
Chapter 1

Hi my name is Wendy and this is the story of how the beat thing in the world happened to me one of the most in lucky girls in the world but I am already ahead of myself so your probably confused see I was born in a town called jokes town yess jokes town don't try to search us cause the town is so small you would not find it and plus it not known for much other than having old Rich people living here

with stuck up rich kid and grandkids name patty scrubs but that not the point see I so unlucky I don't even know we're to start how about this .

I am Wendy lucks but the thing is I am unlucky funny right all the last names in the world I got lucks the opposite of what I am I say that because ever since I was all little girl I been in lucky making friend winning contestants and finding love and all that good stuff pretty much anything to do with me being happy or being successful and I mean I have a good life and roof over my head mom and dad a dog named charm and a good friend I meant in one of the most unlucky was ever but well talk about that later it just when you think about it the root to me being unlucky and and how my luck went away started when patty scrubs inters my life .