
Transported Into a New World

This was another shocking incident which made everyone cover their mouths.

"Ved!...Ved!" After seeing him jumping into the river from that bridge, Adi yelled. He was stunned after seeing him jump down from this much height. The depth from that bridge to the surface of the river; was not to be underestimated.

No one in their sane mind would even have the guts to jump from that much height. Even if someone did know how to swim, the fall only would be enough to severely injure them, if not dead.

Adi started worrying like a mother worries for her child while nervously walking around the bridge. There was nothing except that one thing which he could do now. He looked as Sid with his worrisome eyes, and suddenly they both came to a decision. Moreover, in the next instant, they jumped from that bridge into the water stream.

"What's going on? Why are there so many teenagers trying to throw their lives away?" A spectator said with a confused look on his face. There was so much tragedy going on now that nobody could understand what was happening around them. They were all gazing towards the river in bewilderment.

A couple of minutes passed after they jumped into that river. Every person on that bridge had their hands on their hearts hoping, praying to their respective gods that someone would be able to come up towards the surface of the river, but unfortunately, even after few more minutes, no one resurfaced.

"Aah! It seems those three boys have wasted their lives, just like that." Someone said with a heavy sigh, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. They all had a sad look on their faces. They were thinking of giving up on them, but then suddenly someone yelled as loudly as he could.

"Look! Someone is surfacing out of the river."

"And it looks like he has something on his shoulders." Another one joined.

"That's not 'something' you guys, that's a child on his shoulder."

"Oh, that teenager, he saved someone. Someone! Please call an ambulance."

"Let's go towards the river bank. Let's go."

The people, who had given up on doing something by themselves earlier, had a ray of hope shining in their eyes. That teenager ignited a fire in the heart of those people as he swam towards the bank of the river.

His friends were also not hurt in any manner and trying to save as many children as they can. They were swimming with children on their shoulders, following closely behind him.

"Does anyone here know swimming?"

"If you do, then please come with me, there are many children who are stuck in that bus. We have got to save them." Ved was out of breath as he gently put the unconscious children on his shoulder to the ground. The ambulance was already there and took those children to the nearest hospital.

"Are you guys okay?" Adi was trying to hold on. He was out of breath when he asked his friends.

Ved and Sid, both of them nodded their heads as they readied themselves for the next dive. The number of people that volunteered for this rescue mission was exceptional. Ved thought that by this many people helping them; they can surely save every person on that sinking bus in one go.

"Let's not delay any longer, come on, let's go," Ved said in a loud voice. It was as if he became the unofficial leader of this rescue mission. He looked towards both of his friends with a smile on his face and dived together into the water, once again.

All those people who volunteered for this rescue mission dived right after them. There was a crowd of people started gathering on the riverbank in a very short time. Everyone was holding their breaths and praying to the gods in the hope that those people will succeed in saving every child on that bus.

Those children were young and haven't even seen the world properly; they didn't deserve to die in this way.

Ved started diving underwater towards the sinking bus at a rapid speed. He was superior to an ordinary human in every aspect. He could run almost double the speed that a human could, he could swim almost double the speed that a human could, and he didn't have to worry about losing his strength like an ordinary human.

It was as if he had an extra energy-factory in his body, which made sure that he will never be out of strength in whatever he does.

He was halfway through when his chest started aching all of a sudden. The pain seemed to be getting worse when he tried to push forward. Suddenly the pain became unbearable as he grabbed his chest tightly and lost control over his own body.

Slowly the pain became so severe that he was on the verge of becoming unconscious in the middle of that river. It was just like the pain that he had endured last night before ending up in that weird place.

Ved started choking because of oxygen deficiency in his body. His heart was throbbing wildly. 'Is this the way I die?' The thought crossed his mind as his mind was slowly becoming numb because of the entire pain and oxygen deficit.

After his futile struggle for a few more moments, Ved seemed to have finally lost his consciousness as he started to sink deeper into the river. He was sinking rapidly towards the bottom of the river.

His body resembled a corpse. If anyone would've had the chance to watch his figure while sinking, no one could be able to tell if he was alive or dead.

Ved's floating-figure hit the pavement of the river at last. His body was in standing posture when suddenly a bright mysterious radiance gleaned from his body, and because of that, the dark bottom of the river started permeating with radiance.

All the fishes and aquatic animals were getting attracted to that radiance and started flocking around his corpse-like body.

