
The Hybrid Awakened

John is a 14 year old who one day discovers that he is not a human and that he in fact is a rare hybrid, a mix between a vampire and werewolf. John now has to learn how to control his new found powers.

MikeTheWriter · Fantasi
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56 Chs

Chapter 29 Cure

Anna walked down the hall, where every vampire knight she passed gave her a light bow, when she got to Reina's room, she saw that Caden was sitting and talking to his mother that he did not see in many years. When they heard the door open, they both gave a light bow to Anna.

"Good morning grandmother"

"Good morning my lady"

Anna walked up to them and gave them both a warm and gentle hug "You have done a splendid job Caden". "Thank you, grandmother, but I need no praise, John is part of the family, he has done great to survive the chase of a werewolf, even thought that wolf is low level, for him it was almost impossible to survive but he did it". Anna then smiled with teary eyes "Thank you Reina for your training, John would not have made it without your assistance, Zeno made the right choice to pick you to be his wife, I am proud of you"

Reina felt very happy at her mother in law's praise "No need to thank me my lady, as my son said John is family and my husband asked me to train John and so I did".

"You both make me so happy but I will leave now and give you two space to catch up". Both Caden and his mother bowed to Anna before she left, she then arrived in a private eating room where Leonidas was eating. Anna came into the room and sat on the table where food and blood was already prepared, she did not say anything and was feeling very happy.

"How is the boy?" Leonidas asked

"He is sleeping next to the maid; John was very tired when he arrived with Caden" Elena said while drinking blood from a cup

"You probably feel good going against my wishes, you even let Reina sneak into the underground to wake up Caden"

Anna then slowly released her energy "I did what I had to do to save my grandchild, Leonidas, sometimes I think you forgot that I am not one of these regular bitches, remember that I also come from a prestigious family that is not that weaker from your own, I can leave when I want and there is nothing you can do about it"

Leonidas then gave a light sigh "Yes, I sometimes forget… when was the last time you spoke to your father?"

"He does not want to speak to me, but mother and I often times speak through the mirror, I haven't told her about John, but she will see him in due time, but I don't know if they would approve of a hybrid"

"That's what I thought" Leonidas then stood up from where he was sitting and walked to where Anna was sitting, he touched her on the shoulder "You did good, you are a fine woman and most of all, a fine wife", Leonidas then exited the room and left Anna alone.

Anna said nothing and continued to eat her breakfast, feeling very pleased with herself.


Later that day, Carmilla was on her way to Thomas's room, she knocked on the door

*Knock, knock*

"Come in" Carmilla heard from the other side of the door, she opened the doorknob and saw Thomas doing sit ups on the ground "Thomas, did you hear that John survived, he is currently sleeping, I am going to visit him, are you coming with?"

Thomas did not say anything at first "How did John survive, that guy was so strong" Thomas said as he was thinking back at how the werewolf slashed him across the chest. "I don't know, but we have to go and show him support, big cousin Caden saved him, we must also go say hello to him". Thomas was sitting there and he nodded "Your right Carmilla but I have to take a shower first"


Caden at this time was on the roof of the Crimson's castle and busy cleaning and sharpening his sword when Leonidas appeared next to him like a ghost "How are you my grandson". Caden was shocked at how his grandfather silently appeared next to him without him noticing "I see grandfather has not lost his touch" Caden stood up and gave his grandfather a hug. "I am fine grandfather; mother woke me up a little early and I did not manage to recover all my strength"

"Yeah, it was your grandmother, she is a very stubborn woman". "Grandfather, if I may ask, why did you not send help to search for John". Leonidas looked at Caden "I thought the enemy wants me to deploy my men so they can sneak attack us when our numbers are low, but I was probably wrong, but your grandmother did good at waking you, you brought John back safely and you made me proud son" Deep down, Leonidas did not care that much for John but he was truly proud of Caden.

"Did the wolf pose a threat to you". Caden shook his head "No, not much, I finished him quickly, but I could feel that there was pain in his heart and I don't think he wanted to kill John, I don't know, it's a strange feeling"

"Nonsense, I am pleased you killed that wolf, he wanted to hurt one of us and you did what you are supposed to do"

"Thank you, grandfather,".

"I'll leave you to continue on what you were doing, enjoy the rest of the day my son"

"Thank you, grandfather" Caden felt happy and bowed to Leonidas as he was leaving the rooftop.


John and Elena had woken up and was sitting in the room, enjoying each other's silence. John then asked Elena "Are you alright Elena, does the wound still hurt?" Elena just smiled and shook her head, her wound was already closed and she played with her fingers for a few seconds before asking "Young master, why did you tell me not to say that the werewolf bit me, how did I recover so fast?"

John then moved closer and touched Elena's hand "listen, what I am about to tell you must be kept a secret okay". Elena looked at him for a few seconds before nodding her head "My blood can heal a werewolf's bite". Elena could not believe what John just said, she stuttered and found it hard to swallow "what …what do young master mean?"

"When you were badly injured, I did not have any more bottles of blood and I fed you my blood, the next thing I knew, I saw your wounds slowly healing, I came to the conclusion that my blood is the cure to a werewolf's bite". Elena's eyes went wide open, her brain could not understand but here she is, still alive. "Young master, must we not tell Lord Anna or Lord Leonidas, they would probably be very pleased"

"No!... I mean no, do not tell anybody, please"

Elena was silent for a moment; she did not say anything and only nodded her head. Thomas and Carmilla later arrived in the room "Hello John, Hello Elena, how are you two doing" Carmilla asked as she came into the room.

Thomas also came up to John and gave him a hug "I am sorry I was not of any help cousin". John felt happy about how his family members cared about him "Don't worry G, you did well, I wouldn't have made it if you didn't send for help, I probably owe you". Thomas also felt comfort by John's words even though he doesn't know what G mean, he already made peace with John's slang "nonsense, we are family, I will become stronger John, so that no one will harm you in front of me"

"Thanx G"

Carmilla then also came forward to give John a hug, "Why did you go out hiking without me John, don't you like me anymore", John scratch his head and gave Carmilla a wry smile, well…"

"I am just joking John, I am just glad you came back safe and sound", while the cousins were talking to each other, Elena who was still in a trance like state, thinking of what might happen if word got out that John's blood can cure werewolf bites, he would either be assassinated or be used by his own family or other vampire members. Further, she doesn't know if it's a good or bad thing, this world is unpredictable, "it's probably better if nobody knows" she thought.

Elena was in deep thought on how she would have died without John's blood, this revelation came at a shock to her, but then she thought of how is this possible that a vampire has the blood to cure a werewolf's bite, this is unheard off, she then heard her name being called.



Elena looked up "are you okay" Carmilla asked "Yes young master, I just need more rest", Elena then looked at John while he was talking to Thomas "You are special young master John, I knew the first time I saw you that you are different from the rest" while smiling softly, she then laid her head back down on the soft feather pillow and closed her eyes to take a little rest.

Happy New Year

MikeTheWritercreators' thoughts