finally he made his move ".

Rosé was sitting behind Naruto on the window listening to them discussing strategy's and ways on how to deal and prevent Code and his claw marks from endangering the village .

Rosé then met up with Kawaki who was sitting on the face statue and talking to Boruto , Rosé had then sat down next to Kawaki and heard them talk about code , Rosé then looked at Boruto who kept glancing at him , Rosé then said " if wish to tell me something , I will listen ", hearing this Boruto turned his head and looked at Rosé and said " Brother why did you have to take such drastic measures in the war ", Rosé then looked at him and then looked at the sky and said " I was Furious that someone died even though I was present , or I was just angry looking at the sheer amount of innocent people that were killed by them , I don't know all I know is that I was furious ", Hearing this Boruto looked at Rosé and then turned his head and looked at the sky and said " I see ", he then looked at Rosé and said " I am sorry Brother , I know we were at war and I was confused and my emotions were running wild , I was not able to think straight ", Rosé then looked at him and said " it's okay , Forget about it and focus on what's to come " , Boruto nodded they then sat and looked at the village .

meanwhile code had gone to one of Boro's labs and had woken Eida from her slumber ,Everyone that had seen her were mesmerised and could not attack her , Rosé watching thought " so that is omnipotence ", well it seems pretty useful for dealing with mob characters .

Eida had then activated her senrigan to look at Team 7 and Rosé who were sitting and discussing how to beat code , Rosé's clone who was sitting with them felt someone watching him , and had turned his head in the direction to where Boro's lab is , Eida seeing Rosé look straight at her , was surprised and had dropped the glass in her hand , Rosé who was watching from his dimension thought " so if you have real high perception you can make out of she is watching i see that's good to know ".

Rosé who was sitting with team 7 after seeing who was watching them , then turned back took out a cigarette and started smoking ,completely ignoring her as well as Kawaki and the others who were have actual combat training , Rosé just lay in the middle smoking,Eida then asked code about a pink haired boy covered into tattoos, code replied " I don't know anything about him , all we know that he is really strong and Mysterious, no one has ever landed a hit on him,"Eida and code then went on to talk about code limiter that could only be removed by Amado .

Kawaki and Boruto were having a duel to decide whose training methods they should follow ,But Boruto activated his Kama , Boruto had beaten Kawaki.

Eida then tells Code how all the Ōtsutsuki from Momoshiki onwards were all playing into the hands of Rosé and how he beat the directly or indirectly ,Eida then tell code how her ability dose not work on an Ōtsutsuki, Code then says so that means , Boruto and Kawaki are eligible to be your prince , code then says what about Rosé dose your ability work on him , Eida replies " we will have to find out about that , But he already knows about us because he looked back at me when I was observing them , so it doesn't work most likely doesn't work on him ".

Rosé then teleports to the research facility where Eida and code were , Code seeing him try's to attack him but gets punched sending him flying through the walls outside of the Facility , Rosé then approaches Eida and catches her by the chin and looks at her eyes, Rosé then took of the blindfold from his Right eye and looked at her , Rosé then says " You know it's irritating when you constantly keep looking at me , you can do whatever you want , But If you touch things that belong to me your life will be short lived ", Rosé then left her and took out a cigarette and started smoking he then threw her a pack of cigarettes and said This is my apology for barging into your home and causing damage and then left .

After Rosé left , Eida was dumbfounded because she was surprised by his sudden visit , she was captivated by his looks and charm , she was lost when she looked at his light blue eyes , Eida was then pulled out of thought when she heard the grunting code who has a dent in his stomach and was bleeding from his mouth , Code then looked at Eida and asked what did he do , to which she replied "He punched you and then he warned me not to keep looking at him and he said that I can do whatever I want as long as I don't touch what's his ", code then looked at Eida and asked what should we do to which Eida replied we will take things slowly, Eida then tells him that she is going to awaken her brother .

Rosé was then helping Himawari train , Rosé could still feel Eida looking at him but chose to ignoring her ,at night after dinner Kawaki had come to Rosé's Room and told him what Amado and him talked about , Rosé then looked at him and told him " you can take his offer , why are you worried so much you know i am there na , you don't need to worry about anything else ".