That mysterious radiance brought an unknown force with itself which made the water around Ved's body whirl like a little tornado. Its speed grew faster and faster as time progressed and the water went further away from his body.

An empty circle of space started to take form around his body as he stood there in between with both of his hands floating in the air, resembling a fallen angel. It was an unbelievable sight to the eyes of an ordinary human.

Ved's chest was hurting like hell; moreover, his eyes were shut for a long time so he couldn't make heads with what was happening with him. He tried to open his eyes but to no avail as if someone else had glued his eyelids.

Ved started panicking left and right. "What is happening to me, what's going on? This pain is just like last night."

"Am I terminally ill? Is there some kind of illness starting to take effect on my body as now I am growing up, or is this a side effect for having those abnormal powers?"

"Is this some kind of redemption for being different from other humans?" Ved's mind was filled with so many different kinds of thoughts at the moment. He just wanted to know what was going on with him.

Ved tried his best to open his eyes, and after a few moments his persistence came through as his eyes started to open slowly. Brightness filled his eyes as soon as he opened them and they turned hazy. He couldn't see anything for a couple of moments because of the brightness.

He rubbed his eyes and then opened it again, but the scene in front was still surprising to his eyes. He thought he was in a dream, but the scene in front didn't transform even after innumerable times of rubbing his eyes and pinching himself.

He looked around and found himself standing in the middle of the road of what seemed like a market. The road seemed to have been made using colorful stones as it looked pretty.

The market appeared to be busy as it was the late morning period of the day. Everyone was wearing different kinds of robes over their clothes. He thought he would look like an oddball between them with those pants, shirt and that necktie, but to his amaze, no one seemed to even take notice of him. It was as if he was invisible to their eyes.

He started walking nonchalantly on that colorful road. It felt refreshing to him for some unknown reasons which he couldn't understand, and he didn't have to, his pain was all gone after taking a stroll on that mysterious road.

Excitement fuelled his body as he started to run.

A mysterious kind of energy started flowing inside his body as he sprinted on the road, and this turned his mood, which was unpleasant a few moments ago into more radiant.

He stopped himself at a fabric shop and looked at a robe which caught his mind. It looked beautiful. It seemed as if it was made by using the finest silk which he had never seen. It was radiating with its own brilliance.

It looked breathtakingly beautiful. He had never seen cloth like that in his whole life. He thought of buying this robe for his mother but he didn't have any money on him. His wallet was in his school bag which he left on that bridge.

He looked towards the counter with his helpless eyes. An old man was sitting there and a group of people was talking within themselves near him. Ved wanted to talk to the old man about that robe and try to find more about it, so he slowly moved forward towards the counter.

"Do you know that tomorrow will be the Emperor's seventeenth anniversary of coronation?" One of the people, sitting not far from the old man said in a low voice.

"Yeah, and he is going to celebrate it using people's hard-earned money." Another one sarcastically said with a frown on his face.

"Even if the last Emperor fell ill, I still don't understand why did he make that bastard the new emperor?" One of them asked with a confusing look in his eyes.

"Oh, you're not from here so you couldn't have known about this but there's a rumor that the new Emperor raised an insurgence seventeen years ago."

"He was once one of the two most trusted Generals of the Ex-Emperor, but he stabbed him in the back by capturing him to create a royal decree which made him crowned as the new Emperor."

"That bastard didn't let himself stop by just doing that, subsequently he even killed his wife and his newly born son, so they won't get to be a problem for him in future." He replied while a hint of rage flashed in his eyes.

"You said that he was one of the two most trusted General of the previous Emperor, so where was the other one when it all happened. Did he kill him too or they plotted that rebellion together?" The guy who asked that previous question couldn't help himself after listening to the spicy story and asked again.

"No one knows anything about that other General, he disappeared into the shadows after that incident, but I am sure that he couldn't have betrayed the Ex-Emperor and he couldn't have died. He was one of the most powerful persons in this galaxy."

"He just disappeared after that rebellion and with him out of the picture; there was no one who could even pose a challenge to that bastard." "And look at now, he is arbitrarily ruling this galaxy."

"But some optimists say that the newly-born prince didn't die on that day, and that General hadn't abandoned the people of Bhageerathi."

"They say that the General is slowly nurturing the prince somewhere very far, far beyond the reach of that bastard and one day he will be back with him to help him claim the throne and save the people from that barbarian." A glimmer of hope shone in his eyes as he answered. He too was one of those optimists and had been waiting for that moment for a long time now.