
The Hybrid Awakened

John is a 14 year old who one day discovers that he is not a human and that he in fact is a rare hybrid, a mix between a vampire and werewolf. John now has to learn how to control his new found powers.

MikeTheWriter · Fantasi
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56 Chs

Chapter 34- The dark shadow appears

Decker who was walking in an underground chamber reached a black door with strange marking that he did not recognize, he knocked on the door three times until the door opened automatically. When he entered the door, he saw the witch Vivian who was sitting in the middle of a big circle with candles and metal cages that was around the circle. In the cages, there was a fairy, nine tail fox, albino one eye monkey, a human slave, a tiger and a human baby. Vivian was sitting in the same position for a couple of minutes, she raised her hands while saying some chanting. When she stopped, she looked at Decker and told him to come into the circle.

"Take off your clothes", this is all that Vivian said and Decker did not hesitate to remove his clothing's. He then sits down on the ground, cross-legged with his back to her; she then began to write strange symbols on his back and then on his chest. Vivian then took out the Eternal Shadow duplicate scroll and began reading the contents inside the scroll. The air began to feel heavy, the candle light began to flicker, the monkey began to scream as it can sense the danger that is about to rise. A dark shadow began to come out of the magic scroll, it was formless, however, great evil energy can be sensed coming from this dark shadow. It stood in front of Vivian and she began to sweat as this shadow can anytime decide to devour her.

"Oh dark almighty shadow, we need your help to defeat a mighty foe, we humbly offer these sacrifices in exchange we ask you to lend us your power, the vampire sitting here will be the one you will enter, he offers his soul as tribute, help us exact our revenge". The dark shadow said or did nothing for a couple of minutes and just floated in the air, Vivian sweat buckets as she was very nervous. The shadow the moved to the tiger first and entered his body, the tiger thrashed and roared in agony inside the cage, it began to bleed from the eyes, ears and mouth. The tiger was in excruciating pain, after a few minutes, black blood began to leak from the tiger's body and it died on the spot but the shadow devoured the tiger's whole body.

"Please, spare me master, I will do anything" the human slave begged for his life and the shadow began to move from cage to cage until it devoured everything in the cages. The slave human was the last to be devoured before the shadow appeared before Decker, however, this time the shadow has the figure of a human being. Decker stood up and spread his arms, "Come, let us combine into one, fuse with me, devour my soul and in turn let me kill my enemy". The dark shadow did not say anything as it was standing before Decker, after a few seconds the dark shadow began to chuckle. "hehehe, I come from a different dimension that is surrounded by darkness, I will grant your wish vampire, but just know that if you die by the hands of your enemy, I will drag your soul to my dimension and continue to feed on it, you will not go to heaven or hell, you will cease to exist, are you sure you want to continue on this path of self-destruction in order to destroy your enemy?"

"I already prepared myself, live or die, I have no regrets"

The dark shadow the looked at Vivian, and pointed at her, "You also want to use my power for revenge right, then I want your eye and ear, give it to me".

Decker then turned his head to look at Vivian "You want me to do it, I'll make it swift"

Vivian did not utter a single word and only nodded her head.

Decker walked up to her and the nails from his fingertips began to extend, he swiftly removed Vivian's right eye from her eye socket and slashed her right ear off in one quick motion. She did not make a single sound and used her magic to heal herself. Decker walked up to the dark shadow figure and presented the eye and ear to him. The dark shadow took the eye and ear from Decker's hands and began to eat it

"Even though I eat flesh, eating souls is more delicious, I am going to take my time to devouring your soul, hehehehe". The dark shadow then exploded into dark smoke and proceeded to enter Decker's body. As the dark smoke went into Decker's mouth, ears and eyes, his body began to shudder. He began to scream as he felt pain beyond his wildest dreams, the symbols on his body began to rotate and seep into his skin.

"AHHHH, please, stop it, I cannot take it anymore!!!" Decker began to scratch himself, however, because he is a vampire, the wounds started to heal by themselves.

Vivian stared at Decker for a good while before leaving the chamber "We will talk again tomorrow, Decker, I need to rest and gather my mana, for now I will take my leave"

Decker was still in great pain as he gritted his teeth, enduring the pain that is being inflicted on his body and soul.


In the crimson castle's underground training area, John was busy fighting Russel. For the couple of days, John was in the training area, and even though he won the fight in their first encounter, he was beaten badly by the prisoner after that day. Russel learned that he cannot underestimate John anymore and although he beat John every day that they were training, he quickly noticed that this vampire is adapting at a rapid pace.

"Stop" Reina screamed, "we are finished with hand-to-hand fighting, I want you now to fight each other with weapons."

"Wait, what!?" John was caught off guard by what Reina said, he quickly ran up to her "Aunt Reina, I don't think this is a good idea"

"Well, I think this is a brilliant idea" she then clapped her hands and the vampire knights came inside and brought lots of weapons for them to choose from. John went down to his knees and grabbed Reina's leg "Please aunt Reina, I don't wana get stabbed"

"I am going to have fun cutting you up boy" Russel said while grinning.

John looked at him for a moment "Please aunt Reina, I don't wana get cut up by that crazy bastard".

Reina's left eye flinched as she was getting irritated by the way John is behaving like a coward in her perspective, she then slapped the side of his head, "Stop acting like a little baby and fight"

John went to inspect the different weapons that were placed on the table, and he couldn't decide what he wanted to use in this fight. Then he saw that there was a metal staff and he decided he was going to use the metal staff as his weapon of choice. When Reina saw John picking the metal staff, she was a little shocked "John, are you sure you want to pick that type of weapon?"

John smiled "Yeah"

Russel was also surprised when he saw that John picked a metal staff, he thought that John would pick some kind of sword "I'm going to enjoy this, you are greatly mistaken if you think you can beat me with that type of weapon, I'll make you regret it boy"

Reina the told them both to take their stand in the middle of the ring. Russel smiled menacingly as he licked the dagger in his hand.

"Russel, do you know kung fu? I watched a lot of those movies back home; I'm going to beat the dog shit outta you"

Russel then beckoned John to come "hehehe, come boy, come to daddy".