The next day Boruto was assigned a bodyguard who was a sensory type , Boruto was complaining about it to Rosé who was playing cards with Kawaki and Shikadai, at night Rosé could feel Kawaki trying to erase his chakra signature and also feel Eida watching him , Kawaki has left the village and was running west while code was being guided by Eida and was going after Kawaki.

Boruto and Naruto were fighting , Naruto had told Ino to search the village , Rosé appeared behind them and said " he is not in the village he is already outside and is heading west ",they then chased after him ,Rosé had teleported above Kawaki and code and was watching them ,Eida seeing him appear was shocked ,Rosé kept observing , code then gose on to kick Kawaki in the stomach and then said that he would kill everyone involved in the killing of Isshiki, Rosé then appeared infront of Code and said " you'll kill me and everyone involved" Rosé then laughed and Released his [Overwhelming Presence] along with his Blood lust and it was only a quarter of what he could emit , The full area had turned Red the sky had turned dark , the whole area was shaking violently, Code was on the ground choking , he wanted to run away but was not able to move , Eida who was watching this felt a shiver run down her spine , she was sweating because she could feel Rosé blood lust , Rosé then cancelled his ability and stopped emitting his bloodlust and said well do whatever you want and took out a cigarette and then sat on the tree and continued smoking .

Boruto then appears and attacked Code ,They then go on to ramble about how they are doing this to protect each other , Boruto getting angry punches Kawaki who was asking code to take him to Negotiate with Eida ,Boruto had activated his Kama , Rosé was troubled by the fact that Eida was watching him instead of the fight ,Boruto and code then go on to fight ,Boruto was getting beat horribly,Boruto then gained control of his Kama and had unlocked more of its power,Boruto now had a Byakugan in his right eye,Boruto then went on to fight with code on equal footing ,Rosé was relieved that Eida was not watching him anymore and continued to watch them fight while smoking,Kawaki had joined in and was helping Boruto fight code ,Eida would occasionally come back to watch Rosé and then go back to watching the fight ,Boruto had fallen to the ground and had lost control of his body, Momoshiki then gose on to use a massive Rasengan , not being able to land a hit on code he uses Rasen Dan a new ability that he invented and pierced through code's shoulder , Naruto and Shikamaru then appear ,code then gose on to capture Shikamaru and tell Momoshiki to kill the Hokage to enact revenge , Rosé seeing this appears infront of Momoshiki , Punches him in the gut and sends him flying , He then uses [Omnikinesis] to fling Code away from Shikamaru ,Rosé then takes shikamaru on a tree and says , why don't you stay here and watch , instead of being used as a hostage .

Momoshiki then comes back and looks for Rosé but is Met by Naruto who was in sage mode and Kawaki who was helping him ,Momoshiki then uses a Massive Rasengan which would be difficult to avoid at point blank range ,Kawaki activates his Kama that Amado had implanted secretly , absorbing the Rasengan ,Kawaki then used Isshiki's ability of [sukunahikona] to send out Black recivers towards Boruto, and trying to crush him using the giant cubes ,Eida was watching Rosé and blushed when he save shikamaru ,Momoshiki and Kawaki then engaged in Taijutsu ,Kawaki then managed to impale Momoshiki with recivers when Boruto had gained consciousness , Kawaki then tried to crush Boruto under a giant cube , Rosé used [Omnikinesis] to stop the block and sent it flying in the direction of Boro's base ,Boruto then asks Kawaki to kill him ,Kawaki then stabs through Boruto's stomach ,Naruto was about to be enraged when Rosé stops him , Rosé then says " it okay he won't die, Naruto then shouts what do you mean , Rosé says just watch ,Kawaki then gose on to look for code ,Kawaki finds code who was trying to escape with his claw mark but couldn't because Kawaki had shrunk the claw mark,they then go on to fight , Rosé tells Naruto to not worry and trust him , Kawaki who had dominated code was going to finish him when code pulled Daemon out of his claw mark and reflected Kawaki's attack , Rosé seeing this Teleported infront of Code and Daemon and Lock them in place with [Omnikinesis] ,Rosé then goes on to hold Daemon by the face and says " you just used Reflect didn't you ", so your Eida's Brother , Rosé then used [ seal ] on him and whispered in his ears " Tell you sister to keep the spying limited it's quite irritating ", Rosé then left him and walked away , Daemon ,Eida and code were shocked to see that Daemon's ability didn't work on Rosé , Code then sent Daemon back to Eida , Daemon didn't know what to say , he just delivered Rosé's Message and sat down next to her , after some time he ask her " is he your prince "to which she replies " Maybe ".

