
The Immortal Assassin

A Famous Assassin reached the end of his life, but he took with him the most sought for invention humans made.

ThyCubeVT · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

The Creepy Forest

The moon shone bright white, in the cloudless sky, it was the only source of light that could be seen for miles.

The light faded as Akira entered the forest, turning it into a strange dark and quiet place, the sounds have all but vanished. The smell of beasts still hangs in the air, no flowers seem to help the uneasy odor. In the dim light he could see shadows dart about, they used light steps so he could barely hear the sound of things moving, unseen creatures move branches, and from his experience he felt as if something or someone is watching him.

'Quite the scary place' Akira thought as he kept walking in, he acted oblivious to the thing watching him.

The black and brown thorns wrap around the forest, almost like teeth waiting for a prey to tear it apart.

A Big lonesome Oak tree stood by the house swaying in the wind that whispered to its surroundings. Owls occasionally fluttered by overhead, their silhouettes passing over the grass. The air was cold and numb and with every breath Akira drew a misty, chilly exhale followed.

not minding the scary foggy place, he jumped on a thick tree branch belonging to the huge Oak tree that was isolated from others, and felt as if the branch was moving in a weird direction, "is the tree conscious?, why is it trying to throw me away otherwise".

Akira smiled as he felt a weird odor go into his nose, he wasn't affected but as he grew curious and the tree did an extreme move turning until its body creaked, throwing Akira in the direction of a Building.

As the house drew nearer everything around him became quieter and more distant. The trees murmuring couldn't be heard anymore and the cold iron gates were far, far back in the distance.

He saw that he was near going closer to the ground at a high speed so he did a somersault and stood up, his shoulder broke but he healed almost immediately 'such a nice thing to have' Akira thought as he felt the pain, but he was used to it so he didn't mind it.

Noises couldn't be heard anymore and there were no leaves on the ground, just some aged concrete steps, and a doorway that stood in front of Him, he felt as if he wasn't being watched for the first time since he entered the forest.

From the outside, the house was tall and thin, made from large dark grey stones that had a rough feel all of this sandwiched together by crumbling cement. Climber Plants grew up the house winding around the stone bricks, as if the earth was reluctant to let the house standing up. grabbing for the little sunlight that reached this desolate place. The windows rattled vigorously from the howling wind, as though they were about to fall out of the frames which were made from rotting wood being eaten away by wood worm. A few potted plants lay next to the door, once there for neat presentation, now wilted and brown, almost certainly dead. The door had been left ajar perhaps for many years, or maybe someone was already in there.

Akira interested, he entered and moved in the house, after looking around the surroundings.

The hallway was dull and smelt of dust mixed with old age. Paintings hung up of what looked to be important rich people, their eyes following his every move. To the left was an old wooden stairway leading upwards to the second floor each step looked so delicate and worn that if someone was to walk up them you would step right through them. Straight ahead led to two more rooms, which looked to be a kitchen, from all the cups and plates left out, a dining room, and to the right was the lounge area. The lounge had large bookcases on each wall stacked with thick books caped in dust. There was no television just a sofa, two chairs and a fireplace; the thick smell of charcoal from the still burning fireplace had spread around the room irritating Akira's nose. The chairs and sofa were made from black leather once soft and comfy now thin and worn away from all the use. Under the chairs and in front of the fireplace lay a red and dusty grey rug stained from the charcoal and shredded at the sides from mice living in the bottom of the sofa.

As He entered the kitchen, he could see the moonlight shining through the windows casting a reflection on the wall opposite. Mugs and plates lay on the surface cold and stained by tea. The sink and taps made from brass, eroded and layered in dirt, still leaking water into the sink and every time a drop of water fell an echo passed around the house as though symbols were being smashed together. He could feel the coldness from the black and white tiled floor even though he was wearing shoes it felt as though it had frozen over.

Akira moved on to the dining room a big table made from oak and six chairs filled the room. The table had been laid, the plates and silverware lay there untouched and unused like a forgotten date. Above the table hung a beautiful chandelier twinkling in the moonlight. The walls plastered with cream wallpaper curling in at the corners.

As Akira wanted to continue his research, he heard a strong female voice "This is the first time the prey sent by the Oakish people has the guts to search my house".