

What is Infinity?... a Number, a Being, or maybe... just maybe... something much more extraordinary... This is the story of Meng Tian, a normal high-school student, who stumbled into an amazing reality much like his own. Meng Tian was an ordinary sixteen year old boy who accidentally fell into a world where a unique energy was taking form and changing the environment. Modern day humans were focused on improving their body strengths to fight mutated beasts on land to keep everyone safe. As he was trying to wrap around his head on what was going on, a blue screen appeared in front of him showing his body parameters as a Status. And he did not need to do much to improve his body, his martial techniques, etc. All he had to do was watch, learn and survive... marching towards an infinite set of possibilities -- Hey there!! Author here... Many thanks for taking the time to come here. Happy reading. --- Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in it are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

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53 Chs

Martial Arts

Meng Tian looked at the change in the panel and started to figure out some of the functions of this 'System' of new Stats that appeared on the blue screen. 'It looks like the more I read, the more Experience in that given area, which appears as a quantifiable property, that is a Stat value... I wonder what happens if it hits a hundred...' He then looked at the two Energy Points that he got after eating lunch. He added them to his Intelligence again increasing it to 0.7.

Meng Tian felt that he needed to be more sharp to live in this new world and maybe by increasing his Intelligence Stat, he would be able to better cope with any situations that might arise due to his general lack of awareness. As he added the Energy Points, he felt a cooling sensation in his brain like a layer of fog, an invisible weight had suddenly lifted off of his mind. He then started reading through the history of various countries over the past 50 years to get a good idea of the current governments and such.

As he was reading up on some of the information online, he was so focused on his smartphone that he did not notice a shadow hovering in front of him. A pale white hand came out of nowhere and snatched his phone away. Meng Tian was shocked and looked up, only to see a beautiful woman standing there looking at him with flaming eyes. He stood up and was about to give her a piece of his mind, when he noticed her clothes. He realized that she must be a Teacher and he instantly stopped himself from speaking.

The beautiful lady standing in front of him was the new English Teacher that Fatty Li had been talking about all lady. She wore a white office shirt and a pair of soft black pants completing the look with a pair of flat heels. Many would be mesmerized by her youthful figure and charming face. Seeing that Meng Tian was still standing without apologizing for using the phone in class, Teacher Qin Wumei got pissed. She did not expect her first class as a Teacher to include such problem students.

Teacher Qin glared at him and kept the phone with her. She asked him to collect it back from the staffroom after class. Meng Tian kept his head down and started listening to the class. Many of his classmates did not have much of an impression of Meng Tian, because he had always kept to himself and never caused any trouble. Now looking at him showing an interest in classes today, they could not help but think about what had changed. They were just a little curious, that's all.

What they did not know was that Meng Tian had come to find that as his Intelligence stat increased to 0.7, he was able to understand things much clearly and faced no difficulty in even studying by himself. But, he did not want to cause any unwanted attention towards him. So, even though he could do much better in his studies, he would not just randomly increase his grades and such.

[English Experience +36]

After finishing her class and confirming that Meng Tian was listening closely the entire time, Teacher Qin's anger vanished. She called him to the staffroom, advised him not to repeat such mistakes and then gave back his phone.

Meng Tian left the staffroom saw Fatty Li waiting for him outside. Fatty Li, with his signature lewd smile asked, "Xiao Tian, I didn't know that you had such moves.. Tch.. You traitor, you could have at least told me that you had such an excellent plan to get the new English Teacher to notice you... I could have also tried it... Damn it!.. Where will I find a new hot Teacher to try this trick on.."

"Xiao Li, why don't you just find yourself a girlfriend... You seem too desperate and I don't think your magazines are going to cut it now.." Fatty Li was shocked by his comments as he knew that Meng Tian would usually only reply in short syllables. He tried to put the back of his hand on Meng Tian's forehead to check for any fever. Meng Tian immediately dodged his hand and walked away.

Fatty Li felt that the normal Meng Tian was back and started yapping about the girls in their class. They reached the gym where the Martial Arts class was going to be held. Meng Tian was interested to see how much strength the humans of this world actually had. 'My current strength stat is 0.6, which I assume is about 60% of an adult human's strength. In my old world, normal humans could exhibit an average of 100 kilograms of force from a single punch. Now, in this Parallel world, as humans had been evolving to have more strength... they should have a higher punching strength... I have to see if there is any equipment in the gym to measure a person's strength.'

Meng Tian saw that the gym had two boxing rings, game courts for Volley ball, Basket ball, Badminton, exercise machines, and some changing rooms. There was even a separate space kept aside which contained different kinds of weapons placed on shelves, like, swords, sabers, hammers, spears, and staffs. As he was looking at the various areas in the gym, the Martial Arts Instructor, Teacher Tiao Lianhua, walked into the gym. She was wearing tight clothes which accentuated all her gifts from the Heaven. Teacher Tiao was rumored to be from the military, nobody knew about her past and she always had a cold and distant look on her face.

Teacher Tiao took the attendance and started teaching the 8 basic moves of the Sword. The Basic Sword technique taught at School level was a standard designed by the military for common citizens. There are three attack moves and five defense moves. From this distribution, their intention of using this skill mainly for defense becomes clear. The three attack moves include Cut, Slash, and Thrust. The five defense moves- Draw, Intercept, Twist, Break, and Sheath are used to defend and disarm the opponent.

There are three Martial Techniques one needs to learn in high school- Basic Boxing, Basic Weapon, and Basic Movement. Each day, one of the three techniques is taught at school. The Mastery of these skills is divided into- Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Perfect stages. The three Basic Techniques are taught all throughout the three years of high school and the students are expected to at least achieve an Intermediate level of Mastery in them before graduation. All high school graduates have to take the college entrance examination, where based on the scores in academics and martial arts, they will be admitted into different streams in college. Those who do not make the cut-off will be given vocational training in any of their preferred professions.

Any student who is able to achieve Advanced level of Mastery in Weapons like Swords will be admitted directly to the No. 1 Capital College and be trained as Martial Apprentices to be trained as future Martial Soldiers and Warriors. The Sword is not the only Martial Arts Technique available to learn in high school. Depending on your interest, you can choose one of the five weapon related techniques to focus on- Sword, Saber, Spear, Staff, and Hammer. The Martial Arts Teachers usually are well equipped to handle most common weapons and can handle teaching these techniques to the different classes.

Meng Tian was observing Teacher Tiao's Sword and started imitating all the eight stances in his mind. Once he did that, he felt that he had understood everything and could emulate it in real-life.

[Basic Sword Experience +10]