Rosé then gose and picked Kawaki who was Knocked out and went back to Naruto who was sitting with Boruto ,Boruto had finally woken up , Naruto looked at Rosé with tears in his eyes, Rosé then said " I won't let anything happen to my family you know ", Naruto nodded , Rosé the. Rubbed Boruto's Hair ,Shikamaru then ask what's happening and Rosé explains what had happened and why he let Kawaki do what he did .

Eida was then telling Code what she heard , Rosé then teleports infront of her and catches her by the throat and releases bloodlust in a wave that send code and Daemon flying into the wall , Rosé then says" I TOLD YOU NOT TO KEEP SPYING ON ME , DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND", Rosé then leaves her and takes out a cigarette and smokes it , he then looks at Eida and says " I quit like you so I won't kill you but this is my last warning , Rosé then sits on the Bar table and continues smoking , Rosé then looks at Eida who was blushing and ask " why do you keep watching me", she was shy and turned her head away not answering , Rosé then let out a "sigh " and gave her the cigarette he was smoking and left , Eida who was holding Rosé's cigarette ,she smiles and smokes it while having her drink .

Rosé had gone back to the village , Kawaki and Boruto were being treated in the hospital Rose was sitting with Sarada who was hugging his arm and was resting her head on his shoulder, They were in the hospital waiting room, Rosé could feel Eida watching her and just ignored her , Naruto and shikamaru had then come to Rosé to discuss matters about the village and code .

Rosé had then gone to check up on Boruto who had recovered ,Sasuke has also joined them ,Rosé then felt the presence of Eida and code , Rosé then teleported in the room to, Eida was standing there smoking a cigarette , Rosé then looked at her and asked " why did you come here ", Eida looking at Rosé appear hot flustered , Rosé then approached her and held her by the chin and asked again why did you come her ,she was blushing like crazy and said " for you " , Rosé looked at her and said I see but you have competition in that area , Eida looked at him and said I know, Rosé smiled and pinched her cheeks and then took her cigarette and walked away , code then went on to have his limiter removed,Shikamaru taking advantage of the situation invited Eida to the village so that code would not have a ally , Shikamaru then went on to tell her how she could spend time with him and how he would do his best to assist her , Code had taken Amado through the claw mark and Eida also had retreated, Rosé was sitting on the Bar table where Daemon was sitting next to him and talking to him , When Code saw Rosé he felt a shiver down his spine , Rosé then looked at Eida and asked her sit on the chair in front of him , Rosé then played with Eida's hair he then caught her face and made her look at him , Rosé was only wearing his left blindfold , Rosé then asked what she was planning to do , are you going to come to the village , Eida looked at him and asked " would you like it if I came " , Rosé said " I would not mind it " , Eida smiles and says I'll surprise you, Rosé smiles and says I see , Rosé then takes a cigarette and smokes it , Rosé then after smoking half gives it to Eida and leaves .

After Rosé left , Code has his limiters moved , Eida and Daemon had been convinced by Amado to break thier alliance with Code and come to Konoha ,Daemon and code then went on to fight in which Daemon beat him and code retreated ,Code then went on to convert the Ten tails into soliders with his ability .


The next day Rosé was summoned to the Hokage's offfice where Team 7 was present along with sumire ,Shikamaru then gose on to tell them about everything he knows about Eida ,Shikamaru then tells Team 7 about thier mission which is to keep an on Eida , while Rosé was supposed to live with her ,Mitsuki then asked why only Rosé would be living with her , He then tells them that " she has a crush on him " , Hearing this Sarada had become angry , Shikamaru said please you will have to figure something out ,Team 7 was then told to keep in contact with the sensory unit and keep nan eye on Eida from outside, Boruto and Kawaki were also told to be careful .

After a few days Eida and Daemon had arrived in the village , Shikamaru had gone to pick her up and she had accepted his proposal,Eida then left the station and went towards the new house where Rosé was staying ,the house was located in the outskirts,Rosé was sitting with Kawaki and Boruto in the house and talking ,Sarada was angry and was talking to Mitsuki about it ,As soon as Eida had arrived she had captivated everyone leaving sarada , shikadai,Boruto and Kawaki , as soon as they arrived Daemon grabbed on to Boruto and sat on top of him ,Kawaki was going to attack Daemon but was stopped by Rosé who said " Stop it, go outside and fight don't spoil the house ", Hearing him they stopped looked at him and then went on outside ,Eida then joined Rosé on the couch , Rosé was laying on her lap while smoking , and she was playing with his hair ,while this was on Amado was explaining Shinjutsu and his story about his daughter , he then told them how he implanted his daughters data in kawaki's new karma and all he had to do was to implant his Kama in another body that he would provide and his daughter would be able to resurrect, shikamaru not trusting asked Eida to confirm what Amado was saying ,which she confirmed to be true .

Rosé then spent the day talking to Eida and Daemon and then went on to talk to Sarada who was angry , The next day Rosé had Breakfast with Eida and Team 7 , Sarada and Eida were staring at each other the entire time , Rosé then ignored them and went on to enjoy his Breakfast .

Eida and Sarada then went on to have a talk in the bedroom which Rosé avoided ,they then went on to become which was shocking as Sarada was not affected by her powers but still became friends , Rosé was happy because he didn't have to trouble herself with them anymore , Rosé then entered the Room where they were sitting in and went ahead and lay in between them , Rosé then took of his Right eye blindfold , and took out a cigarette that he shared with them , Rosé then took her to the office where she informed shikamaru about code and his movements,they then went shopping , Where Eida wanted new clothes .

while they were in they were Roaming around something had happed and Kawaki had gone ahead and sealed Naruto and Hinata , and gone ahead and tried to kill Boruto again , Kawaki was getting paranoid about saving and had Taken Drastic steps that were not good , The whole village was then after Kawaki , Kawaki was escaping and Running , Eida looked at Rose and asked will you not stop This , Rosé looked at her and said " No I am just gonna watch what is happening , If I wished I would have cleared dealt with everything but that would just be boring ", Rosé then said "You can help him if you want " Eida had then gone to look for Kawaki and help him , Daemon was standing with Rosé and asked " is it alright to let her go , she can't control her powers and it would definitely cause a massive event , Rosé then patted his head and said " it's okay let her be, it will be more entertaining that way ".

Eida had then gone to Kawaki , Where she offered him to help , Kawaki in his paranoid state when on to complain , why is it Boruto and not him , why did he have to be Naruto's son , why why why ...., Eida seeing this seemed sad , Kawaki then went on to grab Eida and ask her for help, This triggered Eida's power "Omnipotent"which had reversed Kawaki and Boruto's Role,The whole planet was affected , Now the village was, chasing Boruto instead of Kawaki , Kawaki then went on to tell shikamaru that Boruto killed Naruto , Sarada who was not affected then gose on to Request sasuke to help him , Sasuke who was affected did not know what was happening but seeing Sarada have tears in her eyes ,Listens to her request and gose on to take Boruto and escape the Village .

Eida then approached Boruto and said that it was not her intention for this to happen and she couldn't control it ,Boruto and Eida went on to share a conversation then , Rosé had then appeared before Boruto and gave him the sword that he had gifted to him,Rosé then patted his head and said " Good luck ", and then went away , Boruto then looked at the sword and then and then swung it , Boruto had then decided to get stronger so he can save Naruto and help Kawaki.


Three years had passed since that even, Rosé was 16 years now , Everything in Konoha had changed , Rosé was in his dimension with Eida who was laying on his lap and watching the village,Daemon was playing with Max , Rosé had a cigarette in his mouth while he creased Eida's face and asked " who are you watching ", she then tells him about the conversation that was taking place in the Hokage's office , Rosé nodded his head and then pulled Eida's face towards him and kissed her ,Eida was enjoying her self , Rosé was now dating both Eida and Sarada and they both were fine with it as long as it was just them two , They had become best friends over the Three years , Rosé was watching Boruto who had shown Tremendous growth , while Kawaki was in his dimension with Naruto and Hinata who where sealed , Himawari Had grown up to be a strong girl , she was trained by Rosé everyday , she was now able to handle Team 10 all alone.